
Chapter 143 - Deal

Glaring at Olivia, Shane couldn\'t help but frown at the young girl who was completely unaware of her inappropriate questions.

Aimy meanwhile dragged Olivia away from Frer who couldn\'t help but smile weirdly at the question, as she looked at Shane.

"There are still many other centipedes left...if I don\'t use the Slaughterer\'s path technique, I can hold back…"

Hearing this, Aimy halted in her tracks as she looked at Shane who nodded his head.

Within a single second, Aimy and Olivia\'s behavior changed from being relaxed to someone who was ready to fight for their life.

Seeing this, Shane found everyone around him more doubtful with each second passing and he only hoped that he was not as weird as the three girls around him.

\'All of them are insane….\' He could only tell himself as he noticed the fast-paced elemental subterra centipedes rushing towards the student\'s group.

In the end, there were only a few strong centipedes left and with the students working together as a team it was less of a problem to finish them off.

Within five minutes the small skirmish was over and Shane could only complain about his low cultivation stage, as he was one of the students who was the most exhausted.

Taking deep breaths, he pondered if he should just purchase a few potions that would help him stay energetic when he remembered that he still had a few aqueous fragrant potions left which he had neither sold nor used.

With several aqueous fragrant potions appearing in his hand, he gulped the content down without any hesitation, filling his body with energy and a soothing feeling.

The potion was only at the mortal grade with a common quality but it was still better than nothing and he felt glad to have not sold every single potion.

Seeing how exhausted Shane was, everyone couldn\'t help but feel strange.

On one hand, some students felt good to see that Shane, whose achievement in the rankings were overwhelming, was also a normal human being who could get exhausted just like them, while on the other hand, they felt bad and worried about the low ranked students who were forced to fight against beasts several ranks above theirs.

After gulping down the potions, Shane was ready to continue with renewed vigor. Now, it was only Melanie Neal, who he had fought at the final of the mortal combat ranking, who was extremely exhausted and was on the brink of collapsing, even after gulping down several potions.

Seeing this, Shane couldn\'t help but feel pity towards her, because he knew exactly how she felt, as he sighed deeply.

Stretching his tensed body, he knew that the day was far from over and that he had to take care of his body in order to not become a burden on the group.

Summoning the system interface in front of him, he took a look at how many gold coins he still owned, before he directed his attention to the Primordial Shop section.

In the beginning, Shane wanted to sell the centipede corpses in his shop, but after pondering about it for a while, he decided against it because he was still not sure how expensive they were and instead of selling them at a low price, he wanted to wait until he figured out the adequate price.

Instead of selling anything, he looked for a good alchemy shop and after searching for a few minutes, he found a promising one with several dozen kinds of potions.

Their price was neither high nor low and Shane decided to purchase a batch of [Tier-1 (Common)] energizing, mana replenishing and recuperation potions for 30 gold coins.

This decreased his fortune to 38 gold coins, and even if he was dissatisfied with this, he knew that it was a necessary purchase. He had to stay conscious in order to gain back his expenses when they were to start mining.

Without waiting for Melanie to recuperate, Aisha continued their trip through the third floor, where they met more than six large centipede groups and after three hours, their small group was finally able to rest.

Everyone was exhausted, including Leon and the other second and third-year students. It was only Aisha and her Valkyries that seemed to be completely fine, which astonished everyone.

\'Do they have a high stamina recovery skill or something like that?\' Shane began to wonder, as he forced himself to stay firmly on the ground, without caring about his vision which was starting to blur.

He was not able to see anything clearly anymore, and the other students around him began to wonder how he was even able to stand on his feet, because Melanie, the other low Apprentice stage had collapsed long ago.

They were at the Expert stage and already at their limit, which indicated that Shane was only barely hanging by a thread with sheer will.

Aimy and Olivia were aware that Shane was a little monster, but seeing that he was still able to stand firmly on the ground without trembling legs, they couldn\'t help but shake their heads.

Nobody was able to move anymore when Aisha saw a few Valkyries returning from their short trip through the third layer in order to figure out if another centipede was hiding anywhere.

"Congratulations! We have cleared the third floor and everyone can mine as many elemental crystals as they desire!"

However, even after hearing this, nobody jumped up in joy, as they were all extremely exhausted when Aisha suddenly added.

"The Valkyries and I will also start mining elemental crystals with everyone, but there is something else I wanted to mention.

I\'m not sure how the others see this, but in my opinion, we should give the student who found the elemental crystal cave at least a tiny portion of the mined elemental crystals.

Without Shane, we would have never found this cave and by the looks of it even giving him 1% of your elemental crystals wouldn\'t hurt in any way.

However, I won\'t force anyone, and in my case, I\'ll give him a portion of the elemental crystals I\'ll dig out in this cave!"

"Huh?" Shane suddenly exclaimed as Aisha finished her short announcement and everyone turned towards him not knowing how to feel.

The Valkyries already knew about this from the beginning, even before they got to know Shane.

Initially, they were against this, but after the picnic with Shane and seeing his behavior, they couldn\'t help but slowly change their opinion.

Even if they were still against it, there was still the undeniable fact that the shocked youth in front of them didn\'t even ask for anything special from them in exchange for the location of the elemental crystal cave that was obviously worth a lot.

Through a rough estimation, the Valkyries assumed that the third layer alone was already enough to nurture several hundred peak Expert rank soldiers with a mana purity of 60%, which was shocking.

As such, if they mined elemental crystals worth 1000 gold coins, they would only have to give Shane elemental crystals worth 10 gold coins.

It was exactly as Aisha said, and wouldn\'t exactly hurt them in any way, but it was rather the complete opposite.

After getting to know Shane, everyone knew that he was not a normal youth and that he would most likely become stronger than them, as he had already attained a perfect mortal physique, which they had never heard before.

With this thought in mind, all Valkyries accepted this proposal unanimously, hoping that they could maintain a good relationship with Shane which might as well help them in the future, even if he was currently weaker than them.

Meanwhile, the other students who applied for the expedition were not sure what to think about Aisha\'s proposal, and most of them didn\'t bother to think like the Valkyries, or to try earning something in the long term process.

For them, every single elemental crystal was worth a fortune, and they didn\'t even dare to think about giving their profits away.

However, this was only a minority of the few students because Leon, the second-year and third-year students agreed almost immediately after witnessing Shane\'s indestructible willpower that he had showcased after being inside the Primordial Dimensions for less than two months.

Aimy and Olivia didn\'t even give it a second thought and also agreed to Aisha\'s generous offer.

Hearing everyone agreeing to this, Shane was not sure what to think, as he thanked everyone multiple times before he gulped down another energizing potion.

In the end he was not good with accepting gifts and he would rather mine everything alone, but after thinking for a moment, he couldn\'t help but agree that he was in a dire need of gold which caused him to accept Aisha\'s proposal.

However, even after receiving a 1% share of everyone\'s mana and elemental crystals, Shane was sure that it would not be enough to purchase a large miniature world.

His sight became much clearer after gulping down the potion and he turned towards Aisha with a serious expression, as he summoned his extraordinary quality Ambrulite-pickaxe.

With a vibrant smile, he asked naively

"Can we start mining now?"


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xrU5Yx

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