
Chapter 210 - Get You Fed

Chapter 210 - Get You Fed

Lina didn\'t know how long she had been out for, but it was long enough for Kaden to personally come to see her. She woke up, slumped against a black leather couch. It was cold. Like her First Uncle, William. That was how she knew she was in his office. That, and the armed men surrounding the vicinity.

By the time Kaden silently strolled through the door, Lina knew something was about to go down. She opened her eyes, her vision dazed and hazy. She saw him still. His large posture. His fine suit. His outline was sharp.

Kaden said nothing.. He didn\'t even realize his wife was awake. Instead, he lowered his gaze. He only did that when he was talking to her. Never for anything else. Well, except this.

Kaden twisted the silencer onto his gun. Without warning, he pointed it directly at Atlantis.

"What did you do?" Kaden asked in a calm and composed voice.

The tone sent chills down everyone\'s spine. Even the paid Yang bodyguards, trained for the very purpose of protecting the Yang Clan, froze with fear. They couldn\'t look away. This man was everything that people feared. His voice was like ice in a dark cave where monsters lurked.

"God, I\'m too old for this," William sighed, rubbing his forehead with irritation.

William was seated behind his desk. Fifteen minutes ago, Atlantis frantically brought in a limp Lina. He\'d heard she passed out a lot, something about her stupid anemia.

"It\'s always trouble with boys," William grunted, leaning back in his leather seat. "When will it never be about you boys?"

Kaden said nothing. Instead, his gaze remained lethal and threatening. He clicked the gun, with every intention of pulling the trigger. In front of Atlantis\' grandfather too. No one moved. Then, his fingers curled.

"I\'m hungry."

Kaden calmly turned his head. Ah, she was awake. Lovely. Kaden still pulled the trigger.

Atlantis jumped out of the way, his reflexes kicking in. Then, he realized Kaden never meant to shoot him in the heart. Only the knee. Enough to immobilize him and force him to limp for the rest of his life. He gritted his teeth.

Atlantis shot a furious glance in the crazy DeHaven\'s direction. But Kaden had already dismissed him. Instead, he strolled to his wife. Leisurely. Nonchalantly. Atlantis hated how indifferent Kaden was to his woman.

Lina should be treated with all the care in the world. All the love a man could muster, and beyond. But Kaden was heartless. With his steel-cut eyes and sadistic smile, Atlantis wanted nothing more than to rescue Lina.

"If only you slept longer." Kaden reached down and stroked her on the face.

Atlantis\' eyes flared. Kaden touched her like a porcelain doll. One he was growing bored with. Lina\'s gaze fluttered. Damn him. She peered up at him, then, towards his gun.

Kaden let out a cold chuckle. He unscrewed the silencer and placed it inside the pocket of his pants.

"How many times will you fill my room with the testosterone of little boys?" William huffed, crossing his arms and scowling towards his niece. "Every time you\'re here, there are always King Kongs banging their chest to get you."

Lina ignored her Uncle\'s comment. She slid her feet off his couch and haphazardly glanced around. Ugh. What a mess. Atlantis was standing beside her Uncle\'s desk. His grandfather was beside him, but the man looked like he was in a third dimension. Her gaze traveled to the armed bodyguards with their guns still pointed at her husband.

It was one man against twenty.

Kaden came here alone. Or did he? She saw Sebastian standing as firm as a statue by the doorway. Sebastian didn\'t seem shocked. Instead, this was everyday business for him.

"What are you doing here?" Lina asked, but she already knew the answer.

"I was planning on immobilizing someone, darling." Kaden stroked his thumb against her cheek.

Lina relished in his touch. His voice was bitter, but his actions were warm. He didn\'t like that she woke up so quickly. It must\'ve gotten in the way of his plan. Funny. It was as if the heavens were trying to save Atlantis.

Speaking of which, her gaze traveled to him. He held her stare. Kaden\'s caress halted. She could feel his possessive eyes, like fire on her skin, licking her in all the right places. She gulped.

"You shouldn\'t immobilize something I need to exploit," Lina muttered like he ruined her master plan.

Amidst his hardened expression and clenched jaw, his eyes shifted. For a split second, amusement shone in their depths. He was always intrigued by her words. But he rarely laughed. Every time he did, she fell deeper in love. She wished he laughed more.

Wordlessly, Lina stood up. Her legs felt like jello from sleeping in an uncomfortable position. She wavered and would\'ve fallen over, but she managed to steady herself by reaching out for Kaden. He didn\'t move for her. He was aloof. Cold, even. Nothing like the adoration he promised her.

Lina wasn\'t bothered by it. His arms were strong. She could press her entire weight onto him and he wouldn\'t even flinch. She liked that. She liked how he could protect her.

"Where\'s Cedrick?" Lina finally asked, realizing her eldest cousin was missing from action.

"With the major shareholders. You could\'ve been there too, had you not fainted like a little girl witnessing blood," William deadpanned.

"You couldn\'t pay me enough to care," Lina scoffed.

William\'s brows shot up. His mellow behavior quickly washed away. He realized the meaning of her words. It was why he rose to his feet like the chair was on fire.

"Get your ass in that meeting," William demanded.

Kaden stilled. His expression turned dark. Jagged. Not even stone could cut his refined features. No one commanded his wife, but him.

So, Kaden took out the silencer again. Everyone froze. He calmly twisted the silencer back onto the gun. This was a civilized company. It was just the people inside who weren\'t.

"Mm… Don\'t feel like it," Lina mused.

William was shocked by her behavior. He always knew she was a rebellious little thing. Underneath her obedient mask was a wild child. One who had been neglected for far too long. And now, it was resurfacing.

"You get in that meeting right now or else—"

"Or else what?" Lina chuckled.

Lina raised an expectant brow. She was resting her hand on the arms of one of the most dangerous men in the entire city. Even the mafia would bow their heads to him. What was her Uncle going to do about it? Especially when he wasn\'t the one controlling the Underground world? Her Second Uncle was.

Maybe that was why William was horrible at punishing people with violence. For, he could do nothing but watch helplessly as she strolled out of the office.


Lina didn\'t stop, not even for the charming voice of Atlantis. He sounded worried as if Kaden was going to hit her outside. She ignored him, for Kaden had never laid a hand on her. But he might as well start. Just on her bottom.

"I\'m hungry," Lina insisted again, peering up at him with expectation. Then, she took the gun from his hand. He watched her with heavy eyes, daring her to run off with it. Instead, she grabbed his belt loop, tugged him close, and tucked the gun into it.

Kaden coldly laughed. The sound thrilled her. She fixed his black suit that hugged him too perfectly. All she saw was the rigid lines of his body. His damn, handsome body. She hated how good-looking he was.

"Let\'s get you fed then." Kaden slid a hand to her lower back and guided her down the quiet hallways. They strolled like they were on their way to afternoon tea, as if he hadn\'t just tried to shoot her childhood best friend.

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