
Chapter 383 Cheeky

"I\'m not doing it."

"Yes, you are."

"I\'d rather you stab me with this puny scalpel!" Milo shouted, picking up the pathetic tool from the first aid box.

"Don\'t be a baby, you damn baby," Lina calmly said to him.

Milo was going to whine like a big baby all he wanted to. "I\'m the youngest!"

"And I\'m someone that doesn\'t care." Lina pointed a finger towards her husband. "Look," she turned serious. "Kaden is willing to bandage your knuckles. You\'re going to reciprocate the act and bandage his split lip."

"Is this the stop-fighting-t-shirt, but an even worse version?" Milo demanded. He remembered when they were children and would get into fights, their parents would shove them into a tiny t-shirt, so their bodies were forced to be in the proximity. The only way they could be relieved of the pressure was through a forced hug.

"No, this is the adult version." Lina shook her finger in the direction of her husband. "Couch. Now."

Milo groaned and stomped his feet. When that didn\'t work, he stomped harder and let out a whining noise.

"You can do it," Kaden finally said, a vein popping on his neck. He hated the sound of complaining children. Even worse, a man child.

Milo narrowed his eyes. "No—"

Too late.

Kaden grabbed Lina by the waist. He yanked her onto his lap and slid an arm around her spine. Then, he rested his forehead against hers. He heard her heart quicken. His lips curled. Cute.

"Bandage my lips, dove. Or else, I\'ll smear blood the next time I eat you up," Kaden whispered, his tone dropping dangerously. He felt her fingers tremble on his shoulders, her breathing coming out in shakiness.

"Hey, brother-in-law." Milo tapped the man on the shoulder.

Kaden growled in irritation. "Brat—"

Milo punched Kaden in the face again. This time, Kaden caught it. Air loudly bursted. Skin against skin, Kaden\'s expression became eerily calm. His eyes flashed.

"For my mouth." Kaden reached to chop Milo in the stomach, but Lina quickly grabbed him.

"Not my brother!" Lina demanded. "And not my… my…"

Lina couldn\'t finish her sentence. What was she even supposed to call this man? Milo acknowledged Kaden as a brother-in-law, but it must\'ve been because he wanted to catch Kaden off guard.

"Husband. Lover. Sometimes, your god, because that\'s all you seem to say in bed," Kaden mused. "What was it again? Oh god?"

"You\'re insufferable!" Lina growled.

Lina attempted to stand, but he tightened his grip on her. Suddenly, he buried his face into her shoulders.

"Don\'t go, dove." Kaden brushed his lips against her skin. Pain pricked at his face, irritating his temper. But her flesh felt so nice and creamy, he couldn\'t help the masochistic tendencies.

"Get away," Lina demanded, shoving at his face. "You\'re smearing your blood all over me."

"I wouldn\'t have complained if you were menstruating and I slid—"


"--inside." Kaden raised a brow at her reddening face. Her eyes were on fire. She was practically shoveling his grave. He loved it when he couldn\'t tell if she was embarrassed or angry.

"A little blood never hurts anyone." Kaden caressed her face, a wicked smile on his face. He meant it.

"I\'m going to throw up," Milo gagged. He dropped the scalpel back into the first aid box, despite wanting to stab the man\'s eyes out.

"Hurry and bandage each other, so you can get along. I need an explanation from both of you!" Lina hissed, shoving Kaden\'s palm away and grabbing her brother by his jean loops.

Both men glowered deeply at each other. A few second passed. Electricity sparked from their mere eyes. It was like watching dogs barking at each other with their glares.

Lina was losing her temper by the passing second.

"I don\'t have all day." Lina writhed out of Kaden\'s grasp, but he only dug his arms into her stomach. His grip was like ironl. Milo saw it, taking a threatening step closer.

"Oh good, come and bandage up your supposed brother in law," Lina agreed whilst pointing to the first aid kit. "And you, Kaden, fix his knuckles."

Both men narrowed their eyes.


Kaden let out a scoff. What was he doing with a chihuahua like Milo? Arguing with a child? That was beneath him. He was an Immortal. He had lived a millennium. There was no use in wasting his time with a brat. He was the first to glance away and the only one to grab the bandages.

"Sit down, brat. I\'ll fix your wound."

Lina\'s eyes lit up at Kaden\'s consecion. She flashed him a pleased smile, but found him giving her a pointed look. He was the least bit amused.

"Right here, Milo," Lina eagerly said whilst patting the empty spot on the couch beside her.

Milo scowled. "I want the truth. The wholehearted one. Nothing else in between, do you hear me?"

"Then go home," Lina scoffed. "Go get someone else to fix your cut."

"I\'ll sit." Milo stubbornly planted himself down, but hid his injured hand. He realized he had bantered on too many things.

"At least give me an explanation," Milo attempted. "Tell me why that bastard refuses to let anyone into the hospital room! He didn\'t even let me see you!"


"And why the hell do you look perfectly fine for a comatose patient who slept for months! ALl of this is abnormal. And you know it! See, his lip is already healing. The cut is sealed. What the hell is wrong with the both of you?" Milo angrily accused.

Kaden narrowed his eyes. "If you let me explain—"

"No! I want my knuckles bandaged by you, and my sister to tell me the truth. You speak in unnecessarily riddles, as if you\'re some old geezer!" Milo hissed, shoving Kaden\'s face away.

Kaden glowered up at the ceiling. He asked the clouds above for peace. If not, he was goign to murder the only living relative that Lina tolerated. He used to think the brat was quite cheeky. Milo was much cuter when he was a teenager who could be bribed with gift cards and games.

"Fine." Kaden angrily reached for Milo\'s wrists.

"Gently," Milo barked.

Kaden roughly clamped his fingers around the brat\'s hand. This was definitely Lina\'s younger brother. Their fiery and unpredictable personality was the same.

"Milo," Lina began, watching as Kaden took out the disinfectant. As Kaden applied it, Milo loudly hissed, attempting to pull his hand back.

So to distract him from the burning pain, Lina dropped a truth bomb.

"Milo, I\'m immortal."

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