
Chapter 197 - Dead

Chapter 197 - Dead

said arranged for her grandparents to wait in the living room. Then she quickly got ready for the day. It took her less than ten minutes to come downstairs, freshly dressed and teeth brushed. They grumbled about the time she took.

Lina ignored it. The entire car ride to the Yang Main Mansion was filled with silence. Lina could feel her grandmother\'s scrutinizing eyes. She knew her grandmother was checking for her teachings.

Lina was the picture-perfect granddaughter that Rina wanted. She kept her legs neatly tucked on the ground, tilted to the side for elegance. She rested her hand on her lap and peered out the window. These actions happened by muscle memory.

Even now, Lina could feel the harsh ruler on her hands and legs. When Lina was young, Rina would discipline her. Each time Lina\'s legs weren\'t properly tucked, she\'d receive a hit from the ruler. Even when her hands were out of place, she\'d receive another hit.

"What could be so important?" Lina suddenly asked in the car ride. "So important for both of you to arrive unannounced?"

Lawrence gave a nonchalant shrug. He didn\'t seem to care about the issue. His wife, though, cared deeply. In fact, Rina\'s face was twisted into a disapproving scowl. Her frown was deeper than her usual expression.

"You—" Rina didn\'t know where to begin.

Lawrence wished the time between them would turn back. He remembered how beautiful she was in her youth. How gentle. How sweet.

Now, Rina\'s heart was solidified by the cruel world of the Yangs. She had lost all hope in this world, after being abandoned by her maternal family so quickly when Lawrence proposed marriage.

Even now, Lawrence could remember her heartbroken expression when her family shunned her out of their house. They refused to let her back, not until she accepted the marriage.

For a young woman who was so prestigiously raised, she couldn\'t handle even a day out on the streets. Soon, she was begging for her way back.

"Well?" Lina curiously asked with a tilt of her head.

"Ladies shouldn\'t speak unless spoken to," Rina reprimanded her in a composed voice. "We will speak in private."

Lina held back the roll of her eyes. "What century do you live in, Grandmother?"

"Insolent!" Rina hissed, her voice rising.

Lina stiffened. Her grandmother rarely insulted her. But she always yelled out the same word. Insolent. Whenever Lina acted up, she\'d get hit by the ruler with the word "insolent!" repeating.

It was the same way to train a dog to fear a word. You beat the animal until they learn to shake at the sound of the word. The same thing happened to Lina.

It was a shame to Rina\'s teaching. Truly. Lina had experienced far worse pain than the slap on the hand. In fact, she experienced it through heartbreak. Through the emotions Kaden put her through.

"You and I really need therapy, Grandmother," Lina nonchalantly said. "Especially because of the men in our lives."

Rina threw a baffled look in her granddaughter\'s expression.

"You need extra lessons for your trauma," Lina told her.

"I do not have trauma," Rina coldly said. "Now keep your mouth shut. You will not speak."

Lina held back a sigh. Whatever floated her boat. Soon enough, the car came to a rolling stop. They got out. The servants were already lined up on the pavement. With their hands tucked in front of them, they quickly lowered themselves into a loud greeting.

"Welcome back Master, Madame, and Young Miss!" They loudly declared in unison.

Lina stared up at the looming mansion. It was tall with enormous windows that overlooked the entire entrance and vicinity. When she was younger, she found this place both whimsical and frightening. She loved coming here, but also hated coming here. She loved the treats given to her, but hated the punishment doled out.

"No funny business, Grandfather," Lina reminded them.

Lina followed them into the house. She still remembered how they attempted to corner her. She recalled their threats. They\'d force her to marry Everett screaming and kicking if they could. That was why she glanced over her shoulders.

Kaden\'s men had gotten out of the car. They were following her closely. She was reminded of what Kaden told her. Four guns. If the chauffeur was strapped with that much, then how many did the bodyguards carry? She hoped she\'d never find out.

"We\'re your grandparents. What do you think we\'d do?" Lawrence snorted at her words. "Relax yourself, darling girl."

Lina didn\'t bother to respond. She was guided to the same living room as last time. When she took a seat on the couch, she couldn\'t relax. Not in the place they threatened her in.

Lina\'s gaze took in the antique furniture. Each item in here was worth tens of thousands. The place was professionally decorated and organized by a Fengshui master [1]. Every year, during the new years, they\'d invite one of the most prestigious monks to bless the entire house.

"Let\'s get down to business then," Lina said.

Lina usually liked to cross her legs. It was a reflex. But if she crossed her legs, it\'d make it harder for her to run later. So, she sat like a robot on the couch.

"You tell her," Lawrence informed his wife. "We\'ve brought her here as you\'ve wished, sweetheart."

Lina tried to not gag.

Lawrence viewed his wife with kind and gentle eyes. She ignored him. The sight of the great Lawrence Yang being soft was impossible. This was one of the most frightening men in the world. In his prime, people shook in his presence. No one dared to look him in the eyes. One word from him and the stock market was scrambling.

Lawrence had a heart of stone. His face was forever unforgiving. Forever frowning. He rarely smiled at anything or anyone. The entire world knew how serious and powerful he was. He was the kind of man who didn\'t have to dress up in a black-tie party. The kind whose name was the greatest flex of all time.

Yet, at the sight of his granddaughter and wife, he was the kindest soul this world could see. His only weaknesses.

"Where is that mutt of yours?" Rina asked Lina.

"Who? Everett?" Lina innocently siad.


"Now, now," Lawrence mused with amusement all over his face. He could barely hold back his smile. "She is just feisty from the lack of food. Let us feed our granddaughter first before interrogating her."

"Food can come later," Rina told her husband with a harsh glare. "Where is Kaden DeHaven?"

Lina blinked. "Why…?"

"Just answer me, girl," Rina said in an unforgiving and formidable voice.

"At work," Lina lied.

"Lies!" Rina hissed.

Lina let out a sigh. She sat back in her seat and frowned on the ground. No matter what she told her grandmother, they weren\'t going to believe her. Just to anger her grandmother, she picked up the remote from the coffee table.

"What are you doing?" Rina demanded in a strict voice, like the headmistress of a boarding school.

Lina ignored her grandmother. She turned on the TV to drown out the noise of her complaining.

"Everett Leclare is missing!" Rina suddenly shouted.

"So?" Lina asked.

The news unsettled Lina, but she didn\'t bother to let her grandmother know. So what if Everett was missing?

"What does that have to do with me?" Lina mused.

In fact, she was relieved that he was missing. Maybe then, he\'d finally stop bothering her. Maybe then, she\'d have to worry about one less man.

"My good friend Madam Leclare informed me of this detrimental news this morning," Rina told Lina. "And I know that mutt of a husband of yours was involved somehow!"

Lina froze. She knew Kaden could do so. She knew he could get rid of Everett and make it look like an accident. So, she kept her mouth shut.

"The afternoon just started," Lina said. "He\'s a grown man. Maybe he went somewhere and got lost. He\'s that stupid, you know."

Rina narrowed her eyes furiously. She couldn\'t believe the audacity of this granddaughter! After all of her hard work to make a proper young lady out of her! Lina was just the result of a shotgun marriage. Had it not been for her third son\'s kindness towards Evelyn, then Lina would\'ve been an illegitimate daughter!

"Have some respect," Rina demanded in a thunderous voice. "This is the Leclares we\'re talking about. If they wish for it, they can ruin the DeHaven with secrets!"

Lina slowly shifted her gaze to her panicking grandmother. "I know for a fact, Grandmother, the Leclares know nothing."

No one knew anything about DeHaven Conglomerate. Many have tried, but none succeeded in finding out their deepest darkest secrets.

"Rina, let the girl breathe," Lawrence softly told his wife.

Lina pressed her lips together. She pressed the buttons on the remote, just to find something to cut the tension. She didn\'t like this suffocating atmosphere. She suddenly wished she could go home. It wasn\'t like this before.

Lina used to love coming to the Main Mansion. Even though she was heavily disciplined here, at least she knew her grandparents loved her dearly. Now, she wasn\'t so sure. Now, Lina felt like a puppet they could play with.

Suddenly, Lina froze. The channel had switched to a news reporter.

Then, the ominous voice of the news reporter filled the air.


The blood drained from Rina\'s face. A chill fell over them.

"Everett Leclare, Heir to Leclare Law Firm was found dead in an alleyway this afternoon."

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