
Chapter 60 - -59<Becoming An Acolyte-1>

\'Hey Loki, what do I have to do to become acolyte?\' Arvin asked.

{Oho… Do you think that you might need power comparable to that of an acolyte?} Loki asked. He asked this question to test whether Arvin was going on the right path or not.


\'Yeah… I would need its strength as a backup. I don\'t know whether the plan that I have thought will work or not. Still, it would be good to have a backup.\'

[So what is your plan?] Hela asked.

\'It is a very simple plan. Alman is searching for Arvin as he stole his safe. While those other three are looking for Lopt because of his ax. I just need to make them cross each other paths. And as they will do I would just need to insinuate some kind of fight between them. Then they would take care of the rest while I would just need to take care of what is left.\'

{Hmm… You certainly are on a right track. But do you have any idea what you would to insinuate the fight? After all, they are not kids. You will need to make them believe that they are each other\'s enemy. So how would you do that?}

\'That is the part that I am not able to figure out… yet.\'

[Think. Use that small brain of yours.] Hela said.

\'I don\'t know… I have one idea on top of my mind. But I don\'t whether it would work or not.\' Arvin said.

{What do you have in your mind?}

\'Alman is a very greedy man. So what we could do is….\' Arvin then explained some details of the plan on top of his mind.

{That could work. But can you see the flaw with your plan?} Loki asked.

\'Yes. That it would not be enough. Even if I somehow can make them each other enemies, I don\'t know for sure whether they will act on their instincts. Some complications may occur.\' Arvin thought.

[Good. You can see your flaws. That is a good thing. But you are not wrong on one thing Arvin. You will need to become an acolyte to even have a chance to defeat them all. Father, I think that Arvin would need to use the gift from my little brother.] Hela said.

{Hmm…. You are right. If he can utilize that gift then he could make those pee in their pants.} Loki said.

\'You have a son? Who is it? Do I know him?\' Arvin asked. In the previous world, he had heard about Loki from books. So he didn\'t have any knowledge about him…

{Actually, I have two sons and one daughter.} Loki said proudly.

\'Really? What is the name of your son?\'

{He is called Jörmungandr.}


{No. Jörmungandr.}


{Never mind. He is a very cute little fellow. He was the one that sends you that egg.}

\'That?... eh… why?\'

{It is a magical thing. You won\'t regret using it.}

\'By the way, how am I suppose to use it?\'

{By eating it of course.} Loki said nonchalantly…

\'*HAHAHA*… Good joke. Seriously… How am I suppose to use it?\'




\'You are kidding right?\'



{I have not been more serious in my entire life…}

\'…\' Arvin didn\'t know whether Loki was joking or not. He didn\'t want to believe it but based on the luck that he had so far, Arvin was having a bad premonition that this time Loki was serious….


\'How the hell did that old man did this?\' Terumi asked as she saw old man Han\'s body in front of her.

This body didn\'t seem that old. His face and features were an exact copy of that of the old man. When she saw this fake body, even her long experience was not able to find any difference in the body. This body seemed a replica of old man Han\'s body. She didn\'t know how the hell did he pulled it off, but seeing this body she was impressed by the work done on this body.

Inwardly Terumi was facing another dilemma…. What if this body is of real Han while the one that was in the meeting room with her was an imposter?

This question was eating her alive. Because if this turned out to be true then that imposter not only was able to infiltrate the Cullen estate, he also saw all the undercover personnel of the ghost faction. If her suspicion is true then that would mean that her opponent is a master of disguise that could take the appearance of anyone. Now that was a matter to think about carefully.

Terumi looked around the room. Right now she was in her office alone and thinking about the possibility that her theory might be true. But then it could also her paranoia talking. Then she started thinking that maybe this her paranoia speaking. But then she remembered the battle gear that she handed over to Han. If that was in fact Han then she knew that those items would be safe in his possession.

But if he is not… Terumi then abruptly got up and walked out of her office to find the other elder of the ghost faction. She wanted to find out the truth, whether her theory was right or wrong? And there was the only person that could answer these questions. And that person was Han himself. She wanted to find him and find out the truth. So all that she could do for now was find him and ask himself.

Not many people of the Cullen family know that there are certain runes planted over every b battle gear that comes from upper floors. Those runes help to locate those items if sometimes they get misplaced. It was really hard to believe that how often the Cullen family members lose their high-grade gear. So it was up to the Ghost faction to retrieve those items and ban the people that lost them.

Terumi wanted to use those runes to find Han\'s location. So that she could bring him back or go to him, to interrogate him. She needed to find the truth. As if her theory is correct, any enemy of the Cullen family will pay highly for the information. And that could mean the Cullen family\'s doom.

Terumi walked through the narrow passages of the underground network of their caves eventually reach a normal wooden door. Behind these doors was the office of the third elder of the ghost faction. He was the one that gave Han the battle gear. Terumi didn\'t show the courtesy of knocking and directly walked inside his office, pushing the door aside.

Terumi walked into a cozy and small office. This office was very small if compared to her own office. It only had a fireplace built and by the fireplace, there was a normal sofa facing towards the fire. While north of the sofa was a wooden desk on which the third elder was sitting. As she walked in, she saw that the third elder was surrounded by some of the personnel of the faction and they were all arguing about something.

But as soon as they heard someone had just walked in, they all shut their mouths closed. When everyone saw that it was Terumi that had walked in, they all showed disgusted faces to her. Then one by one they all saluted her and started making their way out of there. Terumi was confused about what was that all about. But she pushed her thought at the back of her head and started walking towards the elder…

"Miss Terumi how can I help you?" the elder asked while greeting Terumi.

"What was all that about? Why were those people here?" Terumi asked.

"Those guys? They were here to tell me their distrust in you."

"Excuse me?"

"You see when elder Han\'s body was found and you told everyone that he had to put down, they all stooped trusting you. These guys were the one that thinks that you killed him for prejudice and this had nothing to do with his plan being wrong." Elder said.

"And what did you said?" Terumi asked,

"Well, I slandered Han a little bit by saying that his actual motive to kill Alman amidst all the chaos. And you acted out as a responsible leader." The elder said

"Hmm…" Terumi said. Then she started thinking about whether she could trust this guy or not. After all who could tell if he has an ulterior motive or not.

"By the way why are you here miss," Elder asked.

"I want you to find Han. And bring him back."

"What? But he is on a mission. Wouldn\'t this jeopardize the mission?"

"That is why you go alone and finds him. Then tell him to meet me in private. This way the mission\'s faith will not be jeopardized."

"But what happened? Why do you want to meet him?"

"To see whether the fake body that we buried is a fake body or not."

"Huh?" the elder said in confusion.

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