
Chapter 441 In Shambles

Chapter 441 In Shambles

"Are you threatening me?" Mia took a step towards Jiang Yue, her gaze was menacing. "Before this night ends, this empire will crumble." She said, her eyes narrowed.

In response, a tinge of mirth flickered in Jiang Yue’s eyes. She lifted her chin to look straight at Mia’s eyes. "Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I am... By the end of this night, there will be no more Moon Empire. I will guarantee that." Mia’s voice was not loud yet, it was enough for everyone to hear it. Some people instantly understood Mia’s meaning and could only shook their heads.

What would they expect? Mia is both a Ruiz and a Pardi. Her words were like God’s judgment. Once she says your done, then you are done. They could only pity Fu Jin for having Jiang Yue as a fiancée. This Easterner is dumb enough to offend Mia. Such a piece of bad luck for Mr. Fu.

"However, if you kneel and apologize to me now... then I might let the Moon Empire survive." Mia continued."Think about it." Mia was expecting Jiang Yue to shudder from her words and instantly give in. After all, Jiang Yue should know that Mia is capable of destroying her fiancée empire.

"I think Miss Jiang should apologize. Maybe this will quell Mrs. Pardi’s anger and she might let you off." One of the onlookers suggested.

"Too bad tonight is Mr. Fu’s birthday and his fiancée ruin it."

"Fiancée? Let’s bet for a hundred dollars. Mr. Fu will dissolve this engagement before this night ends."

"A hundred? Let’s make it ten thousand! Hahaha"

"Hey... I’m in. Let’s bet!"

These words were not loud, but both Jiang Yue and Mia was still able to hear it.

Mia smirked at Jiang Yue. "See? This will not only ruin Fu Jin’s empire, but this will also include your reputation." She said. Mia was confident that she would intimidate Jiang Yue. After all, Jiang Yue is still not aware that she is the heir of the Vercello Matriarch. She was sure that Jiang Yue will fear the fact that Mia could destroy Fu Jin’s efforts.

After all, they were in the West. Somewhere without Fu Jin and Jiang Yue’s meager families.

"Mrs. Pardi..." Jiang Yue chuckled and walked a step towards Mia. Their faces are now less than a foot away from each other. Then she lowered her voice and said, "They were supposed to be done right about now. Didn’t you wonder why no one called you and confirmed that they did the job perfectly?"

Mia’s eyelashes instantly fluttered when she heard Jiang Yue’s words. She widened her eyes as the realization hit her. She... Does Jiang Yue know? But before she could ask her, Jiang Yue took a step back, creating a distance between them. "You are indeed drunk Mrs. Pardi. I would advise you to go home and have a rest. It’s been a pleasure meeting you and your husband." Jiang Yue gave Mia a meaningful look before her lips turned into a mocking smile.

"Have a good night Mr. and Mrs. Pardi. I hope you enjoy the rest of the night." Jiang Yue said before walking opposite to the couple Mia with a twisted face.

"Go! What are you all looking at?" Mia barked at the people who were still surrounding her and Peter. Seeing everyone lower their heads and walk away from her, she then turned towards her husband. "She knows!"

"Does she?" Peter asked in a languid tone. He was already expecting that Jiang Yue would know this. Mia is just too dumb to realize that her silly plan will fail.

"She threatened me! I’m sure she knows. Call my grandfather. We needed to abort the plan." Mia panicked. They sent more than thirty of their elite tropes to raid the underground facility. If this is one of Jiang Yue’s traps then wouldn’t that mean...

Mia felt her pupils dilate as fear started to overcome her. If she will fail then, this will greatly disappoint her uncle Antonio. What if he will not consider Mia as a candidate for the matriarch anymore? She immediately dialed the head of the group that she sent, but only heard a busy tone.

Her heart started to beat even faster as she dialed her grandfather’s number. "Grandfather... I think we fell into a trap."

Mia’s mind was in shambles. If she will fail this then the fifteen people that she got from her uncle Antonio Pardi will die. She is sure that this news will immediately reach the elders and will affect her reputation.

No... How could Jiang Yue know their plan? Does she have a spy among her trusted maids? Mia started to over think as she waited for her grandfather to answer her. However, she was met with silence. "Grandfather?" she asked. "Are you there?"

"They are all dead."she heard her grandfather’s gloomy voice after a few more seconds.

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