年轻的朋友3 免费观看

Chapter 86 - The Experts Opinion

"Yup!" She replied. She plopped down on the chair and supported her elbows on the table to hold her chin. She kept looking at his handsome face. Sometimes, he frowned looking at the files or the computer screen and sometimes he just shook his head in frustration. "If you need some help, you can ask me. I won’t mind." Xu Mey offered politely.

Ye Jie looked at her sincere eyes. "There is a bid for a government project in a month. I have to deal with that and Ye Jun was supposed to deal with e-sports tournament. But now, Ye Jun can’t find a single Strategic Planning Manager. And Strategies are crucial in e-sports." Ye Jie replied.

Xu Mey nodded in understanding. She was quiet for a while before speaking, "Have you ever heard of Murong Yi?"

Ye Jie thought about it. "Yes... I think I have... He was a very popular gamer back in the days but now he’s nowhere to be found."

"He’s in Tokyo..." Xu Mey replied. Seeing the expression of Ye Jie she explained. "He loves online games. And what better place than Tokyo? Also, an acquaintance of mine told me about it. I’m a huge fan that’s why."

"Ohh..." Ye Jie thought about her suggestion. Xu Mey’s idea wasn’t bad. Murong Yi was famous for his strategies when he was a player. He was an experienced person. He had to make him join their business. But how? Suddenly a beautiful face popped up in his mind.

"You need to look for someone who could convince Murong Yi." After a pause, "Do you have anyone in mind?"

"I do... But I doubt she’ll help..." Ye Jie replied without thinking. Xu Mey arched her brows. He cleared his throat and replied. "She’s a childhood friend. She can fix anything. Except for her own brain."

"Why don’t you take a chance with her then?" Xu Mey was curious but denied firmly to herself.

"I should..." Ye Jie replied and dialed a number in his phone right before Xu Mey. The call connected in no time.

"Ah Jie?" A masculine voice called out. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah... I just want your help to contact Ru’er..." Ye Jie replied.

"Hmm... Why don’t you do it yourself?" The other voice asked.

"She and I are at odds."

Ye Jie heard a laugh. "When was the last time you both weren’t at odds? Just call her yourself." Ye Jie thought about it for a bit and replied with, "En".

He looked at Xu Mey who was spinning a stone paperweight with ease. " You’re at odds with a childhood friend?"

Ye Jie’s lips curled up a bit. "We always had conflicts but this time it dragged on for a long time."

"Why?" Xu Mey stopped spinning the paperweight as she asked.

Ye Jie sighed. "Because she was completely against my ex for some reason."

Xu Mey nodded. "But if she’s a friend, I don’t think she’ll hold the grudge."

Ye Jie had to agree with that. Even though Ru’er was impulsive but she never held any grudge for people she cared about.

After much contemplation, he dialed another number and kept the phone on speaker this time.

"Hello!" A groggy deep voice replied which shook both Xu Mey and Ye Jie.

"Ru?" Ye Jie asked with uncertainty.

They heard some shuffling on the other side. "Jie Ge-Ge!" The voice turned into a fruity feminine one brimming with excitement. "How can I help you?"

"Why do you think I need something?"

"Isn’t it obvious. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have woke me up at 3 in the morning. Well, I know its still 7:30 there but here it is only 3 o’clock." The other voice was still a bit hoarse giving Xu Mey a very familiar feeling.

"Find someone for me, " Ye Jie got straight to point throwing formalities out the window.

"Send me his details." The call disconnected.

Ye Jie typed an email and sent it to her. "Let’s go home." Ye Jie said to Xu Mey who was still in a daze. The earlier voice reminded her of someone but who?

She shook her head and stood up. Ye Jie took his jacket draped on the chair and put it on. "Shall we?" He offered his hand to Xu Mey. Seeing the extended hand in front of her, she was confused. But she took his hand anyway, with the excuse that his warm hands will help her cold ones to get better.

Hand in hand they walked through the hallway where the receptionist couldn’t help but glare at Xu Mey with hatred. As they walked inside the elevator, Xu Mey said, "Your receptionist is going all the way to make you notice her."

"Are you jealous?" Ye Jie asked with amusement.

"Jealous? Of her?" Xu Mey snorted. "Leaving this face, " She pointed at her own face. "If you went for that plastic face, " She made a gesture to point at the receptionist. "Then I really doubt your intelligence."

Ye Jie burst out laughing. "I didn’t know you were a narcissist..."

"Well, I don’t need others compliment when I have the experts opinions." She replied with ease and calm.

"Expert?" Ye Jie frowned.

"Me..." She raised her chin as if to challenge him to deny it. "We all need an expert and experts are ourselves but we often neglect this expert."

Ye Jie was pleased with her reply. As Xu Mey passed Ye Jie a helmet, she asked, "Can you ride a bike?"

"Yes, I can." Ye Jie replied proudly.

Xu Mey threw the keys to him which he caught with ease. "Then drive." She said.

Ye Jie was stunned beyond belief. Li Qiao obviously told him that Xu Mey doesn’t like people even touching her motorbike much less drive it.

But Ye Jie didn’t question and climbed in the bike after Xu Mey settled up, he started the bike as they started their journey.

Xu Mey’s hands were not holding anything at first but when Ye Jie deliberately made the motorbike jump a bit, she had to hold his waist. Ye Jie was more than pleased with this outcome.

It was another small but steady step in their relationship. Whether the step was in her life or heart, Ye Jie had to figure that out.

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