
Chapter 52 Really Weird

Valarie did not attempt to reduce her status by engaging the two masked men in meaningless banter. Her reply was more fitting- she answered them by displaying her full prowess with the boundary spells that they themselves had openly acknowledged.

Like an ethereal deity, like a goddess in her full element, Valarie\'s graceful cat-like movements mesmerized everyone. It was like watching a panther prowl.

With her hands stretched forward, Valarie gracefully made several hand signs and immediately, a boundary in the form of a glowing golden colored rectangular prism enveloped Zavier, Alissa and Dahila in a kind of protective force field.

Zavier was the only one who could truly see the true depth and strength of the barrier that Valarie had so casually created around them.

With his time-space eye, Zavier was gifted a unique perceptive of just a scratch of Valarie\'s power.

Although it was a simple boundary spell, and the barrier was not particularly hard, Zavier was amused by the fact that the force field Valarie had created around her three students was cackling with raw energy.

It was strong enough to withstand the attack of a nuclear warhead, and at the same time, keep its occupants safe from any form of intrusion.

The real genius of the whole barrier was that despite the powerful force of repulsion on the outside, those who were inside weren\'t trapped by the overwhelming surge of energy. This posed a serious conundrum to Zavier.

No matter how he tried, he just couldn\'t figure out how she had done it. This was indeed the work of a true mage. And clearly, she was just scratching the surface of the depth of her skill.

Zavier\'s time-space eye robbed him of his chance to witness firsthand the destruction of the first masked man at the hand of his aunt.

He had been so distracted by the glowing force field all around him that he only began to pay attention to the battle outside when a loud noise disrupted his mental process.


The suddenness and urgent nature of the destruction brought Zavier back to earth again. He tilted his head in the direction of the noise and was taken aback by the shocking sight.

Right before his aunt, sprawled in an unnatural angle on the ground was the broken and disheveled body of the masked man.

Zavier looked on with horror at the decimated corpse. The assassin was clearly dead. Once again Zavier found himself struggling to figure out what his aunt had done.

Judging by the shattered bones and crushed skull, it genuinely seemed like Valarie had dropped an entire mountain on a single man. In place of the arrogant assailant from just a few seconds ago, was now a bag of bones that had been smashed in by an invisible hammer from above.

It was clear that it had all happened so quickly.

There had been no time to react. Zavier instantly knew that being distracted was a luxury he could not afford at the moment.

From that instant, he focused the entirety of his perception magic on the incredible Valarie Adam.

It was obvious she didn\'t need any help, but Zavier was determined not to miss any glorious moment of this incredible showdown. He fixed his time-space eye on Valarie and the other masked dude.

The other assailant was the one with the higher energy signature which Zavier had detected from afar. He was the one whose potency as a mage came close to Valarie.

Somehow, he had been able to discern Valarie\'s blinding attack and jumped on a nearby tree just in time to escape it. The other cocky fellow hadn\'t been so lucky.

Dangling upside down like a bat, his sarcastic voice came from behind his mask;

"Now, now Miss Valarie, there\'s no need to get so worked up..."

Zavier couldn\'t believe that anyone could find the mental bandwidth for jokes at a time like this. If anything, it proved that this other man wasn\'t to be taken lightly.

His voice had the semblance of a toad croaking in the dead of the night. The taunting and yet serious way he made his daring utterances made Zavier feel like he was something of a fat, black serpent, slowly coiling around its victim as it looked it dead in the eye with mesmerizing eyes.

Valarie had to kill this one, and fast!

His taunting voice came again from the height he had taken refuge;

"This is only a mission you know, it\'s not worth risking our lives for…"

Valarie did not give him the chance to keep talking, she launched the second wave of her attack. It seemed like she shared Zavier\'s thoughts on the urgency of the matter at hand regarding the swift execution of this strange mage.

He hadn\'t made any move yet, all he had done was talk up to the present moment. It irked Valarie, but she maintained her cool.

She had launched her attack while he was still rambling hoping to catch him off guard and at the same time, shut him up for good.

It was almost impossible for any ordinary set of eyes to follow the sequence of her hand signs and the attacks that followed, but this time, Zavier followed it closely with his time-space eye.

As Valarie waved her palms in the air, Zavier saw a massive golden palm before her, mimicking her every move like an avatar and delivering the corresponding force of her energy surges on an infinitely significantly higher scale.

As Valarie slashed at the masked man, the air itself seemed to have been weaponized against her opponent, turning into a flash of lightning or briefly visible blitz. The other man displayed an impressive amount of speed himself.

Almost as if he was bending the laws of time and space, he seemed to be zapping in and out of places as Valarie\'s lightning quick slashes followed him across the terrain.

Again and again, he evaded each attack, landing on the ground across different locations and occasionally, even on top of a tree. As he dodged, each spot he left was quickly visited with an electrifying blast in quick successions.

The look of indifference on Valarie\'s face suggested that she wasn\'t even putting in effort to this, and yet, to Zavier, it seemed like two celestial beings were battling it out.

It truly was an extraordinary sight to behold, both in sight and in spirit.

Even with Zavier\'s time-space eye, it took real conscious effort to follow up. He could only imagine what Alissa and Dahlia were seeing as they tried their best to follow the events of the battle.

Unrelenting, and with an unquenchable bloodlust, Valarie stayed close on his heels with a diabolic speed that was just out of this world. She flashed behind the masked man began to launch a series of lethal attacks.

Every where she left, she left behind and in her wake, a trail blaze of destruction with flashes of gold lightning. Her attacks weren\'t just random, she was always aiming for his heart. Zavier knew that the masked man was aware of just how imperative it was to stay ahead of her.

One slip up would mean his heart, ribs and body would get blasted to a million irreparable pieces.

Everywhere she left, she left behind and in her wake, a trail blaze of destruction with flashes of gold lightning. Her attacks weren\'t just random, she was always aiming for his heart.

It truly was an extraordinary sight to behold, both in sight and in spirit. Zavier saw his aunt in a whole new light. Amazing just didn\'t cut it.

Even with Zavier\'s time-space eye, it took real conscious effort to follow up. From Dahila\'s perspective, she was only able to make out just a fragment of the entire battle.

She saw mere glimpses and only heard sounds and ringing from different locations. To Dahila, both parties seemed to be disappearing and appearing in less than a second. Alissa on the other hand was completely lost.

Valarie\'s whole attack routine was planned. It was high octane energy and electrifying speed. She was confident that she could end the masked man\'s life without having to break a sweat.

It reflected in the assertive and self-assured way she attacked. Zavier, as a more objective third party wasn\'t entirely sure his aunt was truly on top of things.

It wasn\'t that her routine was flawed, no, with his time-space eye, Zavier could see a mysterious amount of energy dangerous building up in the masked man\'s body. This unique energy was dangerously close to finding an outlet.

The defining moment in the battle finally came, Valarie who was always aiming for the masked man\'s heart finally landed on her target.

Like a lightning goddess, she came up behind him with a quickness and struck his heart. Zavier watched as the confident look on her face quickly turned into a frown.

Her glowing golden palm had landed with a terrifying slash, but somehow, her fingertips had bounced right off his heart like a sword on an iron breastplate. The attack which should have been able to pierce through stone was deflected.

From then on, things took a very interesting turn. Valarie (and Zavier) watched in horror as a pale spike of bone rose out of the masked man\'s back.

Valarie recoiled in disgust and jumped back. With a look of surprise on her face, she assessed the masked man\'s newly unveiled ability.

The abnormality stood out of his back like the pale white tusk of an elephant.

Clearly, his bone structure was completely different from that of regular peoples. Valarie stared at the aberration before her, and for the first time since the battle began, doubt crept across her confident face.

Zavier gazed in wonder at the mutant standing before him.

"So this is the special energy that had been building up in him?!"

He thought.

"This is some really weird shit!!"

Zavier was truly stunned. Some of the extraordinary magic he had seen in this Isekai was way different from the type of digital content he had seen.

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