
Chapter 122 - Creation Of Butter

All attracted by what Chaplain Amis had said turned their faces and looked at the strangest thing they had ever seen in their lives.

In the place where Chaplain Amis pointed, there were numerous skeletons that were covered by countless red moving clumps.

Seeing all this Dean turned to see the crow in the soldier\'s hand and with horror, he looked at that he was already dead so he quickly covered his face with a piece of cloth that he had in his pocket.

"Everyone covers your face, we have to get out of this place, just look at the crow that is already dead.

There is miasma in the air. Maybe that is why those poor idiots died and how much they are those red things.

Only God will know what they are, but if they are not affected by it in this place, they can only be the cause of this situation. "

After this they all started running through that tunnel, trying to get as far away as they could from those red things they had seen.

The more they ran, they could begin to feel that their bodies were weakening little by little.

Dean who could feel the heaviness in his body made the best effort to try to stay awake because he could feel that if he fell asleep, he would end up dead.

As he was running, he could feel a blast of cold air on his face from a tunnel in the distance.

"Everyone follow me or die on your own!"

When he finished shouting, Dean ran to the cave where he had felt the air and with the light of the torch it lit up as he tried to reach the place from which the cold air came from outside.

It was then that because he was running with all his might, he did not notice that there was a small hole in the floor of the cave.

So his foot ended up inside the hole, causing him to fall to the ground and give a terrifying scream because he felt his foot break due to the fall.

One of the soldiers who were close to Dean ran to where he was to help him up, but when he saw the state of the duke\'s foot.

He could only bite his lip because to get it out he had to move it, but if he did, the duke would possibly yell at him or kill him, so he looked at the fat chaplain Amis who was running in the distance.

"Chaplain Amis, come here quickly I need you to help me get the duke\'s foot out of this hole."

The chaplain who was running silently cursed the soldier as he understood what he was doing.

\'Damn soldier, as soon as we leave this place I will take care of reporting your actions to the bishop so that you learn that you must not do stupid things.\'

Arriving where Dean was lying, Chaplain Amis handed the Duke a piece of cloth.

"This is going to hurt Duke, so you better bite the cloth because you can bite your tongue."

Dean who was enduring the pain put the piece of cloth in his mouth and at that moment he bit it with all his might as he felt like the chaplain.

He took his foot out of that hole in the most brutal way possible, wanting to hit the chaplain. He only fainted when he felt an even stronger pain in his foot.

The chaplain, seeing the duke faint, only sighed and glared at the soldier.

"Pick up the duke and carry him on your back, if something happens to him you will be responsible and your family will pay the price for the duke\'s damage.

As for you, pieces of shit who are standing watching us move and start walking, we have to get out of this place. "

After this, the soldiers began to walk in the darkness of that cave.

In the morning of the next day in the cow pen, Einar met Helmi and Seren as they proudly stared at a strange wooden machine.

Which consisted of a barrel that had a wooden crank sticking out. Inside the barrel, there were rotating blades also made of wood which moved as one turned them with the crank.

"It\'s a wonderful butter machine, I have to admit that the finishes Ibssen did were pretty good."

Seren smiled and gave herself a little blow to her chest "It was a pretty hard few days but we managed to finish on time, it\'s just that poor Ibssen fell asleep again."

Einar laughed and gently stroking the wood of that barrel, Einar nodded his head.

"When he wakes up, you will give him some butter on one of the loaves he bakes in the early morning, I think it will be a nice extra reward for his work.

Now let me show you how to make good butter. "

Taking a jug of cream from the table, he carried it to the opening that had the barrel and emptied the contents.

After this he used the wooden crank and began to turn it, thus causing the blades inside the barrel to begin to move.

Helmi who was looking curiously approached Einar and watched as the milk cream gradually began to turn into a pasty mixture which gave off a very rich aroma.

"This process is what turns the cream into butter as the milk fat turns into a semi-solid state."

Using his free hand to hug Helmi around the waist, Einar gave her a small kiss on the forehead and continued to turn the crank.

After a while, the cream began to turn into butter, so when he finally finished, he stopped turning the crank.

Einar pointed to the opening of the barrel and the two women looked curiously at the contents inside, which was a kind of yellow porridge that had a lot of white water in it.

But despite this, the aroma that came out of the barrel was quite pleasant. They did not dare to try it because Einar had not finished.

Seeing the faces of the two women, Einar smiled and loaded the small empty barrel with its contents onto a wooden plate.

Where, using a wooden spatula, he began to knead the butter, removing the excess water that he had, after a while, he used a linen cloth to finish squeezing it and giving it its characteristic bar shape.

After this, he placed it on a piece of waxed paper that he had prepared, and using a wooden spoon; he cut a piece of the soft butter, to be able to spread it on a piece of bread that he had ready.

"Alright Helmi and Seren, it\'s time for you to taste the delicious taste of butter on a piece of bread.

It may taste strange to you, but it\'s because I don\'t add any salt to it, but I think the taste shouldn\'t alter too much. "

Helmi and Seren looked at each other for a few seconds and took a piece of the bread that had butter on it.

When Helmi tasted the soft buttered bread, she could hardly contain her joy as the creamy taste of the butter on the bread made her discover a new flavor.

In Seren\'s case, she liked the consistency of the butter, but I consider the taste too simple so using a little salt that was on the table.

I season the flavor of the bread and butter a bit, so almost without realizing it, he finished his piece of bread in just two bites.

"Einar, this butter should be used only for bread or we can use it for cooking because I feel that my children will thank me if I can use it to fry fish or seal meat."

Einar who was also tasting a buttered bread wiped his lips using a piece of paper.

"It can be used to cook and season anything. There are two basic forms of salted and unsalted butter.

Without salt, it is used for desserts and bakery because if the butter with salt is used it would be difficult to control the final flavor, as for the butter with salt it is perfect for cooking.

Either way, with this method we can make our own butter quickly, it\'s just that due to the number of cows we can\'t make much.

But perhaps I could sell a hundred grams of butter for a silver coin, although it will be something that can only be bought from stocks.

However, if I do some auctions in the town in the morning, only those who have silver coins will be able to buy.

It may be somewhat unfair, but the milk that butter is made with is not much, because children have to have a glass in the morning.

But to make the situation more just, I think the best thing is to use that money as a fund to buy cattle for the tribe.

It will be a way for everyone to collaborate and receive a product in return. "

Helmi who agreed with Einar nodded silently while Seren looked at the stick of butter longingly.

"I think Einar is a very good idea, but if we are going to hold auctions I hope that the Thing members will be able to receive a small amount for their meals.

Of course, it will be paid for the amount of butter we receive. "

Einar patted Seren on the shoulder "I\'ll see to it that you get 50 grams of butter for free, but you will have to organize the auctions in the center of town every morning.

Not to mention that the guild of artisans will be in charge of making the butter, but the Jarl family will be the one who stores and sells it.

I would also like you to support me in the Thing so that no one else will be able to sell butter in the tribe in the future without the approval of the Jarl and Thing family. "

Seren made a face and looked seriously at Einar "100 grams of butter and I can convince all the members of the craftsmen\'s guild to support your decision on butter at the Thing assembly."

Einar sighed and gave Seren his hand "Sounds like a fair deal to me."

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