
Chapter 7 - Welcoming My Old Self In The Game

Jin reaches his back arm as it hurts. He tried to stretches his arm to relieve the pain it did not work. ``This is why I don\'t fight in real life it is too tiresome.`` After he said those words a blue tab pops in front of him saying

[Well done Blood Bullet heir you have gained experience. Ability: Green Fields Blue Bullet (Novice 3.83%)]

"That is a good enough boost what should I upgrade next mhmm.." After the tab pops out in front of him another Blue tab pops out in front of Jin

[Well done Blood bullet Heir you have gained another tier 1 ability; Blinding Bolt Blue Bullet (Novice 0%) -Able to blind an enemy for a few moments and increase speed in a short amount of time the enemy after being blinded will hallucinate and be able to be knocked out.]

``Oh come on this is a nice ability such an OP ability to start with!`` Jin smiled as he read the tab said. He then pressed [Ok] as an acceptance of the ability. Then another Blue tab appeared in front of him saying

[Welcome to the New World Blood Bullet Heir. Please be guided that there will be a new command for you to use and that is Inventory and Character evaluation. Saying these words will reveal all of the information that you want. Please try it!]

Jin was curious about what is the inventory and the Character evaluation. So Jin quickly said "Reveal Inventory." Then a Blue tab appears in front of him. It is a 10x6 type of inventory typical of inventory in the Mythical realms game. There are such inventory slots that are separated into levels. The maximum slot is 10 and for each slot, there is a 10x6 small slot for a 1 item.

``This is really amazing I can now earn items! This is awesome!`` After looking at the inventory, Jin then turned his view on the Character evaluation.

"What is the character evaluation for… dang" Jin exclaimed as he was walking in the hallway all by himself. "Open Character Evaluation" Suddenly a Blue tab appeared in front of Jin and there he sees his information.

[Name]: Ru Jin

[HP]: 1500/1500

[Level]: 3

[Primary Weapon]: None

[EXP]: 3.85%


Power: 34 (+50)

Agility:25 (+50)

Dexterity: 29 (+50)

Intelligence: 50 (+50)

Vitality: 34 (+50)

[Available points: 4 ]

[Elemental Resistance]

Water: 10 (+20) Earth:13 (+20)

Fire:12 (+20) Wind: 14 (+20)

[Available points: 5]

[Character Personality]

Class: Marksman

Title: Blood Bullet Heir (+50 to all stats and +20 to Elemental Resistance)

School: Akushu Technological Academy

``Amazing so this is my character evaluation. As expected with my stats they are pretty low. I really need to grind for levels to increase those stats.`` "Character evaluation close tab" After Jin said that the Character evaluation tab suddenly pops out of existence.

Jin was about to walk towards the Bike parking lot when he saw Yin Qiu standing in the hallway alone. Jin continued to walk and tried to ignore the most famous woman in school. And when Jin was about to walk past Yin Qiu, She then said "You are Ru Jin right?"

Jin stopped and turned his glance towards Yin Qiu. His face a bit poker face to take a serious glance at her. But in his thought, he was in blush and butterfly in his stomach. "Yes, how can I help you?"

"Yes, that is how are you able to beat Wu Meng in that battle inside?" When Jin heard those questions he then turned away from Yin Qiu and then said as he starts walking

"It\'s none of your business" Jin then goes straight towards the Bike parking lot and as he reached the Bike parking lot he sighed heavily as if he let out stress in him that never did matter. ``Ugh, what am I talking about she is the most famous woman in school. How did I- DAMN I forgot I am going to pilot Tan Shan account.``

Jin looked at his watch and it was only 20 minutes and he needs to use Tan Shan\'s account. "I should head at Tan Shan house... I don\'t know why am I doing this for him"

Jin then hops on his road bike and head straight towards Tan Shan\'s house. And when he arrived there he saw an extravagant old-style house compound. At the door, there was a guard. ``As expected from a mafia Heir geez``

Jin arrived at Tan Shan\'s residence as he was greeted by one of the old butlers of Tan Shan. "Oh, Young Master Jin you are here!" Ye Peng said as he guides Jin inside the compound. "The Young Master has been waiting for you. Luckily you have arrived. I thought I will be sending an escort team to get you."

Jin smiled and scratch his head as a sign of being shy.

Tan Shan was outside of his room and waiting for Jin. Once he saw Jin walking at the hallway he then shouted in excitement "JIN! You are here thank God you are going to save the group I am in!" he then walks over to Jin grabbing his shoulders.

"Right, the username is Dragon Serpent and the password is 123Heleven" Jin laughed a bit about the password. "So how many hours do I need to find those bandits?" Jin asked as he was about to enter the virtual capsule.

"Well, I want you to kill them for me and destroy their camp near the Hallow forest. There is a cave there where they hide and I also want you to destroy that cave. Don\'t worry I\'ll pay you 300$ for this job. And to add to my request all of their equipment store in the guild leader inventory. Alright?" Jin nodded in hearing all those requests.

Jin sat on the virtual capsule seat. The virtual capsule was a one-seater enclosed egg shell-like form. Inside there are only a helmet and a strap. Inside has its own temperature. It can be adjusted through mind sensory which able to command via mind, so if the user wants a cold climate inside the capsule it can feel up to the coldness of -3 Celsius.

Jin then makes himself comfortable that he then grabs the helmet inside the virtual capsule and then he taps a button on the upper right of the helmet and soon enough he was transported via a vacuum void was he is now slowly being transported to Mythical Realms.

``I have a feeling that this mission will be an easy task, a piece of cake.`` Jin grinned as a sort of boost of confidence. As he was being transported a Medieval themed tab appeared in front of Jin

[Congratulations Blood Bullet Heir! You have entered the Mythical Realms! You have now gained the title of the Blood Marksman!]

``I forgot the Blood bullet is also able to link up with Mythical Realms.`` After that notification appeared in front of him Jin then taped the


button and then proceed to be transported. After waiting for 30 seconds a blinding light was then flashed in front of Jin. Jin tried to cover his eyes but he was still blinded and slowly enough a beautiful scenery welcomed him. And then a huge title in front of him


after that, it was like him flying into the known lands of Mythical Realms.

``What an amazing scenery as ever the Devs really made an astonishing update in this server`` soon after a tab in front of him appeared

[Configuration needed. Please enter username and password]

Jin entered the Username and password that was said to him earlier. And then the tab vanished and then Jin was transported in the starting town and in front of him a message pop out.

[Welcome back! Dragon Serpent. Please check your inbox there are two chests to be claimed!]

After that notification, a different notification appeared in front of Jin.


{You have a limited time to finish the said objective finding more information is much better}

EXP: 200 GOLD:10


{You must test the capabilities of the ability of the character of Dragon Serpent}

EXP: 200 GOLD:50

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