
Chapter 257

Soldrake remained silent as she stared at the figure of Jean Oberon in the black sphere. He looked elated with a bright smile on his face.

She could finally see where his satisfaction stemmed from. The source of joy and the purpose of the being in front of her, who existed for hundreds of years and had numerous names, was the extermination of the dragons. And it started from her.


Soldrake suddenly lowered her gaze. She could see the companion of her soul staring up at her from the ground. His fierce fighting spirit and trust in her were conveyed. They were bound by a bond that surpassed space and time.

She knew from the very beginning. He was not Alan Pendragon. Even so, she entered into a contract with him. It was because she had felt a familiar, yet unfamiliar energy from him.

Firstly, she had felt the spirit of the Dragon God and the Demon God from Raven. Unlike other gods, they had no dedicated temples. Moreover, most of the creatures on earth, including humans, were unaware of their existence.

They were gods forgotten by the world.

Since gods derived their power from worship towards themselves and their temples, the Dragon God and the Demon God were relatively weak. Only a few creatures knew of their existence, and those who worshipped them were even rarer.

The Dragon God came into existence when a dragon with qualifications to become a god perished thousands of years ago. The Dragon God was mostly unbeknownst to everyone except the dragon tribe. Moreover, the dragons were the olden brothers of the gods, so they had no reason to worship or revere the Dragon God.

On the other hand, the Demon God was a revered, powerful god in the ancient times. However, his place on earth disappeared as black magicians began to worship the Death God instead. As wizards that based their magic on human life and soul, worshipping the god who controlled death was a better choice.

However, this did not mean that the two lost their qualifications and power as gods. If they so desired, they could manifest on earth to bring the world to ruins. But such actions would rouse the other gods’ anger, and they did not want to be destroyed by the others.

Therefore, the two gods were slowly forgotten, only barely maintaining qualifications as gods for a prolonged time. However, the energy of the two gods had been conveyed from the soul of the strange human who took over the body of Alan Pendragon.

Then, Soldrake realized.

The other unknown energy she felt from the unknown human in Alan Pendragon’s body belonged to herself.

It was impossible.

How could an unfamiliar soul possess her own energy? Especially along with the energy of the two forgotten gods?

Soldrake was able to come to a conclusion – that something had already begun – something which was unknown right now, but was deeply related with herself.

And now, she discovered that the sorcerer who led her and Raven here was also deeply involved in the matter. The unfortunate transformation of Biskra was only a small portion, a small appendage in the overall scheme of things.

Taking everything into account, Soldrake could only come to one conclusion. Raven also stood at the center of everything along with herself and the sorcerer. He had a right to know what was going on.

She became determined.


Soldrake broke the long silence, and Jean Oberon looked at her with polite, but empty eyes.

[You said you observed and coordinated, is that right? Then I will ask you. If Ray, the current Pendragon, had not entered into a contract with me, what would your choice have been?]

“You are asking the obvious. I would have done nothing after taking care of Biskra. The failure to enter into a contract with the Queen would have caused a continual decline of the Pendragon family, which would have led to the decline of the Aragon Empire. The angel would have left the world undisturbed, and the world would have followed in the same flow as it had before.”


“Yes, that is my duty. As the one who watches and coordinates…”

“Why don’t you stop with the bullshit.”

A sharp voice cut through Jean Oberon’s words. The sorcerer turned his gaze towards the source of the voice. The hall, which had resembled pandemonium, had already settled down somewhat. Innumerable corpses of humans and monsters were scattered on the ground, but an overwhelmingly large portion belonged to the monsters. The remaining monsters would be defeated soon as well.

But Jean Oberon did not care.

All those who were standing in this place would die today. The life below him was only a tool to be used, a sacrifice, regardless of whether they were humans or monsters. However, one of them had fought against his livestock and shed blood. The human was now glaring at him with a gaze so intense that it caught his attention.

But Jean Oberon was not agitated at all.

“He who defies the cause. This matter is not for a trifle human like you to become involved in. All you have to do is obediently follow the path that has been already set and return to death…”

“Are you also not a human?”


“How foolish and ignorant!”

Jean Oberon’s eyebrows wriggled for the first time.

“I have been present in this world for a long time. I exist aside from the human beings and the world as the coordinator. You are only… a mere human who was lucky enough to sidestep causality, and I am not someone that you can possibly reckon with.”

Jean Oberon’s power was filled with subtle anger, and it contained power. But Raven ignored it and continued as he looked up at the sorcerer.

“For humans, and for the world? Who gave you that right? You made your decisions according to your own thoughts, no? Is it natural that your humble judgement reaved so many lives?”

“The wizard sings for the world. Life and death only flow as causality dictates. To judge a man who has violated the flow and cause to correct the world is to…”

“Stop spouting nonsense, and let’s have a go then.”


Jean Oberon’s mouth opened slightly. No one had spoken such words to him before. He was discussing the logic of the world and causality with the Dragon Queen, but a mere dust of a man dared to provoke him.

“Isn’t that the bottom line? You are convinced that your ideas are justified, and you want to enforce it through power, right? You want to kill me and Sol to destroy the Pendragon Duchy, then quell the Aragon Empire.”

“A mere insect like you dare…”

“Causality ? Follow the logic of the world? Stop talking out of a rat’s ass. In the end, you are no better than me and those who are fighting here now. Fighting for what you think is right. Then there is only one answer.”

Raven paused as he simmered in burning emotions and stole a glance at Soldrake before continuing.

“Then fight, you bastard. Fight, win, and claim your spoils. Stop coating it with some random bullshit.”


Jean Oberon’s eyes, which had always been indifferent and empty, widened rapidly.

He wasn’t the only one who was surprised.

She had been somewhat expectant, but Soldrake had not fully expected Raven to be so direct. She gazed at her companion with a surprised expression. But soon, her mood, which had been heavy and somber all along, quickly improved.

This is who her companion was.

He fought to live, and he did not make excuses as he acted to achieve his purpose.

He was unchanging.

Just as Alex did, he was always able to discover the simple, but most important meanings.

“And one more thing.”

Raven spoke as he looked up at Jean Oberon with a burning gaze. Raven thrust forward the sword in his hand.

“I am a man who always fought, won and gained.”

It was a sword without the Spirit of the Dragon.

However, as Jean Oberon looked at the tip of the small sword on the ground, he felt as if the blade would pierce through the black sphere and reach where his true body was located. It was stemming from an intangible force he knew very well – a force called will.

“Haha… Hahaha! Huhahahahaha!”

Jean Oberon burst out into maniacal laughter.

Although only Raven and Soldrake could hear his laughter, all of the survivors turned their gaze towards the Bone Dragon and the sorcerer behind the sphere.

“Is that so? Was I also unable to escape the confines as a human?”

Jean Oberon recited unknown words after he stopped laughing. Then, his eyes turned frighteningly dim, and he spoke towards Raven.

“You who go against causality. Even if you are right, this is who I am. I will not change. Yes, just as you say, I will carry out my justice and reason with the power I possess.”

“You should have been straightforward from the beginning.”

The corner of Raven’s mouth curled up into a smile.

“Good. Now then, die.”

Jean Oberon whispered.


At the same time, something appeared from the place where the monster armies had come rushing out from. Every jutted tooth of the monster’s king was as big as a human body.

The giant monster was several times larger than regular trolls, and its appearance was overwhelming even from a distance.

“That is…”

“The Troll King…”

A voice of disbelief and exhaustion escaped the lips of the survivors. If a monster like that had left the Great Forest, it was likely that the South would have been destroyed in the near future. However, the surviving troops turned their gaze to one place as if they had promised.

A brilliant white dragon was confronting the Bone Dragon, and a knight stood below them, holding a sword.

If it were them…


“Can win…”

Everyone shared the same thought, even if they did not voice it. They looked towards Raven and Soldrake with hope.

“Kill the Dragon Queen. Kill her companion as well.”

Jean Oberon spoke in a curse-like voice, and the Bone Dragon, which had remained immobile the entire time, started to move its wings.


Biskra flew towards Soldrake with an evil cry full of killing intent.


“Yes, I will take care of the Troll King.”

They were able to grasp each other’s thoughts without having to speak. Raven turned towards the Troll King. The catastrophic monster had slaughtered thousands of humans alone in the distant past.

“Human soldiers and the elves will fall back! How many griffons are still alive!?”

There was no place for ordinary soldiers in the upcoming battles. At the minimum, they needed to be knights who could attack with spirits imbued in their weapons. At Raven’s thunderous roar, Killian limped towards Raven. He had suffered several broken ribs in the battle.

“Sixteen, my lord! But the ones who can still fight…”

“Ten will be sufficient! Karuta, what about our friends from Ancona?”

“Thirty, including me.”

“Can you continue to fight?”

“Kuahah! If we can take that monster down, I will be able to boast about it to even my grandchildren!”

Karuta spoke with a full smile. His eyes were dyed red from the excessive use of Orc Fear.


The rest of the warriors also roared with glistening eyes and fixed their grips on the steel maces. Although 20 of their brothers had already departed for the side of the Earth God, their desire for battle was greater than sadness and anger.

“We will be the only ones going. Killian, there may be remnants of the monsters, so stay in formation.”

“B, but lord!”

Killian frowned, perhaps due to the pain of his broken ribs. Raven smiled coldly as he turned towards Killian.

“This was a good fight, Sir Mark Killian. You, sir, are truly the best knight of the Pendragon Duchy.”


The eyes of the loyal knight quivered like a ship confronting wind and waves. His lord, the master of the Pendragon Duchy, had recognized him.

As the best knight in the duchy as well.

“Live, and join me as we watch the Pendragon Duchy grow to become the most powerful family of the empire.”

After finishing his words, Raven walked towards the Troll King. The monster was exuding a spirit as overwhelming as the dragons.

“My, my lord…”

Tears streamed out of Killian’s eyes, even though he was a fully-grown man and a brave knight.

“Let’s go! Orcs!”

Karuta shouted loudly and strode behind Raven.


Someone’s voice put a stop to Karuta’s steps.


Karuta turned his head in annoyance. A voice, a woman’s voice, had interrupted him. It was one of the Red Moon Valley elves who painted strange pictures on their faces.

“Are you the one who is the strongest in the Pendragon Duchy?”

Eltuan was certain. She had watched as Karuta hunted several trolls and ogres all by himself.

“Keheung! You’re an elf, but you have a good eye. That’s right, I am Karuta. I’m busy, so if you have something to say, out with it.”

“…Don’t die. I really want to compete with you.”


Karuta looked at the elf with an absurd expression. Eltuan was less than half his size, but she had spoken such bold words. Karuta burst into laughter and responded.

“Kuhahaha! There are truly many strange things in the world! All right, elf girl! After I go beat up that bastard and come back, I will make sure to give you a good fight.”

Karuta thought the entire situation was quite ridiculous, but Eltuan was not aware. She nodded with glimmering eyes.


A storm of violent frenzy started to blow above everyone’s head.


Everyone’s eyes widened as they looked up.

The battle of the dragons had begun.

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