
Chapter 101 - A Succesful Surgery.

Once the patient was placed on the surgery bed, The Chief Surgeon\'s voice rang out.

"Quickly connect him to the ECMO machine so we could rest the heart and the lungs. Next, we would work on the heart to try to get it restarted and beating".


And so, the surgery went on with the doctors listening and following the Chief Surgeon\'s instructions. 

The surgery was successful, and so there was a tinge of hapiness and a sigh of relief from the doctors. 

They wouldn\'t even know where they would start explaining to the family of this 72 years old CEO even if the situation was not there fault. 

Honestly, when the heard the situation of this patient, moat of the doctors gave up immediately as they felt that there was no solution to the problem. But they had no choice than to listen to the Chief surgeon\'s instructions. 

But now that the surgery was successful, they were relieved and happy as they began to shower praises on the Chief surgeon in order to curry favor and in the Chief Surgeon\'s good graces. 

The patient was wheeled out of the cath lab and into the VIP intensive care unit (ICU). 

As the doctors came out of the cath lab and still dressed in their surgical uniform, they began to curry favor with the Chief Surgeon. 

"Chief your method for this surgery was weird but successful. How did you think of this method because the patient had no chance of survival, but this method saved him?". The associate chief surgeon asked as his main interest was not on pleasing the Chief surgeon but to find out the source he got the method and information from. 

This man was so full of jealousy right now as he couldn\'t believe that the Chief surgeon was able to find a method he didn\'t know about. 

Am just wondering how he would react and what he would do when he finds out that the idea came from the youngest Cardiologist in the world, a girl that was young enough to be his daughter. Tsk tsk tsk.

Another doctor said as he too was trying to curry favor, "Who cares about the method. What\'s important is that the surgery was successful and we are out of trouble".

Then he turned to the Chief Surgeon and said with a fawning smile, "Congratulations Chief".

Ha ha ha! The Chief surgeon laughed before explaining the whole idea to them with a smile. 

"You people don\'t need to flock around me and praise me for what I did not do". 

The other cardiologists had a look of confusion as they tried to understand what the old man was saying to them. 

Chief surgeon Long gave a knowing smile to Chen Lihua who had been standing at the side and keeping quiet the whole time. 

Chen Lihua met his gaze before moving hers away as if she didn\'t understand what he was hinting at. 

Seeing how Chen Lihua moved her gaze away, Chief Long shook his head in amusement and turned to look at the other doctors that have been waiting for his explanation. 

Being satisfied with the sudden attention, he smiled more and answered, "I can\'t take credit for what I didn\'t do. The success of today\'s surgery is as a result of the method given by Our young Dr Chen. She has really surprised me with the level of her knowledge. So if you want to thank somebody, the right person to receive the thanks would be her".

There were different looks, displaying each emotions the doctors had. There were looks of astonishment, admiration, surprise, envy and jealousy displayed by these cardiologists as they didn\'t even try to mask them.  

Chen Lihua was respected and also envied by her colleagues and seniors because she was the youngest cardiologist in the world ever recorded, and she had an IQ of over 200.

But this her talent and position has brought envy and admiration from her colleagues. It has also caused the Chief surgeon to be fond of her and also have a new level of respect for her. 

After this successful surgery, the Chief and other cardiologists now saw Chen Lihua in a new light because, this was the first time that Chen Lihua had shown and proved herself. 

But before then, they saw her as the youngest cardiologist who bought her way with money and had nothing to offer, forgetting that someone who had that title of the youngest cardiologist in the world, definitely had a potential and  something to offer.

There is this knowing that no matter what you are and how well you perform, there will definitely be people that will remain dissatisfied with you. And Chen Lihua was not an exception. 

She was currently among those who was being disliked and envied ,simply because they 55 years old Associate Chief surgeon thought that she was just showing off just to steal and be in the limelight.

Just see how crazy his thoughts are. Instead of him to be happy and proud of his younger collegue, he instead chose to be driven be jealousy that he became muddleheaded in dissatisfaction. 

Chen Lihua could very well feel his dissatisfaction towards her, but who cares?. Chen Lihua gave him a side glance for a second before moving her gaze towards the other doctors that were raining praises on her. 

Whether they were sincere or not, she couldn\'t be bothered with them. At least they masked their dissatisfaction well enough, unlike someone who couldn\'t take it. 

After exchanging pleasantries with her colleagues, Chen Lihua made her way to the general office for the cardiologist. This office is for those cardiologists without a high rank like the Chief surgeon and the associate chief surgeon. 

On her way there, she was stopped by the Chief surgeon who reminded her with a smile.

"I talked to you this morning about the heart transplant, now the chance is here, we would talk about that latet".

And with that, he walked away with a satisfied smile on his face. 

Chen Lihua stared at his back for few seconds before entering the office. 

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