
Chapter 1290 - Blessings of the Light Goddess

Chapter 1290: Blessings of the Light Goddess

“Yes, Big Sister.”

Upon hearing the younger sister’s words, Lilian, who kept quiet, walked out of the crowd. Rhode twitched his brow at the sight of her, before shifting his dubious gaze to his younger sister. Upon detecting his gaze, the young lady smiled and shook her head gently. Rhode remained silent for a few moments and stood aside to make way for Lilian as she sauntered toward the Light Goddess.

Everyone stopped talking. Most of them were like Rhode, unaware of what Lilian was trying to do. But they also knew that what she was about to do was important. At that moment, even Anne shut her mouth and watched with curious, widened eyes.

Lilian seemed a little nervous under everyone’s gaze. However, she adjusted her mood quickly, walked right up to the statue of Light Goddess, and reached for a key engraved with intricate patterns from the folds of her clothes. Normally in such a situation, this key should be used to unlock something. But...

“Where does she put it in... Is it from the back? This Light Goddess can’t be that perverted, right...?”

Mini Bubble Gum mumbled under her breath as she gazed at the statue. At least from her perspective, she couldn’t find any key slot on the statue. Come to think of it, the Light Goddess was considered the lord of her realm. Was it really fine for her to not show even a little bit of respect?

But fortunately, the Light Goddess didn’t seem to hear Mini Bubble Gum’s disrespectful remarks. Or perhaps she acted as though she didn’t hear them. No matter what, at least she didn’t send a bolt of lightning from heaven to strike this rascal who insulted the lord of her realm. At that moment, Lilian went up to the statue, held the key, and lifted it high.


At the next moment, along with this action, a soft, golden brilliance coalesced in the sky and a light column fell from above, enveloping Lilian and the statue. Looking at this scene, Sonia held her hands tightly and revealed some uncertainty on her expression. But after glancing at Rhode, she eventually took two steps back and didn’t say a word.

“Will everything be alright? Come to think of it, what exactly does this do?”

At that moment, Rhode was also watching Lilian as the light column shrouded her. He couldn’t help but lower his voice and ask his younger sister. If this ritual was similar to Erin’s inheritance ceremony, it would be a huge problem for them. Besides, unlike Erin, Lilian didn’t possess much battle strength. That didn’t mean that Lilian wasn’t strong enough, but in terms of battle tactics, she was pretty much at the bottom of the pile right now. Even Lapis and Sonia were much more powerful than her. If Lilian were to take on the dragon soul trials like Erin, Rhode was certain that she would kneel down in defeat in a matter of seconds.

“Don’t worry, Big Brother.”

Perhaps sensing the worries deep inside Rhode’s mind, the young lady shook her head with a smile, lifted her head, and looked at Lilian.

“Lilian will be fine. This isn’t a trial, but a ritual... Well, to a certain degree, it’s a trial of sorts. Right now, Lilian has to connect to the light elemental plane and declare her ownership. As the Light Dragon, this is a step she has to take on her own. She needs to open up the channel to the light elemental plane using that key, interact with the Light Goddess, and gain her recognition. After being bestowed the blessings of light, Lilian can then become the true Light Dragon.”

“That isn’t too bad. At least, it is much more convenient than that absurd Dark Dragon’s inheritance ceremony.”

Upon hearing his younger sister’s words, Rhode heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed like the ritual for every dragon soul heir was different. The Dark Dragon’s inheritance ceremony was extremely tormenting, while the Light Dragon simply had to gain the recognition of the Light Goddess. In comparison, the latter was much more convenient, simpler, and faster. But...

“This has nothing to do with the Book of Life, right?”

“Not entirely, Big Brother. Have you forgotten? Light brings life. If my guesses are right, the Book of Life should be hidden inside the light realm. Only Lilian is able to open up the channel to the light realm and proclaim her right to rule as the Light Dragon. Only then can we search for the Book of Life.”

“I sure hope that’s how it is...”

Facing the younger sister’s statement, Rhode didn’t have many objections. Since his spiritual summoning wasn’t working, it certainly proved that the Book of Life most likely wasn’t here—at least, not on this plane of existence. Besides, Lilian also mentioned that the Book of Life was enshrined in the temple, so Rhode’s theory wasn’t entirely impossible. Indeed, instead of placing something so important on the main plane of existence, it might as well be secured in other elemental planes. After all, hardly any time passed on those planes, and there would be no wars or disasters unlike the main plane... Well, the current state of this city was the best example, wasn’t it?

While Rhode whispered to his younger sister, Lilian, who was shrouded by the light column, had totally forgotten about what was happening around her. Apart from the brilliance that enfolded her vision, nothing else existed. She stared silently at the statue before her. As a matter of fact, she was also somewhat startled. The moment she walked up to the statue, she felt uncertain, nervous, and completely helpless. But now, in this dazzling light column, she actually felt like a fish back in water, where just standing in it felt really bizarre. It was as though the presence of all light belonged to her. She was the ruler of light, and it had to obey her command. No matter what she commanded, it would obey unconditionally.

“This is...”

This sudden feeling astonished her. At that moment, she felt like she was a Goddess from above, sitting on the throne and overlooking the vast land. She felt uncomfortable with that feeling because she had never felt such clear dominance in the past. All along, she just sat there earnestly and obediently, doing what others wanted her to do until Rhode rescued her from the chains of the Light Parliament. But even so, she didn’t treat herself all that seriously either. And now, this was the first time she felt what it meant to be the Light Dragon.

“You’re afraid.”

At that moment, a voice rang in Lilian’s ears. It wasn’t loud and could be said to be really gentle. But even so, there was a certain, unquestionable solemnity.

“Why? You are the Light Dragon. You rule light. Everything that lives in your light is your follower. Why are you afraid?”


Upon hearing that voice, Lilian gaped. Why was she afraid? The answer wasn’t anything surprising. It was just like how a young lady who was looked down upon all the time suddenly had attention focused on her. How could she possibly feel good? As a matter of fact, up until that moment, Lilian was still unaccustomed to the humble, respectful manner in which her own subjects treated her. She knew that she was the Light Dragon, but did she do anything to deserve this devotion from them?

That’s right. I didn’t do anything worthy of their devotion.

Rhode was still the most reliable person to Lilian. He resisted the Country of Darkness’s invasion. It was him who stopped the infiltration of Chaos. And now, he was searching for a method to bring the Dragon Soul Continent far away from the threats of Chaos. In Lilian’s opinion, Rhode should be the one who was most respected by everyone instead of her. But what left her dubious was that this young man who should be loved and respected by everyone was always being talked about behind his back. Lillian had heard more than once from her subjects that they wished she could leave Grandia and the Void Territory. Because to them, she was being controlled by Rhode like a rag doll. However, Lilian didn’t agree because during her days in Grandia, she didn’t feel as insecure and uncomfortable as when she was manipulated by the Light Parliament. Be it Rhode or Marlene, they never spoke a word about rebuilding the Country of Light. On the other hand, it was Lilian who often sought advice from them on how to rule a country.

But Lilian couldn’t explain it to others because Sonia told her that even if she did, it was meaningless.

“They’ve predetermined your position in their heads, Lilian. To them, by being in Grandia, you have proven that you’re under His Majesty Rhode’s control. That was why no matter how hard you bring out evidence and explain your point of view, they will think that you’re being forced to and are just covering up for His Majesty Rhode. Because they don’t believe that you are speaking the truth. Or perhaps, they aren’t willing to believe it as they think it is entirely impossible. That is why you don’t need to prove anything, Lilian. You are the heir of the Light Dragon. You just have to do your part and don’t need to listen to others.”

I just have to do my part. I don’t need to listen to others because I can’t change their minds...

At this thought, Lilian clenched her fists. Occasionally, she grumbled to Rhode about her subjects’ displeasure and grievances against him. But back then, Rhode didn’t even bat an eyelid. He simply smiled, caressed her head, and continued with his business. Lilian realized that Rhode didn’t regard the complaints from her subjects at all. Or perhaps, the remarks of those people were like the buzzes of mosquitoes. There wasn’t a need to care at all.

Can I ever be like him?

“... I don’t know.”

At this thought, Lilian shook her head and said.

“I don’t like it this way. It makes me feel like some big shot, but I don’t feel like I’m one at all.”

“... You are the dragon soul heir of the Light Dragon. You rule the light realm.”

“But I don’t like it.”

The other party repeated the sentence again. But for some unknown reason, Lilian felt fed up and resentful all of a sudden.

“I don’t like it this way. Also, I didn’t choose to become the Light Dragon.”

That’s right. Lilian never felt that being the heir of the Light Dragon was a wonderful thing. She lost her parents due to this identity, and the Light Parliament raised her as a puppet. In her memories, this identity of hers only brought her pain and trouble.

“People don’t get to choose what they are born into.”

Facing Lilian’s answer, the voice became more solemn. But even so, Lilian didn’t budge.

“I know. If it weren’t for that, maybe I wouldn’t get to meet Big Brother Rhode and the rest. But I just hate it. All I want is to lead a simple, peaceful life and not go back to those days!”

After Lilian refuted, she seemed to recall something all of a sudden and straightened her slightly curled-up posture. She lifted her head and stared at the statue of the Light Goddess, which she normally wouldn’t do. But now, she looked straight at the statue with a calm, determined gaze, as though the earlier uncertainty and nervousness were fake. At that moment, after letting those words out, Lilian felt like a bird that had broken free from some kind of restraint, soaring high in the blue sky.


Upon hearing Lilian’s answer, this time, the voice remained silent. After a few moments, it echoed once more.

“... This is your choice, and I won’t comment much about it... Everyone has their own living preference, even dragon soul heirs. You have already made your decision, so you must be responsible... No matter what, that is your decision.”

Along with this statement, the light column grew ever brighter. Dazzling rays of light emanated like rushes of steam, wrapping around Lilian’s petite body.

“So then, sacred heir of light, I hereby bestow upon you my blessings... I already know what you want to do and hope you can succeed. The power of Chaos is really strong. Remember how you’re feeling right now, Lilian. Without unwavering determination, even light will be stained by Chaos, fall, and go down a path that will never lead to liberation. I hope you don’t come to that...”

With that, Lilian witnessed a rich golden brilliance coalesce before her eyes. Shortly after, a large, heavy book with a pure white cover hovered in midair silently. Wrapped all around in thin, golden chains, the book was edged in silver with an ornate and intricate floral pattern. As soon as it appeared, Lilian felt a fresh and powerful aura shrouding her and making her entire body feel more comfortable.

“This is what your predecessor once stored here. And now, it is time for it to be returned to its rightful owner. I know about the secrets of death and the battle against Chaos. I expect you to be successful in bringing the battle between Order and Chaos to a close...”

“Big Brother Rhode will definitely succeed.”

Lilian gnashed her teeth and answered with firm confidence. She gazed at the Book of Life floating before her eyes, hesitated slightly, and eventually extended her arm to take the sacred, life-giving book.


At that moment, right before everyone’s eyes, a pair of dragon wings flickering in a golden brilliance appeared behind Lilian’s back. It spread out majestically as if to cover the entire sky. Looking at this scene, many of them were stunned. Not only that, but Mini Bubble Gum and the rest who experienced the inheritance ceremony of the Dark Dragon also raised their guard.

“Goddammit. Leader, are we about to go for a second run? Count me out; I’m not going this time...”

“I don’t think you need to worry about it...”

Rhode felt a little uneasy and replied to Bubble, absent-minded. He knitted his brows and stared at the light column that grew brighter, worried that a teleportation ritual would appear beneath Lilian’s feet and sweep her away. But fortunately, things didn’t turn out as he thought. Shortly after, the blinding light column dimmed gradually, revealing Lilian’s petite figure to everyone. At the same time, the pair of enormous dragon wings also faded away, transforming into light dust that vanished in midair.


Gazing at the motionless Lilian who stood before the statue of the Light Goddess, Rhode couldn’t help but call out worriedly. He also sensed that she seemed different somewhere. But he couldn’t decipher where exactly she was different. Meanwhile, unlike Rhode, the young lady standing beside him displayed a glad smile after seeing Lilian.

And at that moment, Lilian finally turned around, looked at Rhode, and showed an elated grin.

“I did it! Big Brother Rhode!”

Lilian cheered, lifting the heavy, white Book of Life high in the air.

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