
Chapter 15: Finding The Old Mage.

Chapter 15: Finding The Old Mage.

Viola turned her attention to the food that Shillong brought and said with a smile.

”Three-horn rhinos have tender and delicious belly meat and chewy thigh meat. It’s one of my favorite foods.”

”As long as you like it, mom,” Shillong replied with a grin.

”Well, I’ll dig into it now.”

After Viola finished speaking, she carried the three-horn Rhino into the cave, opened its belly, then started cleaning it with water magic. After which she divided the Rhino into two parts. One with two-thirds for Shillong, and one with one-third for her.

Viola pushed the bigger part of the Rhino to Shillong, then used frost breath to freeze her part and started eating it elegantly.

Shillong acted differently. He first cut off a tree, then lowered his head and slightly exhaled.

A string of fiery red gas ejected from his nostrils, oxidizing with air and turning into a flame, then landing on the three. Shillong them picked up his two-thirds of the Rhino, then slowly grilled into on the flame.

Shillong discovered a long time ago that grilled food taste much better than frozen food. This taste preference might be due to his mutation.

From that day on, Shillong trained his abilities in order to improve his control, solely to eat cooked food.

The ability he just showed is the result of his training.

Shillong had no control over his dragon breath before. Even if he tried to converge as much power as possible, he still ends up burning the land for 50 to 60 meters, completely turning it into a magma lake.

After two or three months of training, Shillong could finally use his fire for cooking without turning his food into charcoal or even aches.

After a few minutes, Viola and Shillong, mother and son, each finished eating. After that, Shillong said goodbye, then sprang into the sky, disappearing into the horizon.

Viola looked helplessly at Shillong who disappeared into the sky.

This child had grown too big, as a result, he can’t enter the cave she built before.

Logically speaking, this kind of trivial matter shouldn’t be trouble at all. A true dragon’s inherited memory contains many spells, including transformation spells.

Generally, true dragons can start using these spells after passing the baby dragon period.

Arman could already use them 7 years ago, but could not, greatly puzzling Viola.

As a result, Shillong couldn’t enter his birthplace for three years now.


Soaring a 1 kilometer above the ground, Shillong was already familiar with this island, but he still didn’t think about leaving this island he is so familiar with.

He is still vigilant about the unknown sea and continent.

He finally reincarnated as a very promising true dragon.

As long as he stays alive, he will eventually grow into a very powerful big boss. He has no reason to take risks now.

All cliché stories start with the Main Character recklessly going out to the world while still weak, then get targeted by some sort of powerful individual or organization due to their great potential.

Shillong pride himself that he will never fall for such a cliché. He will go out after growing powerful enough.

After flying above this island for so many years, he has a great understanding about it.

This is an uninhabited island full of exotic animals. Well, it should be, but Viola said that there might be a human mage hidden here, so it can’t be called an uninhabited island anymore.

The area of this island is not small. Its shape is oval, with the longest place from one point to the other being almost 15 kilometers. Its width is about 4 to 5 kilometers.

Soaring over the island, Shillong felt like he was patrolling his territory.

He leisurely observed the ant-sized plants and beasts on the ground.

Suddenly, he saw an unusual scene.

Through the cracks in the branches, deep in the forest, he saw a giant leopard stuck in a grid, struggling to free itself.

Suddenly, a few ice cones flew from a hidden corner, landing straight on the leopard’s belly.

Hardly having any chance to struggled, the leopard was quickly poked to death.

A few seconds later, a humanoid figure emerged from the forest, then started dismantling the grid, then took the body of the leopard away.

”Is this guy the last human that broke into the island? I didn’t expect him to still stay here.”

Shillong looked at the scene below with a surprised look on his face.

However, he was quite excited. He hadn’t seen a human for 17 years now.



Along with a roar piercing the sky, Shillong turned into a golden-red streamer and dived straight towards the mage

The violent sonic boom swept the sky.

Shillong got closer and closer to the ground. It wasn’t until he was about 300 meters away from the ground that he tucked his wings and stopped emitting the golden-red flames behind him.


A huge and deep hole was instantly created about 100 meters away from the humanoid creature.

The ground was shaken violently by the impact, causing the old mage Jones, who was about to drag the leopard away, to fall on the ground due to the shock.

What followed was the huge wind pressure brought by collision, the nearby plants and trees violently shook due to the huge wind pressure.

However, Jones was directly blown by the wind pressure. He flew for more than 10 meters before colliding with a tree and falling to the ground. He could barely hold himself from flying away.

The trees near the collision area were messed up, a lot had their leaves blown up and some even directly fell on the ground.

The old mage Jones didn’t pay attention to this though, Shillong’s giant figure still lying in the middle of the crater occupied his entire mind now.

Jones swear that even with all his knowledge and experience, he had never seen such a  huge monster.

From its appearance and shape alone, it should be a true dragon, but its appearance is very different from both the fice-color evil dragon clan and the metal dragon clan.

Jones has no idea about what kind of dragon this is, but its size and the aura it’s emitting caused him to feel cold from head to toe. This is definitely an opponent far beyond his capabilities. If he dares to attack it, he will undoubtedly die!

Suppressing the horror in his heart, Jones forced his trembling body to calm down, struggled to stand up, then bowed to Shillong and said.

”You…Your Excellency Great True Dragon, the magician Jones salutes you. “

For a master mage who has rich knowledge and understands true dragons. He knows they are superior creatures with extremely high wisdom and power.

Mages are always full of desire and respect for power.

”Are you the mage who entered this island 10 years ago?” Shillong asked, staring at old Jones with his piercing golden eyes.

His voice isn’t as immature as Arman, but rather thick and heavy just like the voice of a young adult.

”Yes, your Excellency. However, they aren’t my companions, we just happened to get teleported to this island together. Please forgive my uninvited entrance.” Jones’ wrinkled face had a look of guilt.

”The two guys who came with you are dead. They committed a big crime, killing two of my younger siblings” Shillong said indifferently.

”This…It’s really a shame. Since these two guys have done such a thing, they deserve to be killed by you.”

”You know that these two guys died a long time ago, right?”

”Yes, I have lived on this island for ten years and I have never met them again.”

”A full ten years…yet you’re still here. Aren’t you a mage? Why are you still here, are you waiting for death or what? My mother has already told me about how to deal with intruders like you. I can directly kill you if I want.”

Shillong couldn’t understand the thought process of this guy. How dare he still live on this island knowing that there are adult true dragons on it.

Does he think that he is strong enough to compete with an adult dragon?

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