
Chapter 125 - Preparations

Jian was back from the investigation of the tomb. He didn\'t wait anywhere and didn\'t check anything while returning to the pavilion. But he would pay attention to the chatter happening in the town. 

As he came back to the pavilion Fang Ning was there to greet him but Song Yu was nowhere to be seen. Jian had already expected this after he found out about her identity. 

Fang Ning also didn\'t ask anything and directly led Jian to a private room to rest. Jian didn\'t have any problem with it so he immediately agreed and went to the room to rest.

He also informed Fang Ning that after the sun rises they would immediately leave for the tomb and told him to inform Song Yu. Fang Ning nodded and left Jian alone.

But Jian was not going to rest. Although he had gotten the information about the tomb and find out which no one was able to find.. He still had doubts many doubts but he had decided to come back to the pavilion before he asks the system. 

The sunset was also near so he had rushed through the town to come back and when Fang Ning talked about a private room to rest Jian immediately agreed to rest.

After being alone for few minutes Jian sat on the chair and checked if anyone was paying attention to him. But he was not able to find anything then he asked.

"System if you say that I am the type of cultivator who opposes the heavens then why would I be allowed to enter the trial for the inheritance."

"Host you are not an inverse cultivator. It\'s just that the way you would have a breakthrough would be completely different from others. 

Although the heavens will not allow it it is up to Heavenly Warrior to allow you for the inheritance or not. So you don\'t need to worry about it"

When Jian thought about it he agreed with the system. Because everything else was the same in his cultivation except his breakthroughs.

" Then system you said that as long as Song Yu and I enter the tomb we will be directly sent to the main trail. What do you mean by this?"

" The people who were not qualified to enter the tomb, will not be able to find anything. Meaning that even if they search the whole tomb they would only get low-level findings and that it.

And about you and Song Yu. If a person is qualified then they would be sent to the main tomb. Where they would have to go through multiple trials for the main inheritance trial. 

So only the qualified person will be able to enter the main tomb. While others will not be able to enter."

Now Jian then thought about if in fifty years no one was qualified from the Sect tower and Soaring Cloud Pavilion then the information they had gathered is not useful. If not for the system then Jian would have been confused when he enters the tomb. 

But is it possible that for the last fifty years no one was able to enter the main tomb? He knew that at least one person was able to qualify but there was no such information. 

"System, how is possible for nobody to qualify to enter the main tomb?"

" Yes, the host maybe someone was qualified and entered the main tomb. But there is no information about it in the Sect Tower and Soaring Cloud Pavilion documents.

It can mean only one thing that if someone was qualified then he had hidden this information from everyone. And to hide the information from Sect Tower and Soaring Cloud Pavilion means the person has sufficient backing. 

Because if you had not used Star Gaze at the entrance of the tomb then I would have not been able to find about the qualification.

I think that twelve hours timeline is also related to qualification. Because continuous fifty years everyone was able to find something in the tomb even if it was not the main tomb. Meaning after twelve hours things inside the tomb will be rearranged."

Jian didn\'t expect this to happen. If that person was able to qualify then he would have already taken the good things. If that person decides to come back tomorrow then there would more problems. 

"Let me tell you that the inheritance is still there but as for other things I can\'t say anything. So you should be careful and prepare yourself."

Jian agreed with the system. He had to fully prepare because as of now the information about the tomb has become null. It doesn\'t have any proof to it. Now he had to explore the tomb by himself and also be wary of the others if someone else was able to enter. 

Jian and the system discussed more on the tomb. Jian asked every detail about the tomb. Since the information is of no use. He had decided to ask the system to clear his doubts. 

The whole night he spent the time discussing with the system. When only two hours were remaining for the sunrise he stopped asking and started to recover in top condition. 

As he only had two hours before he goes to the tomb he had decided to be in top condition. He started to recover.

While he was recovering Song Yu had already prepared everything and was waiting with Fang Ning for the sunrise. Fang Ning and she were waiting outside Jian\'s room. Fang Ning was holding on to a Saber. While Song Yu has changed her robe to black and were holding on to the sword. 

The Saber was for Jian as he had ordered Fang Ning to prepare for him before going to the tomb. Jian only had a one-star Weapon so he was not able to use his full strength. 

The time slowly passed. Jian was still recovering while Fang Ning and Song Yu were waiting for him outside his room. 

When only half an hour was remaining for the sunrise. Jian opened his eyes. He was back in top condition and as he opened his eyes, he immediately knew that some was waiting outside his room and he made a guess who it was.

He stood up cleared the scrolls which were spread in the room while discussing with the system. After cleaning the room he changed the colourer of his robe to black and opened the door. 

With help of the system, he was able to change the colour of the robe. But the robe was not upgraded so he had to pay a certain amount of SP.

After everything was done only twenty minutes were remaining for the sunrise so he moved towards the doors and opened them. And he had expected, Fang Ning and Song Yu were standing outside his room waiting for him. 

" Are you ready?"

After seeing them he didn\'t greet and directly asked Song Yu if she was ready or not. 

Song Yu was taken back when she heard Jian but she immediately calmed herself and nodded. Jian smiled and moved towards Fang Ning. He directly took the Saber from Fang Ning\'s hand and checked it.

He found out that it was a three-star Weapon. Jian looked at Fang Ning and nodded. Seeing Jian nodded Fang Ning sighed relief and then they started to walk towards the exit.

Every preparation was done and now they were going to explore the tomb. After reaching the exit Jian looked at Fang Ning and said. 

"We will meet after we get the inheritance so tell Meng Shu to prepare the Mission board for me."

After saying this he didn\'t wait for Fang Ning\'s reply. He and Song Yu left at full speed moving towards The tomb\'s entrance. 

The reason for moving at full speed was that they have decided to go early before anyone could see them entering the tomb. Only guards will be able to tell and as for others they wanted to avoid them.

They moved at the full speed and in five minutes they were already at the route which directly led to the tomb. After reaching there they slowed down a little because they would attract attention. 

They merged with the crowd, as the sunrise was just about to happen people were starting to gather around the entrance of the tomb. Since Jian and Song Yu wanted to avoid them, they merged with the crowd and then they speed up. 

When they came in front of the guards they didn\'t stop only pointed towards the token hanging from their waist. So the guards also didn\'t stop them and at full speed like a shadow, they went inside. 

And as they went inside the sunlight was shone at the entrance of the tomb. Which indicated that others can start exploring the tomb.

Jian was carrying Song Yu so their speed was equal to Core Formation Realm expert so aside from the guards no one was able to find anything. 

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