
Chapter 189 Erinas Condition

Chapter 189 Erina“s Condition

All eyes were on the crying girl.

Erina hopped out of her chair and wrapped her arms tightly around Maura. "Big Sis, what’s your name?"

"Big Sis?!"

Maura was taken aback by Erina’s statement. She had never been called that before, but it made her happy when she saw Erina’s innocent face.

"Call me Maura, okay Erina?"

"Okay, Maura!"

Jack didn’t know what to say or do. He now understood that being overfriendly ran in Willim’s family, but he still wasn’t sure why Erina was crying in the first place. Why would she need a frost pearl so badly?

"Jack, I’m sorry about this," Willim apologized and shook his head.

"Don’t worry about it. Since Maura gave it away, it’s Erina’s now. I’m just confused. Why does she need something like a frost pearl so badly?" asked Jack, hoping they’d be more open after receiving the frost pearl.

"I’m not the one who should answer that. If Erina is willing, then let her."

"Mhm!" Erina lifted her head from Maura’s chest, looking at everyone else in the room. "Can you keep a secret?"

Jack’s party looked at each other, laughing at themselves. What secrets weren’t they keeping?

"We’ll all keep your secret Erina. So, please, tell us," Maura answered for everyone.

The small, teenage girl nodded and put on a more serious face. "I’m different from other people. Ever since I could remember, I’ve had something inside me. If I’m not careful, it attacks me and trying to take control of my water type energy."

"If I ever run out of water type or ice type energy, then the thing inside me will take over my body."

"Take over your body..." Jack pondered her words, trying to come up with what might be able to cause such a thing. "Erina, if you run out of energy, do you start to feel cold like you were frozen inside your own body."

"Yes!" She nodded frantically, surprised that someone was able to understand how she felt.

Scratching his head, Jack made an ugly face and groaned.

Rydel and Maynard both watched him carefully. They had been with Jack the longest and understood that Jack’s reaction wasn’t a good sign.

"Can I have your permission to inspect you with one of my skills, Erina?"

Willim asked, "Do you know what might be the cause of this? I’m not sure if we can let you do that since she has royal--"


"Erina!" Startled to see his shy sister willing to be inspected, Willim gave her a strange look.

"Maura, do you trust Jack?"

She chuckled when she heard Erina’s question. "Erina, Jack is my husband. Of course, I trust him."

"Oh, so he’s Big Bro Jack? Then I trust him too."

Willim let out a pained sigh. "Erina..."

"Don’t worry Willim, it won’t hurt her in any way. It’s not that kind of skill."

With permission, Jack activated the second part of Eagle Eye. So long as the target being inspected willingly agrees, Eagle Eye can find more in-depth details about that target. It was a part of the ability that never existed in-game, but Jack was happy to have it.

A part of Jack was happy he could test that part of the skill. It also made him curious if other skills had abilities that never existed in-game. But that was a thought to ponder at a different time.

Thanks to Eagle Eye, Jack better-understood everything about Erina and noticed a strange status.

"That’s what I thought... Willim, was she born with this?" asked Jack.

"No, she wasn’t. But she was like this since she was little. We were never able to find a cause or a doctor who could figure out anything. Why, did you find something?!"

"Erina, don’t freak out from what I’m about to say, alright?" Jack made sure to prepare the little girl for the bad news. "You’ve been cursed, and I think its an Ice Spirit that has been trying to take over your body."

"What?!" Willim shot to his feet. "Are you serious?! You’d better not be lying!"

"I’m not lying, she’s really been cursed and an Ice Spirit really is inside of her body," stated Jack. "I think the biggest issue, besides trying to get that out of her, is trying to figure out who did this. A curse doesn’t happen without a castor and an Ice Spirit doesn’t appear without a summoner."

"Jack, I appreciate you trying to help, but are you absolutely sure about this?" Willim asked again, feeling a bit calmer since Jack didn’t yell back at him.

"I’ve been through a lot more than you give me credit, Willim. If there was anyone that could figure out that it was an Ice Spirit at my level, it would be me. I can’t say why, so you’ll just have to trust me," stated Jack, letting Willim decide what was true or false for himself.

"I’m... cursed..." Worry riddled Erina’s youthful face, losing some of her innocence.

The others in the party were just as surprised by Jack’s statement as Willim.

Spirits were commonly found in records of Ancient Kartonia or the Holy War. They were strong summons with the ability to possess people who shared a common energy type, eventually taking over them and serving they summoner with their new body.

They were things of nightmares, mentioned in ghost tales to scare disobedient children into compliance. But to actually find one inside such a young, innocent girl couldn’t be a coincidence, not when that little girl was second in line to inherit the throne.

"Jack, do you realize how bold of a statement your making? If she’s really been possessed by an Ice Spirit, that means that someone is making a move against the throne."

"Like I said, it’s up to you whether you believe me or not. I have no other way to prove it besides my word, sadly," sighed Jack. "If you want, we can take our leave. We have some important matters to handle in the Icicle Mountains."

"In the Icicle Mountains? What in Halmut’s beard does the association need from the Icicle Mountains?" Willim asked, still trying to take in the information Jack had presented them.

"Who said it had anything to do with the association?" Jack laughed and stood up. "Do you mind having someone show us out? It would be awkward to get lost inside the palace."

With the wave of Willim’s hand, of the servers stood in front of Jack, motioning to follow him.

"Thanks for everything, Willim. I still consider you a friend and I might come to visit before we travel back through the tundra. Till then, take care. You too, Erina."

The others also stood and bowed before they followed Jack.

Maura sighed, giving Erina one last look. Even though Willim had reason to doubt Jack’s bold statement, she knew that Jack wouldn’t say such a thing if he had any doubt. She didn’t like it, but she knew that the cute girl who had called her "Big Sis" was cursed by a frightening Ice Spirit, like something from Erina’s nightmares.

"Maura..." When Maura let her go and followed after Jack, Erina couldn’t hold back her tears anymore.

Now alone in the private hall, Willim went to his sister and picked her up, embracing her warmly. "I’m sorry, Erina. I wish I could do more for you. It’s too bad Mom’s not here... She would know what to do."


Wiping her nose with her sleeve, Erina looked up to her big brother. "Big Bro, am I really cursed? Does that mean I’m going to die?"

"You’re not going to die, Erina. Me and Papa will make sure of that," said Willim, struggling with what to do next. "Erina let’s go and talk to Papa about this. I would never want my adorable sister to be cursed, but I want to know what he thinks."


Later that day, a party of seven people left the protection of Frostburn City and entered the Icicle Mountains.

There, the clear, warm sky was no more. Only cold, bone-chilling wind existed there. It was far worse compared to the tundra they had entered earlier, and they would never be able to go through it without there new coats. Even with the coats, the party was still feeling the cold, including Jack with his legendary item.

’The Icicle Mountains were always known as the coldest place in all Kartonia and we need to reach the top of Glacier Peak. There, we should find Sterfen’s hidden temple!’

Jack filled the party in of the details using telepathy. In such stormy conditions, speaking verbally between party members was practically impossible.

They all nodded and continued to move forward at a snail’s pace.

Everyone was excited. Even though they were searching for Sterfen so Rydel could pledge to him, it was enough to find a real hidden temple. If they could find one for Sterfen, it meant that they could find one for each of them.

The thought of being blessed by a god kept them all motivated, willing to press through the endless blizzard.

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