
Chapter 151 Shock After Shock


Name: Zack

Level: 69

HP: 139,920 / 139,920

Mana: 300,000 / 300,000

INT: 100 AGI: 90

STR: 94 DEX: 94

VIT: 96

Remaining points: 130


\'Looks like merging with the Phoenix left you a whole lot of benefits. Your base stats increased and so did your mana and health. Normal people\'s health is based on their vitality multiplied by 20 and their level multiplied with hundred before adding them.

Yours on the other hand gets multiplied by twenty once again after the first step. Mana is the same being intelligence multiplied by 30. Yours get multiplied by hundred after that.\'

Kai\'s voice explained the absurdity of his stats to him yet he was still too shocked to say anything. Emma on the other hand rose from the ground and looked at his awestruck face wondering what had happened.

"Why do you look as though someone just kicked you in the balls and you are slowly registering the pain?" She asked in a confused tone as Zack didn\'t say anything and unlocked his status screen.

He present it in front of her face and waited.

"Zack, pinch me to see whether this is a dream or not." Emma\'s jaw dropped down to hell as she opened her own status page.

Shockingly, her had many changes as well.


Name: Emma

Level: 65

HP: 80,000/ 80,000

Mana: 120,000 / 120,000

INT: 80 AGI: 120

STR: 60 DEX: 65

VIT: 75

Remaining points: 125


\'Looks like being your ally gave her many boosts too. Not only does she have higher agility than you, she also gets her vitality multiplied by ten and her mana by 50, half of what happens to you.\'

\'When I call you out, you don\'t appear but now you did…\' Zack replied as he heard a sigh.

\'I was trying to stay lowkey and prevent anyone from finding that I have been helping you but now that my cover is blown, I might as well help you whenever you ask a question.\'

Hearing Kai\'s words, Zack had no idea whether he was telling the truth or was just spouting lies. After thinking for sometime, he decided to believe Kai.

"Emma, we are overpowered people so now its upon us to see what happens next." Zack said as both of them exchanged a look.

They had no idea what had happened, Emma more than Zack since she didn\'t know about the skill he had used.

Both of them then noticed that Lisa and Hayden too were present in the same room as them however both of them were still unconscious.

"I will explain everything once they wake up. Till then, go ahead and see if any of your old skills changed to new and upgraded version."

Hearing his words, Emma opened her skills screen to see that it was indeed true. Four of her older skills had changed considerably but it didn\'t matter as she couldn\'t get her bow in real life.

"I should ask Eva for a bow…" She muttered as Zack smiled. He wondered how Eva would react if Emma just popped open after vanishing for six months and asked for a bow.

That would be extremely hilarious for him to see but he decided that he couldn\'t do such a thing to both Emma and Eva.

After waiting for a few minutes and seeing that Hayden and Lisa were not waking up, Zack decided to use hydro pump.

He opened his mouth and sucked in air before releasing a huge blast of water. The water directly hit the duo lying on the floor as they yelped in surprise before waking up.

Their clothes were completely drenched in water and sticking tightly to their bodies. Zack didn\'t worry about that as he used his blue flames at a high temperature and made the water evaporate.

After that, he asked the two of them to check their statuses and as expected, they had the same extra mana and hit points multiplication like Emma.

However, their level and stats boost was a bit low as compared to Emma. Both Hayden and Lisa were now level 55 players putting them well above the others.

Zack opened the rankings to see that the top four spots had indeed been taken by them however it was the ones below him that shocked him.

Kevin had somehow fallen to the eighth place and in his absence, Zack was sure that he tried to make a move on Mia. If that had happened, he would tear his head.

On the seventh place was Neji which shocked Emma and Lisa as well. Neji\'s level was 50 somehow which was a huge jump and he was still the ninth ranked.

However, the shocks didn\'t end there. Ranked number sixth was someone called XeRo which Zack knew very well. After all, he was the only person to have ever hacked Hikari.

His current level was 53. Above him was Lazy_Panda who Zack had forgotten about a long time ago and now was level 54.

And in the fifth place was none other than the person that tried to eliminate Zack on multiple occasions. It was Elyon who too was level 54.

\'Hahaha,\' For some reason, Kai started laughing as his voice was heard inside Zack\'s mind. \'All of those who had been a bit forgotten suddenly make their appearance and they come prepared. Damn this is so funny.\'

Kai continued to cackle as a vein popped in Zack\'s forehead. He was about to shout at the god to shut up but Kai relayed on something helpful before he could even think of the words.

\'Looks like that Neji guy has somehow managed to receive your special buffs too despite not being that close to you. You should investigate that.\'

\'I will after I tell these guys what happened.\'

Zack then looked at the three pair of curious eyes looking at his and sighed. He started telling how the Phoenix had merged with him, giving him unimaginable powers and making him extremely strong.

When Lucifer had appeared, all of them had been knocked unconscious the moment they noticed him so Zack had to explain every small detail.

How Gugnir had appeared in front of him and the voice of a god had resounded through it. How the voice had told him to find his purpose and he had done that but didn\'t mention what it was.

He then explained how a new skill had been unlocked and all of them had actually jumped in time.

"The underworld is fcked then. I will not be surprised if the Solanski empire hasn\'t already been crumbled." Hayden said in both a relieved and worried tone.

After all, a huge army had just slipped out of their grip and that would leave a deep scar. But as usual, they were just guessing things without knowing the truth.

Once Zack was done, the room plunged into silence as the three of them tried to make sense of what they had listened. But due to the changes that had happened and Gugnir being a mythological weapon, they weren\'t surprised if it was true.

And checking the date had told them the truth anyways.

"Happy birthday by the way. You are now officially eighteen years old." Emma said with a small smile even though she looked anxious.

However before Zack could respond, the door of the room opened up.

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