
Chapter 631 - New Heirs


"...these formations are extremely impressive. We can teach it to the weaker disciples in order to elevate their strength, that way we can at least increase our fighting chance." Henry commented as he looked through several blueprints laid on top of the table. 

"It requires a minimum of 100 disciples to maneuver though, additionally we also have to guard them but yeah, this is the best I can come up with for now." Raven sighed as double-checked every single blueprints in order to ensure he didn\'t make any errors. 

"Do we make this public then? If so then when?" Theo asked. 

"That\'s the tricky part too." Raven released another sigh. "I would like to have the disciples to get some practice with these formations but there are spies mixed amongst them. I\'m sure that they\'ll report it to their superiors once they saw this."

"I can erase their memories about it but doing that will cause gaps in their reports and that would make their superiors suspicious." Raven leaned back on his chair as he was in a dilemma as well. 

"That can still work...you know if we gather all the spies in group, we can isolate them and have them perform a different task as a distraction while the others get some practice with the formation." Logan suggested. 

"That\'s a good idea, but I\'m afraid it won\'t work that way." Charles shook his head. "Just gathering all the spies in a single group itself is already highly suspicious. Once would be a coincidence but more than that, our enemies would be an idiot to not realized what was happening. It\'s risky."

"Exactly." Raven agreed. "Also, doing it that way will kind of force us to reveal to the other disciples that we are aware of the spies, most of them aren\'t really good actors and slip ups could happen anytime so we\'ll be busted right away." 

The group became silent after hearing this. Indeed, they were in a difficult position. There are many things that Raven wanted to try but it\'s just that the existence of the spies are greatly limiting their options. 

If he really wanted to, Raven could\'ve simply dropped all pretenses with the enemy and execute all the spies. At this point, their existence are no longer needed since Raven already planted more spies on their ranks and those people are unconsciously revealing many things he wanted to know. 

The reason why he\'s so hesitant to do this is because if he did, then the possibility of the enemies making the first move to start the war will rise. Raven wanted to buy the sect sometime in order to bolster their defenses and that would be the complete opposite of what he wanted to do. 

"We also can\'t repeatedly erase the memories of our disciples as well. The would be bad for their health and too stressful for Raven." Theo added to which the rest agreed. "Such a shame, but I believe we can make this work somehow. How about we drop this for now and pay attention to something else. We can\'t waste time." 

"Agreed, but what other things do we talk about then?" Raven asked. 

"The Celestial Ascension Platform." Theo said, causing their ears to perk up. "I got this message from the others that they already met the necessary requirements to enter and they planned on making a trip now."

"Oh! That\'s good news." Henry said, "Well? Who will be this \'others\' then?"

"Levi, Paolo, Jessamine, Julia and Celestine." Theo revealed, causing the others to perk-up. 

"Oh, it\'s them. That\'s good then." Charles nodded on his seat.

"So she\'s going as well...why didn\'t she tell me?" Henry murmured softly but it was heard by the others. 

"She\'s probably going to tell you later since I just happened to be there when they made the decision a few hours ago." Theo stated, "I just wanted you to hear it from me so I could ruin your moment, you\'re welcome by the way." 

"Seriously?" Henry deadpanned at the beaming Theo, causing Logan to burst out on laughter. 

"Anyway, if they\'re going then who\'s going to handle their disciples?" Charles asked. 

"I heard they were tempering themselves inside the Gates of Hell." Theo added, "That should keep them busy for years, as for how long exactly, that\'ll depend. But since the Trial by Fire will last for that long, then they figured they shouldn\'t be idle too."

"If their disciples comes out and they\'re still not here, then I think we would be in charge of them until they return." 

"Great, more work for us." Logan groaned, the other War Gods also released a sigh upon hearing that. 

"I\'m sure as hell that they\'re going to take their sweet ass time in there in order to escape their responsibilities. Maybe we should go as well?" Henry asked the others but he wasn\'t actually serious, this was more of a reaction. 

"I wish we could but the Sect Master said that if anything, we should be the last batch to enter the Celestial Ascension Platform thanks to us surmounting Mount Olympus." Theo leaned back on his seat and felt stressed. 

They all collectively released a sigh but Charles saw Raven distracted, he then asked him: "Raven, are you good?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah! I\'m good. I just had an idea, don\'t mind me." Raven replied while immersed on his thoughts.

The group went silent at first, they were all resting since these past few days had been really hectic. This silence was broken by Raven shortly after though.

"...yeah, I think that can work."

"What can work?" Henry curiously asked. 

"I\'m talking about the Trial by Fire and this." Raven replied pointing at the blueprints on the table. 

At first the War Gods were confused but it didn\'t take long before they realized what Raven meant by that. 

"Oh! I see what you mean now!" Henry\'s eyes gleamed. "Yeah, I think we can use this method of yours, but what are we going to do with the spies?" 

"Nothing." Raven chuckled, "We won\'t need to do anything. After all, the disciples wouldn\'t remember anything about it until the right time comes anyway." 


"There would be two new heirs? That\'s great! Who would it be then?"

Raven is currently at the Storm Dweller\'s Peak as he got called by the Sect Master to inform him about this recent news. 

"It\'ll be Hades and Poseidon." The Sect Master said as he took a sip of his tea. 

"Alright so Tartarus and the Rivers of Styx has now a proper Vanguard. They should also bring more to the table. This is great. This lessens the burden even just for a bit." Raven sighed in relief at the good news he received. 

Two new Heirs are now joining their ranks. And as luck would have it, both would be a vital part of their overall force. 

The Heir of Hades had been chosen, from now on he will be stationed in Tartarus and would watch over that area. With the Heir of Hades around, the foul air seeping from the Devil Emperor\'s Pagoda would be flushed out of Tartarus. The weaker devils will also be deterred by his might and wouldn\'t casually come close to Tartarus anymore. 

Additionally, the Eruptions would be under his control since one of his task is to thin out the numbers of the devils on the lower floors. 

As for the Heir of Poseidon, he\'ll be stationed in Atlantis - a place which resides above Asphodel. Atlantis is created to suppress the devils coming out floors 51st and above. 

Additionally, the Heir of Poseidon will be tasked to watch over the Rivers of Styx - a body of water teeming with underwater devils that eats the souls of their victims. The area above Asphodel is strange since it is submerged in water, the Floors 51st up until 80th are underwater and whenever an Eruption occurs, the swarm of underwater devils will always plaque the Sunken City - Atlantis. 

The Rivers of Styx refers to the dark waters surrounding the Devil Emperor\'s Tower in this area. It forms a defensive circle that doesn\'t allow anyone else to get close. But with the Heir of Poseidon around, he\'ll be able to place this are under control. 

"How about the next Zeus?" Raven asked. 

"They\'re still under trials." The Sect Master replied, "You know how Grand Elder Gin does things. So long as the one who managed win the competition has a good moral character then the Grand Elder wouldn\'t waste time and immediately coronate that person."

"Indeed." Raven nodded, the Grand Elder would definitely do something like that. 

"Still, they\'re entering the last stages. It wouldn\'t be long." The Sect Master said, "We\'re still waiting for other Heirs such as Hermes, Athena, Helios, and etc. Once all the Heirs are complete, then the new era will begin and we old folks has to step down from our spots."

"You guys won\'t leave us behind will you?" Raven narrowed his eyes as he asked this question causing the Sect Master to chuckle.

"I honestly wish we could.." The Sect Master\'s smile disappeared as he continued: "But with the threat looming over us, I believe we don\'t have that luxury." 

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