
Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

“Sick of studying? A great empress never stops studying. Knowledge is the protection to all situations. Only death is immune, for it comes to us all.” Michen needed to bring Belice back on to the right track.

“There’s no guarantee that I’ll become a great empress,” Belice argued.

“You have to become a great empress and rule the Empire with grace and dignity,” Michen instructed. “This is the only way for the Empire to continue to grow and prosper.”

“That’s fine. Instead of becoming a great empress, I’ll just find a smart man to be my husband. Then I don’t have to worry about it.”

Michen didn’t know what to say. How could she throw away her power to some imaginary husband, only because she didn’t like to study? Her immaturity and sense of not caring was a hurdle he would need to overcome.

“You’re so stupid!” Alexcent was laughing uncontrollably. “What noble would want to marry a stupid empress? And even more, what kind of sin did that man commit to be stuck married to you?”

“What? Stupid? Why you!” Belice attacked her brother once more.

“Please. Stop fighting!” Michen cried.

End of Flashback

* * *

The memories were still fresh in his head, as if they only happened yesterday. Belice was so young and naïve. But there was the spark inside of her that he continued to nurture. His respect slowly turned to love.

Alexcent would have been the better choice as emperor. He had all of the traits, all of the skills. It was only the fact that he was the younger sibling that kept him from the throne. Still, as their teacher, he treated them as equals.

He was ready to protect both of them, however he could. Gen came to him with the evidence, because Gen knew that he would know how to leverage the knowledge to help all parties involved. He would not be swayed by personal connections. Knowing how he would proceed, Michen began to write a message that would be delivered to every noble family.


The moonlight shone through the tiny window, the silvery harbinger of death illuminating the tiny cell. Alexcent sat against the damp wall, his nostrils thick with the stench of black mold. He was awake but had been motionless for hours. The sound of a door and the sudden flicker of a torch flame indicated that someone was entering the dungeon.

“You’re dismissed until I return.” It was the voice of Belice, instructing the guards to leave them in private.

Belice stepped up to the bars of his cell. The light from the torch appeared to radiate from her entire body. “Alexcent,” she called softly.

He lifted his head and gazed right through her with emotionless eyes. “Welcome,” he replied in a monotone growl.

“Are you satisfied?” She asked in a wavering voice. She was clearly uncomfortable with the entire situation.

“Maybe,” Alexcent mumbled, shrugging.

Belice took a deep breath and asked, “What do you want me to do?”



“Just continue on as you would if none of this had happened. All your troubles are now gone. You and she can both continue to live without a worry.”

“Wait! Alexcent, you didn’t kill her?” Belice could see a flicker of hope.

“She’s dead.” In essence, what he said was the truth. Amethyst was dead to the world. A stranger had taken her place.

“Alexcent! Tell me the truth! What happened?”

“Gen was right. This worked out the best for everyone.”

“Alexcent, I don’t care about what Gen believes.”

“Think about it. If she hadn’t become my wife, if I hadn’t loved her, she would’ve been some stranger and I would have had no hesitation in killing her. It would have been her that lay dead on the ground, instead of Celios. Still, she’s dead. Amethyst Lohikin no longer exists. Neither does Amethyst Skad.”

Belice found an ember of hope in Alexcent’s words. For a moment, she felt a spark of joy ignite within her.

“Alexcent! Thank God. Really, thank God. I’m just going to get you….”

“No.” Alexcent cut her off with a stern voice.


“You have to kill me.”

“What are you talking about? If she’s alive, I can exile you and you can be together!”

“Don’t you get it? I’m the last evidence. The evidence to what you did. You have no choice but to get rid of me.”

“Don’t say that. There’s no way you’ll betray me.”

“Belice. The moment I let her live, I already betrayed you. I need to protect you at all costs.” Alexcent refuse to look at her as he spoke.

“That’s not betrayal. That’s being a man in love. I’m going to help you get out of this, no matter the cost.” Belice was trying very hard to hold back the tears.

“No. You have to be an empress.”

“I’m already an empress.”

“Not an empress in name only, but the all-powerful empress. One that can’t be challenged by any means. By killing me, the bloodline ends at you. There is no one else to take the throne, so no one will challenge you. You will be the one and only supreme ruler and I am giving that to you.”

“Are you crazy?” Belice was uncontrollably weeping now. “I can’t kill you for this.”

“Your feelings are irrelevant. You will kill me and become the sole empress. It is time to put emotions aside and make this happen.”

“No. I can’t. I will not be known as the empress who executed her family.” Belice could not believe what she was hearing.

“Belice.” Alexcent’s voice took on a pleading tone.

“Don’t make me do this,” Belice croaked out between sobs.

“Belice, look at me.” Belice looked at her brother through clouded eyes. He smiled at her and took her hand through the bars.

“Please end this. If I can’t be by her side, then I no longer have a reason to live. I don’t want to spend my days lamenting over what could have been. I’m scared, Belice. I’m scared of living out this life alone. So, please end it. Please. Take this pain from me.”

“It’s not over…I…you…” She didn’t know what else to say.

Alexcent, knelt on the cold stone of his cell, still grasping her hand in his. “Your Majesty. This is your time to become the complete empress. The stubborn, strong, solid empress that no one ever imagined could succeed on the throne. Do this. For me.” Then he kissed the back of her hand. It was a kiss of farewell.

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