
Chapter 213 - Home Intruder


"Why is my blood so warm? Even though I can\'t feel any other parts of my own body, my blood feels so warm. It\'s like a warm blanket that keeps swallowing me no matter how much I try to take it off," said Yuki as he exited out of the very last dungeon he needed to go to while bleeding from mainly a cut in his forehead and also many other small cuts all across his body.

"Every single part of my body hurts like hell. I\'m not even sure if I\'m still alive. I wish I could go back to before I entered this dungeon," Yuki complained as he felt his head getting heavier.

[Open inventory]

After opening his inventory, Yuki pulled out a full status recovery potion from his inventory before quickly drinking it as if it was his last hope of survival.

After drinking the potion, Yuki began to take a few steps outside of the dungeon gate which was in the middle of a foggy mountain range. Once having admired the area which he was in, Yuki called upon Zero to teleport him back to the kingdom so that he could deal with FFF.

"Oh, I wonder how Avila and Scar are doing. I hope they also managed to get some training done," said Yuki to himself as he turned off his bloodthirsty personality so that he could go on living inside a regular society. After some time had passed, Yuki finally contacted Zero as it was time for him to head back to the kingdom and take care of the task he had trained for the past 8 weeks to accomplish.

"Hey Zero, can you teleport me back to the kingdom? Actually never mind, just teleport me inside the house that I used to live in, inside the kingdom itself," Yuki requested.

"Of course, sire. I shall do that at once," Zero replied before teleporting Yuki back into his own room inside the house which Scar was paying a rent for.

Once having teleported back into the house, instead of looking for Avila and Scar, Yuki decided to take a short since he was beyond any level of just being sleepy since even if he rested in the slightest while on his mission, he would have passed out. Now that he was back home though, Yuki could pass out whenever he wanted and for however long he chose.


"Hey Scar, you might want to take a look at this," said Avila as she looked inside the open room of Yuki in which a person was sleeping inside of it.

"Woah, is there seriously a home intruder in our house? That\'s not even the worst part, he managed to fall asleep without even realizing it. That\'s got to be one dumb robber," Scar mocked the person sleeping in Yuki\'s bed without realizing that it was Yuki himself who was just trying to take a nap. 

"What do you think we should do? Should we call on the clan?" Avila asked Scar as even though she was being protected by Scar himself, she could help but feel scared of the human that was asleep on Yuki\'s bed. There was just something off about his aura which made him seem unapproachable.

"No it\'s okay. Just leave this to me. I\'ll take care of the robber," said Scar as he walked towards Yuki even though he didn\'t know who the person in Yuki\'s bed really was. Scar had changed his ability back to being one which would allow him to control ice. As such he wouldn\'t have a mind reading ability, in turn meaning that he would have no way of figuring out who the person in the bed was without looking at them.

After debating the decision for some time, Scar decided to just go and have a quick peek to see who the person in Yuki\'s bed really was and after doing so, Scar was left speechless.


After only a few seconds of standing still from the utter surprise of the face he had seen, Scar came up with a genius idea to trick Avila with.

Once having snapped back into reality, Scar took a gasp of shock and fear before quickly sprinting away from the room and making his way past Avila and going outside the house. Seeing this, Avila quickly panicked herself as began to run away, however Scar had already made it outside the house. After forgetting about her shoes and trying to go outside barefooted, Avila realized that she was trapped inside. No matter how many times she tugged at the door, it wouldn\'t budge and inch as Scar was holding it shut so that Avila couldn\'t come outside.

"Stop it Scar! This isn\'t funny! Let me out of here already! I don\'t want to die, just let me out of here!" Avila pleaded in a desperate tone while trying to open the door so that she could escape as well. All while she begged, Scar thought that his plan was pretty amazing and he deserved more credit for it.

"What\'s all this yelling about?" Yuki asked as he walked down the stairs of the house only to see Avila struggling to open the door.

"Are you okay? You seem pretty desperate to open the door," Yuki said to Avila who turned to face him at that same moment. Just looking at Yuki, Avila rushed to hug him while crying.

"What\'s wrong? You\'ve never been this close with me, what\'s going on?" Yuki asked as he wanted to know what was making her cry so much.

After a few moments, Scar couldn\'t feel Avila struggling against the door, so he decided to walk back inside to check up on her.

Seeing as the person who had trapped her inside the house had come back, Avila pointed at Scarc indicating that it was all his fault.

"Come on Scar. I haven\'t even been back for a single day and you manage to be starting trouble already. Anyway, do you want to explain what\'s going on?" Yuki asked Scar to which his old comrade gave a confident smirk.

"Sure, I would love that," said Scar as he began to speak. 

"So this all started once Avila and I returned from a short quest we had taken. After a long day, we were both exhausted and wanted to head to our separate rooms so that we could call it a day. She had gone up the stairs before me because she was more tired and that\'s when she saw that the door to your room was wide open. Of course it had been like that since you left but there was just something different about it today that she checked on it by taking a look from afar," said Scar.

"After inspecting your room for a bit, she realized that there was someone in your bed. Of course since you have never bothered to tell us when you were going to leave and come back, we assumed that you were a home intruder," Scar continued to explain.

"Our options were to either call on the clan members so that they would permanently dispose of you or to deal with it ourselves. I picked the second option as I didn\'t want to wait for them to show up and by then, the robber would have worked up from his slumber. So instead, I decided to take things into my own hands. This is where things start to get fun," said Scar with a sinister yet goofy smile.

"After walking up to see what the robber looked like, I quickly realized that the robber wasn\'t actually a robber but was instead you who had decided to take a nap without greeting his hold comrades after getting back from an 8 week training session," said Scar as he directed some harsh sentences at Yuki.

"Wait so there really is no robbery? I was about to get Yuki to take care of it since you\'re just a scared overgrown child that wanted to run away from the robber,"said Avila as she tried to taunt Scar.

"You can say whatever you want about me. I\'m still not the one who was scared to a point of no return. I mean you should have seriously seen your own face, you looked pathetic-" Scar began to speak before Avila got fed up with him and leaped off of the stairs onto where Scar was standing before kicking in the chest.


Well it looks like the two of you can settle this argument on your own. As for me, I\'ll be going back to sleep now. Try not to make too much noise, still very tired," said Yuki as he began to walk back towards his room so that he could go back to his blissful dreams while Avila and Scar continued to argue and fight. 

"Hey hold on. Scar, did he ever mention to you why he left for 8 weeks without telling us anything?" Avila asked.

"When I think about it, he never did. I\'ll ask him once he wakes up from his nap. After all, he deserves all the rest he can get," Scar replied.


"It\'s time," said a single figure in a room full of many other figures who were all enveloped by the shadows. 

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