
Chapter 224 - Animosity

The wind moved the purple hair of the black-armored warrior. His eyes looked intently at Yoichi as if he finally noticed his true potential.

Yoichi donned his backpack and leather pouch, letting Kenji jump on it. The small dragon, however, would soon become too heavy to be carried that way.

The people who had witnessed the fight dispersed, moving away from the arena and back to their daily affairs. As that place emptied out, the sacred spirit spread within those white walls came back to life, restoring quiet to the Dojo.

"Boys, this morning\'s training is postponed. Go back to your missions and make sure Yoshiko doesn\'t need a hand with Enatsu in the tower. Yoichi and I need to talk. See you later," Takamori ordered. His hands crossed behind his back.

Rinji and Toshi continued to congratulate their comrade and, following Nobunaga, started to leave the arena. Shioko waited a few more moments before walking away from Yoichi.

The red-haired tsundere seemed to have finally noticed the young warrior and her eyes expressed something beyond mere admiration. Yoichi smiled at her and, with an imperceptible movement of his head, let her know that they would talk about the matter privately.

When he and Takamori found themselves alone on the giant stone tatami, Yoichi asked his Sensei to sit between the two peach trees, in the exact spot where he had trained the day before.

The guild leader agreed and followed him between the trees, sitting cross-legged on the soft turf, caressed by the blowing wind.

The water from Kato\'s wave had completely evaporated due to the warm morning sun, and some of it had been absorbed by the hard rocks of the tatami. After the chaos of the crowd shouting his name, Yoichi could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why did you give me permission, Sensei?" he asked. His gaze was pointed forward toward the sacred Dojo.

"Because it was the right thing to do, boy. And also because I was selfish, I admit it," Takamori replied, closing his eyes and breathing in the scent of peach blossoms at the top of his lungs.

"Kato\'s comrades will notify the Imperial guards of what happened. I fear that in less than half a day, Nishiyama\'s men will come for me. I would have liked to meet Ryutaro-Sensei, that is true, but... not in prison," the young tamer continued.

"What are you talking about? You haven\'t broken any rules, boy. We\'re in the only place in the capital where fighting is allowed."

"Come on, Takamori-Sensei. Don\'t pretend you don\'t understand. The Heralds hate us Nightblades, and their guild leader harbors animosity towards you. Yozo will find a way to get me out of the way, and you know it," Yoichi remarked. "Words travel faster than the wind. After what happened today, their guild will lose acceptance among the people, and I\'m not sure they can take the hit."

"Well, they\'ll get over it. If they try to do anything to you, they\'ll deal with me personally. They\'re vindictive and sometimes evil, but not stupid. It\'s true, I\'m a bit out of shape, but Yozo would never dare to underestimate me," Takamori chuckled, trying to lighten the conversation.

"It\'s all wrong... many people have seen Kenji\'s true power, even if only for a few seconds. People will start asking questions, and if rumours reach the Emperor\'s ears, he will try to capture and instrumentalize me. There seems to be only one option, Sensei."

Takamori turned to his student, trying to understand his intentions. Although he was an intelligent and alert man, he realized that he had not taken that crucial detail into account and had acted all too instinctively.

What would happen if Yoichi\'s fears came true? What would become of the grand plan that the supreme Ryutaro had in mind for him? Was it really worth to risk that the only warrior in the world capable of handling the power of a dragon demon would end up in the dungeons of the Imperial Palace?

Takamori didn\'t answer right away, continuing to listen to the voice of his thoughts. "You\'re not ready yet, boy. You can\'t run away, Yoichi!" he exclaimed, raising his tone of voice slightly. "Life beyond those walls is not as easy as you think! Your experience is not enough, and your power would draw evil people and demons to you! No. I forbid you to leave, boy," he commanded.

"I have an important mission to accomplish, master! If I were imprisoned, I would be forced to live years or perhaps my entire life without being able to cultivate my power!" Yoichi added, making his point.

Since he had met him, Takamori had never seen Yoichi so convinced of something. The polite, diligent boy had never disobeyed one of his orders, and yet, he was insistently explaining to his master that that was the only way to awaken his draconic powers and stop Emperor Gonshiro\'s advance.

"I will travel west, beyond the Southborne Mountains. I will take refuge where the imperial guards can never find me and search for the other Void Summoners. Dungeon after dungeon, I will defeat them and fulfill my destiny. Until then, I will not be able to return to the capital, Takamori-Sensei" - a veil of sadness enveloped Yoichi\'s last words.

Inside himself, the young tamer had no intention of leaving the city and his companions. At the same time, he knew he had no other choice. All those who decided to help him would suffer the same fate as him and be identified as traitors by the Emperor. Ridiculing the Emperor\'s guild was like insult the Emperor himself.

Tentochu and Kamakiri. Two factions and two tyrants at their command. Yoichi slowly realized that Gonshiro and Shinzo shared a mutual, sole interest: power.

Without the guidance of Ryutaro, the only one who understood the importance of his destiny, he had no reason to stay in Goldhaven. Not as a fugitive from the law.

"Damn... are you saying it\'s my fault, Yoichi?" Takamori inquired, showing a behaviour so weak that it seemed surreal. With languid eyes, the guild leader hoped for a negative answer from his pupil.

"The Heralds deserved a lesson. It happened to me, but it could have happened to anyone else, Sensei. After what I did today, the Nightblades will be able to walk tall" - taking another deep sigh, Yoichi squinted his eyes and tried to enjoy those last moments of tranquillity.

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