
230 Chapter 230

Alder found that even those who had agreed with his point of view during the meeting were now avoiding him like a plague and were busy gossiping about his future in the university as if he wasn\'t even there among them.

The teachers began to exit the conference room one by one. Mabel was one of the first after Galen to exit. She had been barely holding back her excitement. Once Galen left, she rushed out of the conference room to report to Val about the proceedings.

Rooted on the spot, Alder heard all the criticizing comments as the teachers passed by him and saw their pitiful gazes directed towards him like he was some puppy standing in the rain looking at the passer-bys with huge eyes.

Only the puppy in this situation wasn\'t pitiful at all. It was feral.

The expression \'mad dog\' was not enough to justify his oozing bloodlust and thirst for vengeance.

Before long only the sounds of teeth grinding against each other and heavy breathing could be heard in the room. Words that came out more like the howl of an injured animal or some wailing banshee left Alder\'s now twisted mouth.

"If I don\'t let you live a dog\'s life on campus, I won\'t be named Alder. I will let you experience the same hell and the same humiliation that I have gone through. \'Zavier Adam\', you are coming to my turf now. Let\'s see what your family can do for you now."

Zavier wasn\'t very interested in the results of the competition since their school had come out to be the winner of the competition. There was no doubt that he would get a letter of acceptance despite the controversy of the fight between him and Sabrina.

Only the experienced old dogs who witnessed the competition were actually able to comprehend the level of mental combat that had taken place between him and Sabrina. Zavier could be sure that those oldies had figured out some of his strengths and were bound to support him.

With nothing to worry about, Zavier was mostly free and wanted to go out for a while.

"Let\'s ask the others if they want to go out and take a look around the campus." thought Zavier before leaving the room with large strides.

Zavier had been upset that he was unable to talk to Shiranui before she left for the hometown of the elves.

Had he stayed alone in his room waiting for the announcement of the results, he would have inevitably thought about Shiranui.

So, he had to get out.

The city streets, the crowd of students and the majestic buildings in the distance were a source of awe no matter how many times he looked at it. Caesar University wasn\'t called the best university for no reason. It was the leading university of the empire not just in terms of the quality of education, but in terms of infrastructure, the faculty, magical research and development, and the practical ability of the students.

Even the worst drop out of Caesar University had the chance of being hired for a potentially lucrative job that muggles and even some average magicians could only dream of achieving.

Zavier could tell the difference by comparing it to his own hometown. The amount of magic integrated into the lives of the people in this area was far higher than his hometown. Even some muggles used magic accessories for daily chores which could be considered a luxury back home.

Zavier didn\'t use his Time Space eye for the observation this time. He was enjoying the stroll in the street and didn\'t want to look at something that he had no intention of watching.

"This is quite fun for a change. I have been running around ever since I came to this world. I must have grown lazy after the compulsory resting period imposed by Uncle Val." Zavier thought to himself as he blamed Val for his own laziness quite shamelessly.

The direction that he had been walking in was the dormitories of the girls.

He was looking forward to Nadia\'s cute antics as only she had the ability to lift his mood seemingly without any effort at all.

Reaching at the entrance, Zavier thoughtlessly asked a girl with bouncy brown hair to help him communicate with his cousins inside.

"Can you help me call out my classmates?"

The girl stared at Zavier with a weird expression. She clearly recognized him.

"Isn\'t that the guy who bought his way through the final competition?" thought the girl while feeling slightly disgusted.

The girls\' dormitory had in fact been out of bounds for all male students. Zavier had no other option but to rely on the brown haired girl despite having figured out her prejudice against him.

"Are you going to pay me too?" provoked the brown haired girl.

"Do you want me to?" Zavier played along since he had nothing better to do.

Zavier too knew that he had to live in a similar manner for some time since he could not reveal his true abilities so soon. He had to get used to such taunts and similar antagonizing behavior from the rest of his classmates.

His words hit home and the brown haired girl faltered slightly obviously not expecting such an answer. But she regained her previous momentum and came back in full force, even stronger than before.

"You really have no shame. Do you have any idea how hard we have worked to come here while you were busy riding the coattails of your classmates and family?" shouted the brown haired girl with indignation and anger.

"Are you going to blame me for your poor family conditions as well? If so, I am sorry about your family situation but I really had no hand in that. Some people are just born to struggle."

Zavier was particularly calm and mean while facing the girl who was taking out her anger on him for no reason whatsoever.

Zavier hadn\'t meant to go in that direction but the girl had been really unreasonable.

"YOU…YOU…You shameless…" fumbling for words, the girl puffed out smoke from both ears; and practically ran into the dormitory fuming with anger.

This was the first time that Zavier had acted like those rich second generation snobbish idiots, with shit for brains and their families to block wind and rain for them. It wasn\'t bad for a one time experience but didn\'t sit well with his normal temperament.

Zavier didn\'t bother with the girl any longer and looked for other means to contact Nadia somehow.

Only now did he miss the cell phones from his previous world.

"In my last life, I didn\'t have anyone to contact despite having a mobile phone and in this life I have people to contact but no communication device except that for Hansa. Ah, what a pitiful life." humored Zavier as he employed his Time Space eye to scan the dormitory for Nadia."

The whole area of the dormitory was smaller than 80 meters so it was well within his range of vision. The walls weren\'t thick enough to stop his penetrating gaze. In a matter of seconds, the whole building had been scanned to the tip, but there was no sign of either Nadia or Kacie.

"Looks like they headed out already." thought Zavier, a little disappointed with the situation.

As soon as he turned around to leave, he found that a wave of girls was heading out of the dormitory with red eyes like those of maddened bulls.

Zavier instinctively felt that something was wrong but he couldn\'t quite put his finger on the situation. He didn\'t panic since he had not done anything wrong.

Even while he was scanning the building for Nadia, he had held himself back from appreciating the view of the twin hills and the deep valleys despite the countless opportunities all over the girls\' dormitory. Zavier had acted in quite a gentlemanly manner.

The girls came out in full force holding whatever they got their hands on. Some were even carrying extra slippers in their hands as if to take aim on some dirty pervert.

"How dare he say something like that? Let\'s see how daring he is now." said one of the girls with a stern tone. Her name was Melissa and she appeared to be the big sister among the girls of the dormitory.

Rest of the girls nodded hard in response to her words and then focused on the pervert in question.

Zavier couldn\'t figure out why the girls were staring at him with such ferocity.

"Have they somehow figured out that I scanned the dormitory with my Time Space eye? Is there some kind of detection system in this place?" thought Zavier with worry but still retained his cold hard exterior expression.

"No, no, no…that is simply not possible. There is no way that there is such a defensive countermeasure in a place such as this. The chastity of the university girls shouldn\'t be that important. There is definitely something else going on." Zavier\'s thoughts raced as he continued to figure out the reason behind this collective assault.

And then everything fell into place. Melissa, \'the big sister\' pulled out the arm of the brown haired girl who was hidden among the sea of girls and brought her closer.

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