
Chapter 645 - Demon Parents

Despite how hard they always tried to make their girl comfortable…

Despite how hard they tried to make her feel like she had not a problem inside of her and that she could live happily and peacefully without worrying about it…

They were unable to convince her, and Vheslia turned into someone that felt an incredible urge to repay all the things her parents did for her, to the point of obsession where she disregarded their entire relationship, ending up severing all connections other than sending them money every month, at increasing quantities over decades.

They just wanted to meet her again and see her little face… but the only thing they always got from her cards was money and "I\'ll see you soon"…

This constantly made their hearts break apart, bit by bit.

They realized how bad they were as parents, despite wanting to make their daughter feel secure and safe even with all the world turning against her, they ended making the complete opposite and she turned into someone that ended running away from her own country for better opportunities in another.

All so she could finally enter a magic academy and learn magic, and then find a job that could use her magical and alchemical talents… but at the end, what was that without her being at their side?

The precious little treasure of their life, their Vheslia… they had not seen her for decades, and as they grew older, they began to think they would die without being able to see her once more.

They thought that their teachings were bad, that they shouldn\'t had tried to make her cage herself with them, this only made her yearn for freedom even more, and that they shouldn\'t had told her to just "ignore everyone" but that they should had told her to confront them instead, and to not let other people step over her while ignoring them…

This only made Vheslia want to do the opposite, who would even want to get stepped over and ignore these people? Even less simply cage herself in her parent\'s house where she was safe from the outside world…

The entire nation disliked talentless people without magical potential, so the only thing she could do was escape the entire country and go to another one where she wouldn\'t be considered so bad, the beast country where the beast-kin lived, which was mostly about muscles was perfect, the magic knowledge they had there was pretty limited, and they were in dire need of alchemists as good as her too.

So, at the end… Vheslia ended going there, away from her own parents, leaving away those parents that loved her so much but that didn\'t even knew the correct ways to teach her.

And truth be told, being a parent is quite hard, nobody can ever say they are prepared enough to become parents, even less in a world such as Terra, specially in the demon country where magic was everything and magical talent decided a person\'s standpoint in society.

It was truly a combination of inexperienced but its not like the country helped at that, they were a terrible nation, and they were also corrupted to the core anyways, they were too fond of magical talent and disregarded anyone else, when Vheslia saw the opportunity of going out into a journey to grow stronger and become someone important somewhere else, she had to take it, despite the dangers…

And like that, they saw their girl go away, deep down, they wanted to scream for her to come back, to not go away, and as they saw her move away in that caravan, they held their tears, gritted their teeth, and let her go.

Despite all the sadness and sorrow they felt all this time, they knew that it was still a good decision, and that they didn\'t regrated it. it was the best for her, someone who wanted to become an important person, a person that could teach others and gain tons of money working in what she loved… well, who wouldn\'t want to become that?

But even then, the sorrow of their only daughter moving away was very impactful to them, and it hurt them deeply. Every year that passed, they felt more dispirited, only desiring to see her beautiful face one day…

After the rebirth of the Demon King, large tremors happened all around the planet, and they thought the end of the world was near…

The two had hugged each other tightly that day, while hiding in the basement of their house, wishing for Vheslia, wherever she was, to be safe…

After the tremors ended and a seemingly peace befell the world, they were left in the blue, the world slowly spread the rumors about a young man named Frank and his allies having defeated the Demon King.

Amongst his allies, there was info about a young demon girl, named Vheslia.

At first, they didn\'t thought it could be THEIR Vheslia, it was way too unlikely, way too unrealistic for their own daughter to be involved in such a thing as this one…

But at the end, things were often not like they thought they were, and it was indeed Vheslia the one that was involved into this entire situation, to boot, she had been working with Frank for some time now, and she had been risking her life fighting the aberrations that had come from the underground all this time, which were the Demon King\'s spawns.

They were surprised, very surprised that their daughter had become such an incredible figure, and that she was rumored to even be Rank 7 and beyond… something they never thought their talentless girl would become, not because they underestimated, but because it was always said to be impossible for someone to cultivate with a thing such as the Mana Stomach…

But at the end, she proved them wrong over and over again…

At the end… it felt like they were always wrong.


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