
Chapter 12 Bullying

Chapter 12 Bullying

"That is BULLYING!" Lu Shi roared while looking Jiang Chanming.

"That daughter of yours is treating Jiang Mian like she is not her sister at all! How dare she embarrass my daughter like that? If I will not make that b*tch pay, then my surname is not Lu!"

"Enough!" Jiang Chanming blurted.

"Did you just raise your voice on me? Are you taking sides now? Are you going to choose that b*tch over my daughter? Huh? Did you forget how I helped you get rid of her mother? Huh? ARE YOU TAKING HER SIDE OVER ME? HOW DARE YOU!?" Lu Shi was livid. Fury twisted inside of her. Making her think irrationally.

"I will have that b*tch sent to where her mother is! I WILL-"

"I SAID ENOUGH! You shut up!" Jiang Chanming’s voice echoed. Lu Shi looked at him her eyes widened in disbelief. This man never shouted at her like this before.

"We need to think this through. We can’t be careless about this. I am not taking sides either. I don’t want to hurt our daughter in the process." Jiang Chanming is still rational. He knows something must have happened to Jiang Yue.

Why would she change so much after her mother’s death?

Did she know that his father had been cheating on her mother for more than 15 years? That is impossible! After Wang Rou’s death, they informed everyone that she only saw Lu Shi once after he got married and something unexpected happened between them, but they didn’t see each other after. That he was not even aware of her pregnancy.

When they saw each other again, Jiang Mian is already 15 years old. And since, his wife is already dead, she need to take responsibility for what he did to Lu Shi.

Everyone thought that Lu Shi was righteous for staying away from a married man despite being impregnated. She didn’t even ask for any assistance to raise her child.

Jiang Chanming made sure to cover all the evidence of their affair. He is sure that the Wang’s didn’t know of it as well.

Wang Rou knew of this affair but she couldn’t have informed her child about it. After all, she pampered Jiang Yue too much.

"What do mean?" Lu Shi’s rationality slowly came back. Jiang Chanming is right. They couldn’t be too hasty. The Wang’s are watching them.

"It’s impossible for her to know something about the past. Wang Rou never told her a thing. She must have just guest it." He made a deliberate pause then continued "She started changing her attitude after her mother’s death. The change must have something to do with it." He explained.

"We need to find a way to get the original copies of Wang Rou’s deeds first. If we harm Jiang Yue, I’m sure the Wang’s will do everything to exterminate us." He continued.

"Tell Jiang Mian to stop scheming and act cordially with her sister." Jiang Chanming said while contemplating something.

Lu Shi nodded. Jiang Chanming’s decision is reasonable, the Wang Family is very influential. If they make a wrong move against Jiang Yue, the Wang Family will surely back her up.

"Do you know where Jiang Yue lives? I heard she is not living at the Wang’s ancestral house." She asked.

"Hmmm.. She’s living at a Penthouse in the central area" Jiang Chanming answered.

Lu Shi frowned. The Central area is a very expensive part of the city. The Wang’s surely pampered her.

"Asked her to let Xiao Mian stay at her place. Her place is nearer to the school and it will be convenient to let Xiao Mian stay with her. She could also get close to Jiang Yue." Lu Shi suggested. Jiang Chanming looked at her. Then he shook his head.

"That’s not possible. Jiang Yue doesn’t like Jiang Mian. She even embarrassed her in front of the whole school. I’m sure she won’t agree. Unless we do something to make her agree."

Lu Shi seems to be in deep thought. They need to be careful.

Then she gave him an evil smile. "Let me take care of it."


After what happened at the cafeteria, Jiang Yue decided to avoid all crowded places at the school.

She wanted to avoid another confrontation with Jiang Mian. Not that she is afraid of her, she just didn’t want to associate herself with the likes of Jiang Mian. Pure on the outside but black and blue in the insides.

Her days went by peacefully. She decided to avoid the cafeteria and stay in less crowded places like the library. Shen Rong also started spending more time with her. Both of them decided to bring their own lunch to avoid going to the school cafeteria.

That is until one afternoon, Jiang Yue and Shen Rong were talking about music. Shen Rong likes to dance classical music and coincidentally, Jiang Yue also loves playing classical songs.

Shen Rong was laughing while narrating something to Jiang Yue. "So, I was like, no. don’t change the pace... No.. no-"

"Jiang Yue?" They were interrupted by a tall tan guy with blond hair. Jiang Yue examined the the guy. She can sense arrogance from the guy’s aura.

"Yes? You need something?" She asked.

"Come with me, Senior Yu Chen wants to see you." The mentioned of Yu Chen’s named give Jiang Yue a feeling that she couldn’t explain. She didn’t like Yu Chen in either of her lifetimes. Still, they were married once.

"Huh? If Yu Chen needs something from Jiang Yue then why don’t he come and see her instead?" Shen Rong asked condescendingly. Shen Rong clearly doesn’t like Yu Chen as well.

"Senior Yu Chen is a busy man! He is the student president after all. If he wants to see you then you go see him!" The guy raised his voice while looking at them. His eyes full of arrogance.

"I won’t go." Jiang Yue replied shortly.

"What did you say?" The boy looked dumbfounded. He didn’t expect for Jiang Yue to blatantly say no.

"I said, I won’t go."

"You- Do you know how many people have the privilege to be asked to see him? Huh?" The guy is starting to get agitated. They already know that Jiang Yue is arrogant from the rumors. But he didn’t expect that she could be this arrogant.

"I don’t need anything from him. Why do I need to go see him?"

The guy wanted to slap some sense into this arrogant female. How dare she asked Senior Yu Chen to come see her instead?

"I already told you Senior is busy!"

"Well as you can see, I am very busy too" Jiang Yue answered. Her voice full of confidence.

The guy’s nostrils flared in annoyance. "You are just sitting here. Talking. In what way are you busy?"

"What talking? I’m doing therapy. Okay? The-ra-py. Aiyah. Don’t disturb us. Were busy with therapy. Go get lost already!" Jiang Yue answered then she gestured the guy to go away.

’Hah! I’m trying my best to avoid all of them ah. If they do something and still insist on becoming a part of my life then I will kill them with anger’ Jiang Yue thought. Her mind full of evil thoughts.

When Shen Rong and the guy saw Jiang Yue’s sinister smile, they shivered in fright.

The guy didn’t have a choice but go back to Yu Chen. This Jiang Yue is unreasonably crazy. He will make sure to avoid her in the future.

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