
Chapter 118

Chapter 118: Chapter 118 was completed. The three little ones were excited

Ning Fei had spent a lot of effort to finish processing the wood.

Sawing Wood was a labor. Even though he had great physical strength, he couldn’t help sweating a lot.

At this time, Jiang Xue came over with a glass of water and said, “Abbey Dean, the meal is almost ready.”

Ning Fei took the water and drank it in one gulp. His body immediately felt much better and the heat dissipated a lot.

“Okay, you’ve worked hard.”

During the meal, the little dog, Little Fox, and Little Fei all ran over.

At the dining table, they ate while feeding the three little fellows. The atmosphere was very happy.

As for the Little Falcon, Ning Fei also prepared some raw meat and raw fish to feed it.

The digestive system of birds of prey and wild beasts was different from that of humans. They could not eat cooked food.

For example, lions and tigers in the zoo were fed raw meat by the keepers. Sometimes, they were fed to live chickens and never cooked food.

It was the same for the Little Falcon. Ning Fei would only feed it a little fish once in a while after roasting it. He could not feed it too much either. Usually, he would feed it raw meat.

After the meal, Ning Fei went for a walk in the mountains and continued to make slides.

Before long, the sound of wood being knocked could be heard from the Taoist temple.

Ning Fei’s craftsmanship was very good, and it didn’t take long for the high platform to be ready. After the high platform was ready, Ning Fei made another slope and added three steps on the slope.

For Xiao Fei, each step was very high.

After eating the “Bird feed”, Xiao Fei’s body would be much stronger and more energetic than the chickens of the same species. However, it was difficult to climb up such a high staircase.

After that was the part of the slide. The angle of the slide was about 45 degrees, which was not steep. This way, the slide would be slower and safer.

Ning Fei cut out a long board from a plastic board as the sliding surface. Then, he reinforced both sides with wooden boards as a protective measure.

When Ning Fei was making the slide, all four animals were present.

Xiao Xiao, Xiao Hu, Xiao Quan, and Xiao Fei.

Xiao Xiao still looked very cold, but its eyes became sharper. Compared to it, the remaining three were much more silly.

Ning Fei nailed the last nail down, and the slide was finally finished.

“It’s finally finished!”

Ning Fei wiped the sweat on his head and said as if he was relieved of a heavy burden.

It was already eight o’clock in the evening, and the sky was completely dark. However, there were two lanterns in the courtyard of Qingfeng Temple, which lit up the courtyard.

“It’s been hard on you, Abbey Dean Ning. You just came back from playing League of Legends, just in time for the completion of the slide!”

“I’ve watched the whole process. You’re really good at it, Abbey Dean Ning.”

“My family is a traditional carpenter. The host is definitely a master carpenter. Even the wooden planks made by hand can be so flat. They’re not any worse than those made by machines.”

“Two tree trunks can make a slide. I’m impressed!”

“Xiao Fei has a lot to play with.”

“I want to see how Abbey Dean Ning trains Xiao Fei.”

At this moment, Ning Fei looked at the four little ones and smiled gently. Then, he held Xiao Fei in his hand and put him on the high platform.

Little Fox and little dog were below. They looked up at Xiao Fei with puzzled faces.

Xiao Fei stood on the high platform and chirped. He did not dare to move. Instead, he looked at the ground and was a little panicked.

“Xiao Fei doesn’t dare to come down!”

“Yeah, after all, I’ve never seen a slide before.”

The netizens saw the clues and said.

Seeing this, Ning Fei gently pushed Xiao Fei from behind. Xiao Fei immediately slid down the slide.

After Xiao Fei slid down, it clearly became excited. It actually flapped its wings and jumped on the spot happily. It meant that Ning Fei could put it up again.

“Xiao Fei, you have to think of a way to get up from here.”

Ning Fei brought Xiao Fei to the three high stairs of the slide and said.

Xiao Fei looked up at the stairs and tried to fly with its wings, but it was just a newborn yellow chicken. It couldn’t fly at all, so it could only cry out anxiously.

At this time, it was Xiao Hu who nimbly ran from the stairs to the slide and then fell down from the slide.

Little Fox also looked very happy.

Seeing this, the puppy was also impatient to go up. The puppy loved to move, so the stairs were a little higher than it. It struggled to climb up and then took the slide down.

This scene was especially friendly.

“These animals are really smart.”

“Little Fox and little dog are so cute, Haha.”

“Look at the excited look on the Little Dog’s face. It looks like its tail is about to break.”

“Poor Xiao Fei. Originally, Abbey Dean Ning made the slide to train its flying ability. In the end, the Little Fox and the little dog actually had a good time.”

“Hahaha, it’s not easy for Xiao Fei to get up there.”

“It’s too small. It’s about the size of a steamed bun. How can we get up there?”

At this moment, Ning Fei saw this scene and wondered if he had been too strict.

Xiao Fei was so small. At this stage, it would be good if he could run faster, let alone fly.

“It’s my fault. I didn’t think it through.”

“I thought I would let Xiao Fei go up, but at least I have to wait until Xiao Fei’s childhood is over.”

“Forget it. There’s still some wood. Change the stairs again.”

Ning Fei shook his head helplessly and said.

He couldn’t let Xiao Fei watch the Little Fox and the little dog play.

Who asked Ning Fei to be its master!

“Little Fox, Little Dog, you two go down.”

Ning Fei let the Little Fox and the little dog leave and made some modifications to the slide.

This time, Ning Fei made the ladder a little lower. There were seven steps in total, and Xiao Fei could easily jump up.

Compared to training Xiao Fei, making Xiao Fei happy was obviously a more important thing.

After doing it all over again, Ning Fei put out the slide again.

This time, Xiao Fei could easily jump to the high platform and then slide down from the slide.

“Ji Ji Ji Ji!”

Xiao Fei was very excited. His little wings flapped quickly, and he couldn’t wait to run from the stairs to the high platform again.

The Little Fox and the little dog were also playing together.

In Qingfeng Temple, Ning Fei was standing at the side. A fox, a dog, and a little yellow chicken were playing on the slide happily. This scene also had a sense of peace and tranquility.

“It’s so happy in the Temple!”

“These animals are so cute!”

“Yes, they are all bigger than farts, but they are playing very happily.”

“Little milk dog, little yellow chicken, and little white fox, I really Envy Abbey Dean Ning for having so many cute pets!”

“He’s very kind to them.”

The netizens felt very warm when they saw this scene.

Ning Fei had worked hard for an entire night, sawing wood and making accessories just to make a slide for them.

This effort was enough to make people praise him.

There were some people who loved dogs in the mountain village. After they raised a dog, they would personally make a kennel out of wood or bricks, and they felt very energetic about it.

Because there was love in their hearts, they would not feel tired.

The three little ones were having fun, and Ning Fei smiled in satisfaction.

Then, Ning Fei sat to the side to rest and called the little falcon over at the same time.

“You’ve gained weight again!”

The Little Falcon flew to Ning Fei’s arm. Ning Fei felt the weight of the little falcon and said with a smile.

The Little Falcon stood on his arm docilely and combed its feathers.

Playing with the four pets at night was especially enjoyable.

Qingfeng temple was getting more and more energetic.

“Dear viewers, this is the end of today’s live broadcast.”

“Bring everyone to the farmlands in the mountain village tomorrow. Everyone can see how the people in the mountain live their daily lives.”

“Everyone will definitely like it.”

Ning Fei said to the netizens in the live broadcast room. Then, he turned off the live broadcast.

The netizens who were watching the live broadcast saw that the live broadcast screen suddenly darkened, and they were somewhat reluctant to part with it.

It had to be said that when the netizens had watched too many live broadcasts of a certain live streamer, when they were bored, they would board the live broadcast platform to watch this live streamer. This had practically become a habit.

Moreover, Ning Fei’s live broadcast made people very relaxed, so it attracted even more netizens.

Ning Fei’s live broadcast room was neither noisy nor sensational. Instead, it was plain and realistic. Occasionally, he would go into the mountains and show everyone a rare sight that they could not see on normal days.

No Wonder Ning Fei was the number one live streamer in the outdoor area. He was also unprecedentedly popular and had already become a signboard for the live broadcast of bird fights.

“Watching Abbey Dean Ning’s live streamer is very relaxing!”

The netizens who had turned off the live broadcast felt much more relaxed in their bodies and minds as they lay in bed.

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