
Chapter 240 240: No Way Out

"They need to level up more if they want their group assault on the Guardian to succeed."

They only have three ways to achieve that. Either go to lower floors and grind for centuries, kill the other Kings to take their experience, or kill the people of this floor since they also gave similar experiences because of being from this floor.

It was clear that they weren\'t going to kill other Kings since they needed a team and as many people as they could to take down the Guardian. By killing a King, they could definitely level up, but in the bigger picture, that was only going to reduce their combined strength.

As for the option about going to the lower floors, that was too time consuming even for these people.

"From the strategic point of view, it does make sense that they want to do this. Unfortunately, they don\'t know one thing..." Azekiel could only shake his head at their lack of knowledge.

It wasn\'t that they weren\'t as strong as the Guardian. Instead, it was just the guardian who was stronger than them. No matter how strong they got, the Guardian was only going to be a tiny bit stronger since his strength depended upon the strength of his enemies who wanted to kill him.

These people thought that the gap was only a small bit and they could cover it by getting more experience, but that was only going to make the Guardian of Middle Realms even stronger.

"The only way to defeat the Guardian of the Middle Realm is by finding other ways to defeat it than just by using brute force. They needed to use their brain to defeat the Guardian and come to the solution to this problem, but they chose an entirely different path. Very disappointing."

It was clear that the people of this floor were going to be killed for no reason, all because the Kings hadn\'t realized their mistakes.

It also made Azekiel wonder if that was why Raphael wasn\'t here. Because he already knew this?

The Crowd was still unable to grasp what was happening. What was the old man saying? They needed to give their life? Did he go crazy or something?

"For us to live in the Higher World, you all need to die here! So please give your lives to us for a greater cause!"

The old man called out his weapon and attacked unsuspecting people, killing close to a hundred of them with just a single attack.

As soon as he killed people, a wave of fear overwhelmed everyone, making them run to save their lives! Unfortunately, with so many people standing so close to each other, there wasn\'t even enough space or sync for everyone to run.

As long as the people in the back didn\'t move, it was quite hard for them to move as well. Unfortunately, the people in the back couldn\'t move, because they were also busy... Busy getting killed.

Since the Kings had surrounded them from all sides, let alone running away from the center, the people in the back ran toward the center and away from the Kings that were attacking and killing them. Blood, pain, and screams were everywhere as people kept dying.

Both ends of the crowd were running in different directions, making it harder for both sides.

The kings on the Stage also jumped down. All the citizens of this city were like animals, sitting on a chopping block for the Kings to kill.

Unfortunately, Azekiel also found himself in the same crowd, surrounded by the Kings from all sides.

The Kings still hadn\'t noticed him. They didn\'t know that in the crowd of unsuspecting commoners, there was a King who was in the top 100 in the tower.

Azekiel was top hundred, but compared to the Kings here, who were in the top twenty, that seemed pretty unimpressive as long as one was to ignore how much time Azekiel took to get to this stage compared to them.

Azekiel couldn\'t fly. He also couldn\'t Teleport, so it was very hard for him to be able to get out of there when he wasn\'t supposed to be here in the first place.

He had to kill the person that these people left behind to get here, so it wasn\'t hard for them to guess that he wasn\'t a friend. Moreover, it was clear that the Kings knew his face, not as the person from his old life, but as someone who was accompanying Raphael and Lia.

They knew that he was on the lower floors until recently. If they knew that he was here now, they certainly weren\'t going to take it kindly. If anything, they would\'ve considered him an enemy, which made him quite upset.

"What a great timing," he commented sarcastically. He had just arrived on this floor, and he was already caught in this mess, which was very frustrating for him.

If he had arrived just a few minutes later, he could\'ve been watching this scene from a distance instead of being right at the center of it all.

He decided that it was much better to leave for now. He wasn\'t here to fight at this time. He was just here to see Raphael and know what the situation here was. There was no need to fight anymore.

He called out his Gauntlets of Gluttony and started walking back.

The stampede of people was blocking every path for him, but unlike commoners, he didn\'t have to worry about that. His raw strength was enough to just push them aside.

As Azekiel walked back, he just grabbed the enemies by their collars and pushed them aside to clear a path for himself.

For him, it wasn\'t a problem to move the people aside, but it wasn\'t easy either, as there was not enough space.

The old man kept killing the people in the center while Azekiel walked away from them toward the outside, where slightly weaker kings were killing.

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