
Chapter 440 - Smelting Trial 1.3



Before discovering the Divine Realm, they once thought that they are the one and true Masters of this cosmos. 

They thought that they were strong, capable and transcendent. So much so that others think that the one who rises as the one and sole ruler of humanity, will also be crowned as the true ruler of the Cosmos. 

Oh, how wrong were they…

A human with a moniker, Master Sun, has once caught glimpse of the world beyond their world. The instant he saw it, though it was only for a short period of time, he knew that he wanted to go there. 

Unfortunately, this task will prove to be a challenge. Master Sun dedicated good chunk of his life in pursuit of entering the \'World Beyond\' but experienced many failures. Many didn\'t believe him nor helped him in his quest. They cannot see the world that he saw, so it makes sense that none of them would even try to understand him. 

As his life was nearing its end, Master Sun despaired. No matter how much effort he placed, all that came to him was failure and nothing else. He felt extremely unwilling to die, he wanted to go there. To see different sights! To experience what lies beyond the skies! Unfortunately, he became old and time wasn\'t on his side anymore. 

Desperation gripped his heart. As he realized that he was nearing his natural lifespan, he decided to throw all caution with the wind. 

Either he sees what\'s beyond these skies or he die trying. 

Using all of his remaining strength, he ripped the skies open, consuming some of his remaining lifespan, and threw himself towards the gap and disappeared from the world he originally lived in. 

He woke up at an unfamiliar lands, his body was torn into shreds and his belongings all missing. His power was long gone and he\'s no different than a beggar. 

However, none of this matter to him. Instead, it made him happy. Seeing the vibrant colors around him, seeing the different sky, sensing the different whether, knowing that he was right all along and arriving here, this is what matters to him.

He was right. They were wrong.

Still this doesn\'t change the fact that Master Sun is in a dangerous position. His goal isn\'t just merely to arrive and then die afterwards. He wanted more.

He wanted to venture these lands, he wanted to see the unknown…

He wanted to conquer. 

Unfortunately, he hadn\'t truly overcome the mindset of being a proverbial frog in the well. Although he knew that there is a world other than what they previously had, he hadn\'t thought of the possibilities that there will be existences stronger than him...

…or stronger than humans…

He thought that since he was the only human being alive and relatively…okay, in this land, it would be okay for him to rule over it and own every single thing within it. 

Unfortunately, fate is such a fickle thing. Master Sun had no way of knowing that this mind of his, will in turn cause him to dance at the edge of the grim reaper\'s scythe time and time again.

Like a rude slap to his face, he will soon realize, that humanity isn\'t worth a fart in this new land. He\'s not some lord. He wasn\'t destined to receive a warm and glorious reception in this world. He was nothing more than a lost puppy in a world filled with humongous and powerful monsters that could cause the world to tremble just by their mere movements…


Raven\'s face was incredibly solemn. Out of all things that he had expected happening once he stood on this altar, this…is probably the last ting that he was expecting to happen. 

At first he thought that the enormous rising landmass in front of him just revealed two suns buried in them but he was wrong. He realized that instead of suns, those were the eyes…

This rising landmass in front him, was in fact, a living creature. And here he thought that there were no other living beings in his when he first arrived. It turns out that he was actually standing on its back previously and he didn\'t even notice it at all. 

Due to the intense shock he was feeling, he didn\'t even noticed that the restriction on his body were long gone. Still he stood there, paralyzed and dumbfounded. 

"Greetings, child."

A deep and archaic voice reverberated on every corner of Raven\'s body. Though the tone this creature used was gentle and amicable, its sheer power caused the sound to rumble on his own body. Something that was bound to happen when an ancient creature faced a…lesser, creature.

"God Beast, Heavenly Elk!" Raven involuntarily exclaimed in his shock. 

That\'s right. The creature that called out to Raven, rose from its slumber and spoke to him just now, is a God Beast. 

Heavenly Elks are one of the largest creatures of the Divine Realm. Their sizes could reach to an absurd degree that it is very common for them to be mistaken as actual continents, some people wouldn\'t even realize that they built their homes on its back since Heavenly Elks aren\'t as active as other God Beasts. They usually like to burrow their actual bodies underground and slumber, but this doesn\'t mean that they aren\'t aware of their surroundings. It\'s just the Heavenly Elks\' natural defense mechanism. 

Additionally, the vast expanse of forest behind its back isn\'t actually a place that anyone could just enter. In the end, the forest grows on the Elk\'s back, which means that it\'s a part of its body. Surely it could choose who could and couldn\'t enter or exit. 

Still, even though Heavenly Elks aren\'t as aggressive as other beasts, it doesn\'t mean that it\'s harmless. The truth was far from that. As for what it could do, Raven has no idea since this is his first time meeting one. But he was sure that the identity of it being a God Beast, isn\'t just for show.

"That I am." The beast replied to him. "You can put down the many arms you manifested. I promise I won\'t hurt you." 

Raven wasn\'t surprised that the Heavenly Elk could see the arms manifested by the Archaic Thousand Armed Wheel. He had then out way before he stood on the altar just in case of emergency, but since the beast had given him its word, then there should be no problem.

Well, even if it truly meant to hurt him, Raven has little to no room to fight back. This Heavenly Elk is something that the current him could not handle. It would only take a mere exhale of this beast to severely injure Raven, so there\'s no use on being stubborn. 

"I\'m afraid we don\'t have much time so I\'ll speak frankly. Don\'t interrupt me, you can ask your questions once I\'m done."

Raven simply nodded silently and allowed the Heavenly Elk to say its piece. 

"This might come as a surprise for you but where you are, isn\'t just the replica of Devil Emperor\'s Pagoda. I used what little power I have left to pull you to the real one."

These words caused Raven\'s eyes to constrict. Still he remained silent and allowed the Heavenly Elk to continue

"In truth, this is the 89th floor. And it\'s also where I currently am imprisoned." The elk spoke, "Once you arrive where the Ancient Elysium Sect is located, you will naturally understand many things, for now let\'s keep things short and simple."

"Child, I want you to free me." The elk spoke. As it uttered the word \'free\' there was an unmistakable longing on its tone. 

"Us Heavenly Elks had innate talents, one of the is Fate Scrying. From the moment that you picked up the badge belonging to the sect, I was already certain that you, amongst others, had the highest chance of freeing me. Thus, I already devised a plan for us to meet."

"I have been imprisoned in this place for far too long…even with my long lifespan, so much time has passed by with me unable to see the world outside." 

Despair and exhaustion could be heard from the elk\'s voice. 

"I know that this is technically your second life." The elk admitted, "I knew that you are different, which is why I am placing my hopes with you. You might be weak right now, but due to your accumulations and the fate you forced onto yourself, your potential is very high, which is why I am confident that you can help me."

"Of course, I also understand that fate is fickle. Many things could happen outside of our control. If its not fated, then there\'s nothing I could say, but still I want to try, even with the smallest chance of success."

"So long as you agree, I will provide you with serendipity. Are you willing to help me?" 

Raven was silent for a bit. He repeated the words of the God Beast on his mind. In the end, he couldn\'t tell if it lied or not. 

\'Well, at least this Heavenly Elk was kind enough to ask about my opinion. If it was others, then they would just simply force the issue simply due to them being strong enough to do so.\' He thought inwardly.

Raven looked at the Heavenly Elk and asked: "What do you need me to do?"

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