
Chapter 231 - Predestined Fate

Chapter 231: Predestined Fate

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The major difference between the past life and this life was the position Li Yi was in — He was top dog. No one has the right nor the balls to rebuke his words.

“Alright, let’s all roll!” Xiao Changfeng nodded as well.

Those who were impatient had already tossed their dices. It did not matter who went first or last as everyone only had one chance. Whoever landed the highest number, would win.

Xiao Changfeng rolled, too. This guy was pretty lucky and rolled out 98 points.

“Hahaha... 98 points. Anyone higher than me?” Xiao Changfeng felt pretty good. He fixed his gaze on the Hurricane Sword in Li Yi’s hands. If it was someone else holding the sword and not Li Yi, he would have snatched it away long ago.

“No need to act all high and mighty, watch me.”

Jiaojiao pressed her palms together and narrowed her eyes before tossing the dice.

0 points!

“Hahaha...” At least half the group burst into laughter.

The chances of obtaining 0 or 100 points were both more or less equal...

Jiaojiao refused to resign herself to her fate and rolled again. 2 points. Rolled again. 1 point. Rolled again. 3 points...

“Perverted Wing, old sis here can’t help you now. You need to work it!” Jiaojiao dejectedly sent a PM to Li Yi.

It was Li Yi’s turn and just as he said, he has Trash Hand when it came to looting but he has quite a lot of luck when it came to rolling.

The dice stopped. 98 points! It placed both Xiao Changfeng and him in first place.

“Sigh...” Xiao Changfeng smacked his thigh, disgruntled. As both parties had the same points, they would have to continue to roll again until a winner was decided.

“Lil Snow, give it a go.”

All 24 of them have rolled now and only Lil Snow had yet to throw the dice.

“I’d rather not,” Wind-on-Snow shook her head.

“Why not? All 25 of us are alike. All of us must roll,” Xiao Changfeng proclaimed.

“Okay then...” Wind-on-Snow threw the dice and it spun for a long time before stopping at... 99 points!

“Lil Snow wins!” Xiao Changfeng shouted out in glee.

“Congrats. This Hurricane Sword is now yours,” Li Yi handed the Hurricane Sword over to Wind-on-Snow.

“I... I don’t want it...” Wind-on-Snow refused to take it, flailing and waving her arms in front of her.

“Why not?” asked Li Yi and Xiao Changfeng simultaneously.

“Just take this sword as a gift from me to you. Just take it,” Wind-on-Snow timidly pointed at Li Yi.

Li Yi did not have a chance to respond when Xiao Changfeng jumped out, “Sis, what’re you talking about? You rather give the sword to him than your brother over here? When we were young, I...”

Xiao Changfeng immediately bit his tongue halfway while talking. A momentary lapse in judgment and he forgot to use PM. All members of the party heard him.

So they are siblings, huh. A shroud of bleakness overshadowed Li Yi.

Wind-on-Snow said, “This isn’t yours to begin with. He solo-ed for that long and what help did you guys provide him?”

Wind-on-Snow went offline after leaving these words.

Li Yi added, “So, any objections on who gets the Hurricane Sword?”


“You’re the boss, Guild Master Dark Wing.”

“Yeah, whatever you say, goes.”

The party members went along with Li Yi, without a hint of resistance.

The party disbanded and the members rubbed their Return City Stone, leaving one by one.

“Guild Master Dark Wing, you may not know this but Wind-on-Snow is my blood-related sister,” Seeing that there was no one else around, Xiao Changfeng came over and stopped Li Yi who was about to rub his Return City Stone.

Li Yi paused, “Oh, I really didn’t know that. Lil Snow never brought that up.”

“Well, our parents divorced. I went to live with our dad while she went with our mum but our relationship is good.”

“Just when my sister was about to log off, she messaged me, hehehe... saying to have you gift the Hurricane Sword to me. She’s shy so, she’s a bit embarrassed to tell you face to face.”

“Did your sister really said that?” Li Yi was still frowning.

Wind-on-Snow’s earlier reaction really got Li Yi thinking. She had a fair chance to take the Hurricane Sword yet she rejected it. Now, the stunt Xiao Changfeng was pulling was obviously a lie.

Judging by the reaction of this sibling duo, could it be possible that they never conspired together against him to begin with?

Li Yi was at a crossroads.

Xiao Changfeng was flustered. “It’s the truth! You can call her now to ask her.”

“Oh, sure.”

Li Yi nodded and was about to give Wind-on-Snow a call.

“Wait... Guild Master Dark Wing, don’t call her yet,” Xiao Changfeng really wanted to slap himself for his mistake.

Xiao Changfeng continued, “Let’s put it this way. I’ve seen your relationship with Lil Snow. No matter what, we are all one family, no? Can’t you let me have the Hurricane Sword for Lil Snow’s sake? I am Lil Snow’s brother, after all.”

Li Yi chuckled, “Tell Lil Snow to tell me that.”

He rubbed his Return City Stone and Li Yi’s figure disappeared.

“Goddamit, motherf*cker!” Xiao Changfeng stomped his foot in frustration.


Jiaojiao’s attempt to grab the Hurricane Sword was obviously a ploy to steal it for him. But what about Wind-on-Snow in the past life? Was she thinking the same? If she really did intend to do so, then why did she disappear from the face of the earth? How did the Hurricane Sword end up in the Auction House?

Li Yi was in a daze.

Wham wham wham! Upbeat music was playing upstairs. Jiaojiao was dancing to tone her body again. Li Yi took off his helmet and cussed at her. Jiaojiao who was upstairs was not going to back down, she turned the volume even louder.

This young lady was only amenable to coaxing but not coercion. If Li Yi were to be gentle with his words, she would likely relent the next time but since Li Yi took a harsh stand, Jiaojiao retaliated even harsher.

Li Yi ran his fingers over his gaming helmet. He was no longer in the mood to continue playing.

Wind-on-Snow, female. Name: Xiao Xue. Age: 18 years old. Family members: Father, mother, and brother. Brother’s name: Xiao Feng. His gaming ID: Xiao Changfeng. Her gaming best friend: Invincible Jiaojiao. Both of them were once high school mates but separated when Jiaojiao transferred.

Shen Lang’s investigation was thorough. It even included Xiao Xue’s home address. Even Jiaojiao did not know where Xiao Xue’s home was.

Li Yi walked out his front door in a depressed mood. He needed to head out and get some air. When he saw a maglev train stopped at the side of the road, he did not think twice about hopping on.

He had no destination. He could go just anywhere. He just needed a change of scenery.

The rapid maglev train circled the city as Li Yi’s thoughts ran back to the past life. He reminisced about the times he and Wind-on-Snow were together.

Why the sudden change? What went wrong?

Li Yi’s head was about to burst.

“We have arrived at Nanning station. All departing passengers are reminded to ensure all your luggage is with you...”

A prerecorded announcement was playing in the background as Li Yi returned to his senses. He looked at the time. He had been here for more than four hours.

“We have arrived at Nanning station. All departing passengers are reminded to ensure all your luggage is with you...”


When Li Yi heard the electronic announcement, he was dumbstruck.

Nanning. Xiao Xue’s home. Was it not in Nanning?

“This train will commence its return journey in 20 seconds. All passengers are reminded to fasten their seat belt.”

Li Yi got up and stepped off the maglev train. He flung his arm out to call a taxi.

“No 107 East-Bound Road, Block B.”

Li Yi recited Xiao Xue’s home address as he got into the taxi. He was filled with mixed feelings.

He was only coming out for some fresh air yet he ended up in a train to Nanning. Xiao Xue’s home was in Nanning, could... could this be a coincidence?

‘I just want to look at her with my own eyes. Even just a glance. Then, I’ll be able to tell if she’s really a scammer.’

Li Yi made a daring decision.

The taxi was driving at high speed. Soon, he reached his destination.

Li Yi stood before an old white building. He looked around.

This was Xiao Xue’s home and Li Yi was staring blankly in front of this building. Xiao Changfeng and Xiao Lil Snow were walking out of this white building.

“Lil Snow, can’t you just let that dude gift the sword to me? He’ll listen to you. Just one word and the sword’s mine. Although our parents have divorced and we were separated since young, have you forgotten who was the one who cherished you the most? Who was the one who stood up for you when you were bullied? Who was the one who stole sweets for you when you wanted them and we had no money to buy them? Who was it for that I was beaten black and blue by others?”

“Speak no more, brother. I will not ask for the sword for you,” Wind-on-Snow stubbornly clenched her teeth.

“Why? Am I no better than that little b*tch?” Xiao Changfeng was fuming.

“I just feel like I owe it to him. I don’t know why. I feel a sense of guilt when I see him. Brother, I’m sorry but I really can’t help you with this.”

Wind-on-Snow quickened her pace ahead.

“Lil Snow, stop right there, stop! Little c*nt, I told you to stop!”

Xiao Changfeng was furious as he chased after her. Xiao Changfeng caught up to her in the street and gave her a tight slap.

“You deceitful little b*tch! I was good to you when we were young and now you don’t even want to help me? You only need to bullshit a little and that dude will hand the sword to you. Great, you’re so nice to someone you’ve never even met while casting your brother aside.”

Wind-on-Snow held her face as her eyes reddened. She turned to run but Xiao Changfeng went after her, viciously kicking her.

“He’s hitting me, he’s hitting me. Help!” Wind-on-Snow crouched on the ground as she cried out loud.

“I’m your brother. I have all the right to hit you...”

Xiao Changfeng was about to strike Xiao Xue when a dark figure scrambled over with an upraised fist, greeting Xiao Changfeng right in the face.


Xiao Changfeng was knocked senseless. He had yet to catch a good glimpse of the perpetrator as he was grabbed by the hair and received a kick in the face...

“Pig! How could you hit a woman? Idiot!”

“Who are you? Don’t hit my brother, don’t hit my brother,” When Wind-on-Snow came to, she tried to pull him away.

That dark figure was none other than Li Yi. There was a slight difference between Li Yi’s appearance in real life and the game so Wind-on-Snow did not recognize him.

“Back down, I’m gonna kill this pig!”

Li Yi kept kicking until Xiao Changfeng was bleeding from the nose and mouth. Once Li Yi relented, his body went limp and could not get up.

“Just a few kicks and now you’re playing dead? Weren’t you all manly when you were hitting a girl? Don’t pretend here, get up!”

Despite Xiao Xue’s attempt to hold him back, Li Yi forcefully dragged Xiao Changfeng up and shoved him.


It so happened that a passing motorbike rammed onto Xiao Changfeng, knocking him away...

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