
Chapter 83 - Clean And Honest

Vance wanted Ava\'s innocent smiles, her simple mind, encouraging soul, an understanding companion but who was the one who wanted her life in desolation? Who wanted to bring forlornness in her life?

You will know the value of a person when you lose and that is what Vance was going through. Even though he hardly knows about Ava, the strong imprint he had of her was something Grace Wells failed to erase and occupy it for three years.

Contemplating whether to go ahead and see her or leave, he suddenly realized, \'How can Ava Kelly be alive? I saw her being shot right in front of me. She can\'t be Ava and I am misunderstanding. I am just missing her. Yes, I am missing Ava.\'

He hundreds of times repeated to himself that the strong and stylish lady can\'t be Ava Kelly, she might look the same or he was just imagining as same.

Convincing himself he hadn\'t moved, a loud voice broke his thoughts after some time, "Brother Vance, you are going to love this. Come here..."


While Vance was frozen, Aarvi didn\'t get any reaction from the man who was standing like a statue in front of her. She almost thought he might kowtow her any moment looking at his deep admiring gaze, another voice pulled their attention towards them.

"Hey, amazing bi-..." He slightly froze before composing back. He didn\'t identify or knew Ava Kelly, he was amazed when she turned to him still carrying a serene expression. "... bike. Your skills are extraordinary. I am Nico Burton, pleased to meet you."

The Burton family, the family full of military officials. Nico Burton is a captain in the army and he was on vacation after a tedious mission barely saving his life. He had spoken to Ava Kelly over a call but both hadn\'t seen each other.

Aarvi saw his hand raise for the handshake but she quickly hid her trembling fingers. According to her investigation, Nico Burton knows Vance by the passion for bike racing, and the Burton family has good relations with the Rivas family, especially Aaron\'s father.

She was prepared for the handshakes but her psychological hindrance always made her hesitant. She shook her leather gloved hand with his gloved hand, "Hello Mr. Burton, my surname is Evans."

He was wearing a stylish leather jacket on a plain black T-shirt coupling with the military camouflage pants which gave a subtle touch of nonchalance to his strong build and height. The sternness was forced on his attractive face.

Nico too faintly smiled while his every emotion hid behind his dark brown eyes, "Ms.Evans." He uttered slowly trying to remember if there is any Evans family in the Mocon or in the country who could afford such an expensive superbike.

What he missed to notice was grabbed by another man who was tall and well built. Ava Kelly didn\'t know him, "Hey, I am Talon Martin. Your accent sounds like country S style. Are you perhaps from there?"

Aarvi shook his hand as her lips slightly arced up. She purposefully spoke like a foreigner, "Hai Mr.Martin, You are right, I am from country S."

Talon smiled triumphantly, it wasn\'t difficult for him to guess because he studied in country S for more than seven years and had recently returned to help his father in his business. Martin and Hays are family friends but Vance hardly knew him three years back.

The other two introduced themselves as Paul Gilbert and Elliot May. They even complimented her confidently for her petite face or the black beast. They were the third and fourth heirs of their family who just knew to enjoy life with girls, parties, and casinos.

Aarvi turned back to the one who reached her first. She knew him but not Ava, Blake Wong. His mother is from Mocon and father from the far east country. His father settled in Mocon for his love and started a business in publication and media which is doing pretty good.

Blake Wong was a very pampered son of the family but he was literally innocent and has the nickname as a child in his group of friends. Aarvi\'s smile broadened looking at him blushing, "Why are you blushing? Shouldn\'t I be the one blushing to see the pretty boy?"

Other men chuckled, some reservedly and some wholeheartedly. Aarvi knew Nico Burton was very curious about her or maybe his instincts that were saying she wasn\'t simple as she resembled.

"Ms. Evans, why are you teasing me?" Blake coughed lightly in embarrassment and introduced himself, "I am Blake Wong. You are marvelous."

Aarvi teased looking at scratching his head with the left hand while his right hand nervously extended to her, "Me or my skills?" She shook his hand and heard him seriously reply, "Both. You are cute. Nobody can say you can handle your beauty... I mean motorbike."

Then Nico Burton asked about the bike, "Did you import from country S?"

Aarvi didn\'t miss his interrogation tone that he was trying to hide. She plainly replied looking at her black beast, "Yep, it\'s customized to my requirement."

Elliot May who was checking her black beast exclaimed, "Wow, Ms. Evans, this company is your own brand." The logo on the bike is lettered as Evans.

Aarvi turned around to face Elliot May and Talon Martin as she hummed, "Yep..."

Talon\'s jaw dropped while saying, "You are the Evans of country S." Aarvi heard about the Evans of country S but she never could meet them.

\'Ahem,\' Nico coughed lightly so that Talon could enlighten him and others about it.

Talon\'s excitement was high confusing Aarvi, "Brother Nico, the university I studied belongs to Evans, they have a huge empire in the country S." Then he faced Aarvi, "Ms. Evans, I worked in your company for five years. I just returned last year."

Aarvi didn\'t expect her name to have such a huge impact on Talon. Now she thought she must have done a complete background check on him.

While others exclaimed Nico Burton kept his scrutinizing gaze on her. He had very strong instincts that they were missing something but what?

Just then all heard a car roaring before coming to a halt. Now it was Paul Gilbert who was excited and hollered, "La Voiture Noire..." He went to check on it.

It was a brand new Bugatti limited edition, La Voiture Noire, it was next to impossible to get the hands-on that car. Shawn gifted Aarvi as a thank you, why? A secret for now.

Aarvi didn\'t want to ride her bike after her episode of palpitation so she had asked Melia to send the car. Since the Avron Mansion wasn\'t far from the Mocon uphills, it reached in no time.

The guard dressed in all black combat uniform stood in front of Aarvi and bowed, "Ms. Evans, Your car key fob. The truck will be here in fifteen minutes, I will take care of the motorbike. Housekeeper asked to have lunch at home if possible."

Aarvi handed the bike key to him, "Alright, thank you." The guard stood aside to wait for the truck.

Nico was extremely suspicious and he failed to hide his emotions, "Why are you in Mocon? Evans doesn\'t have a branch here."

Aarvi behaved as if she didn\'t catch his suspicious gaze or tone. She knew well when to play dumb and when to be smart. Being smart at all the places is very disadvantageous, "Oh, I am surveying on the possibility of opening a branch in Mocon. Do you guys... Wait..."

She walked to her car to get some paper she had prepared beforehand, she behaved as if they were in the car but they were in her jacket.

Talon questioned, "Brother Nico, why are you so rude to her?"

Blake: "Brother Nico, what happened?" 

Paulo: "I want that car."

Nico\'s eyes just traced the girl who came out of the car with a file and spoke, "I met President Rivas but they can\'t take up the project so I am checking who could be my company partner. Anyway, I have potential companies in mind where I am going today."

Nico grievously went through the file which was actually rejected by Rivas industries. They were starting from medium-scale and planned to grow large but Rivas wanted full flex so they rejected Evans company.

Paul read it and called Vance loudly, "Brother Vance, you are going to love this. Come here..."

Vance started walking as he tried to calm his heart which was beating rapidly just by looking at the lady who had the same face as Ava.

Nico left the file in Paul\'s hand and went aside to make calls to confirm everything he heard just now doesn\'t have a single lie. \'Ms. Evans, you better be clean and honest else you will not know how I will crumple you.\'

Nico Burton, a cold-hearted military man who can\'t tolerate lies, dirty tricks, and vile games. His network was so huge that, he could verify things at his fingertips.

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