
Chapter 1091

Chapter 1091: Attacked

The refreshing wind of the night blew against Erin, causing her to narrow her eyes and hum as she flew ahead.

Erin was in high spirits right now. Even though there were some difficulties and challenges in the earlier negotiations, both sides had completed the matters concerning compensation and transaction, which also meant that the war that was likely to happen was stopped. This let Erin heave a sigh of relief. But what made her happier was that through this experience, her big brother seemed to have learned to slow things down and be less stubborn. Although she didn’t know what triggered this behavior in him, it was still good news for her.

However, she was also curious as to what Rhode had done to make her big brother give in, which was really rare to see. After Erin returned to the Void Territory, she would surely ask Rhode about it. Perhaps she might even find some of her big brother’s weaknesses. Maybe this moon princess had completely forgotten the standpoint that she should have.

But even though she was immersed in thoughts, she didn’t neglect the rumors and flashes of light that came from the darkness.


The moon princess flapped her wings gently and dodged the ambush of a dazzling light ray from the side. She turned around elegantly in a perfect motion and her massive dragon body silently flitted across the night sky in a trail of afterimages. Then, she lashed out her large tail at the empty sky and in a loud, earth-shattering boom, three to five ghost-like, shadowy figures emerged and dodged her attack desperately. But this wasn’t the end because shortly after, a blistering dragon breath from above readily devoured the shadows. Erin stretched her neck in satisfaction before letting out a proud snort.

As the moon princess, her battle sense was extraordinarily sharp. Back then, Mini Bubble Gum and Canary, two of the top players, were almost defeated by her. Based on this fact, if one were to treat this moon princess as a powerful, yet inexperienced girl in battle from a wealthy family, there would only be one consequence.



Erin cocked her head curiously, narrowing her eyes while staring ahead. She realized that the shadowy figures had shuttled out of her dragon breath. It seemed like they weren’t hurt at all and this made her rather curious. She had never seen anyone surviving her dragon breath unscathed. It seemed like these people were somewhat powerful and mysterious.

“Who are you? Why are you here for me?”

At this moment, Erin finally got a clear look at her ambushers. They appeared to be humans, but their bodies were wrapped in a layer of weird substance that resembled blazing, shadowy flames. The shadowy flames seemed to be really weak and it was obvious that her dragon breath wasn’t totally ineffective on them. However, they didn’t respond to her questions. Instead, they each held a strange weapon made of black steel that was two meters in length. They also didn’t seem obliged to answer her questions. Shortly after, they pointed the mysterious, steel weapon at her. Erin instinctively felt like something bad was about to happen. Even though she didn’t know what those weapons were, since those unwelcome visitors came here to deal with her and had specially prepared equipment and spells that could resist her dragon breath, they must have really understood her well in this case!

No matter what, I can’t give them time to prepare their attacks!

This thought flashed across her mind for a split second and the dark space around her rippled and erupted. In an instant, the entire space shook and she expanded her wings comfortably, soaring into the sky and hiding in some hidden space as though she had vanished completely. Looking at this scene, the strange humans grimaced and lifted their weapons quickly. Then, several lightning-like, green brilliances erupted from their weapons, enveloping the sky instantly. As the green lightning bolts struck, the sky that should have been in eternal darkness suddenly flashed in contrasting white radiance, revealing Erin’s hideout.

But this time, Erin was no longer as relaxed as before. Instead, she hovered in midair calmly. Her golden eyes stared in attention and rage.

“Chaos Beings? I didn’t expect you guys to be here.”

In the next moment, the roaring dragon breath ripped through and overwhelmed the lightning bolts.

After confirming their identities, Erin held back no more. In an instant, dazzling, white dragon breath enfolded the sky. The mystical lightning bolts shattered like fragile spiderwebs in the face of the raging dragon breath of flames and were completely devoured. This time, the ambushers finally revealed terrified expressions. They chose to retreat in a fluster, but Erin was much quicker than them. She dove from above and the ambushers were appalled to find her massive body arriving before them. She slashed her razor-sharp claws that broke the sound barrier and relentlessly penetrated one of the ambushers. As the other ambushers escaped, she turned around abruptly, swung her enormous tail across the air, and struck two of the ambushers heavily.


Not anyone could defend against this all-out attack from a Night Wyvern. In the loud, blood-curdling screeches, two of the ambushers shattered like eggs flung to the wall. But after taking a closer look, one would see that they actually didn’t have blood or flesh. Instead, they released a kind of strange, gasoline-like liquid in all directions, before volatilizing and disappearing completely after a few seconds. But Erin wasn’t bothered at all. She followed through with the momentum and turned around to pounce on the remaining three ambushers who slipped through the net. Then, she breathed yet another dragon breath from her mouth and it enfolded two out of three of them. This time, these two unfortunate fellows weren’t as lucky as before. As flashes erupted in the flames of the dragon breath, they vanished completely in midair and disappeared without a trace.

And at this moment, Erin turned to the last ambusher and pounced on him abruptly.

Upon realizing her fast attack, the ambusher revealed a terrified expression. He clutched the long, pole-like weapon and shortly after, a mysterious radiance emanated from it. It quickly took shape into a net-like presence intertwined with green lines. The net expanded quickly in the blink of an eye, transforming into a large gate-like structure. Upon witnessing this mystical gate, Erin was baffled. She flapped her wings to stop her movements abruptly. But she didn’t expect the enormous gate to pull her in with a powerful force of attraction!

This is bad!

Upon realizing this, Erin opened her mouth wide and released another powerful dragon breath that turned into a flamethrower, blasting at the gate. But what surprised her was that her dragon breath wasn’t able to penetrate and destroy the gate. Instead, it vanished entirely in its darkness.

This isn’t the power of Chaos. This is...

The gate trembled and violent airflows erupted, pulling in everything from the surroundings. Erin had run out of ideas and could only watch helplessly as the gate opened like a monster widening its mouth. At the next moment, she was devoured completely and nowhere to be seen.

The roaring airflows vanished instantly.

The fierce battle in the sky from a few moments ago vanished, with peace restoring its place. No one realized what just happened or saw the gloomy, desperate figure escaping from this place and vanishing into the dark night sky.


Erin crashed heavily to the ground and rolled several times before coming to a halt. The spatial torrents left her head spinning. Even though she didn’t know what happened exactly, she knew that she had fallen into their trap, which wasn’t good news for her at all.

Oh my... I didn’t expect to be messed up so badly by Chaos Beings... Hmmm?

Erin lifted her head and gazed curiously at the scene before her. She was taken aback.

At a glance, she witnessed the endless starry sky. She wasn’t totally unfamiliar with this scene because this was a common view in Rhode’s Void Territory. But now, she was certain that she definitely wasn’t in the Void Territory. The spread of land before her was pale in color, filled with potholes of various sizes. There was almost no oxygen in the air, but to a dependent of the Dark Dragon, the need to breathe was no longer an issue to her. What caught her attention were the strange houses on this vast, mysterious land. They were semicircular and oval in shape, standing upright from the ground. Not only that, but Erin also discovered similar, wrecked houses underneath her feet with only broken walls remaining, emanating a bright, magical brilliance. To Erin, this was a spectacular view. The steel buildings were marked on one side by a peculiar flag with red and white stripes and a dozen stars. Erin had never seen such a flag in her life.

Where am I?

Erin cocked her head and at this moment, she heard an ear-piercing alarm. Shortly after, she witnessed several strange-looking creatures resembling steel birds flying out from the steel buildings in the near distance.

What are they?

Erin squinted at them. There were humans riding on the steel birds. It seemed to her that the steel birds were some sort of mage equipment.


The enemies arrived beside her, surrounding her completely. However, they communicated in a language she couldn’t recognize at all. The bizarre steel birds got into formation as though they had received an order and all of a sudden, a weird, cone-like object emerged from below them. Erin instinctively folded her wings to defend herself.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After a series of explosions, Erin expanded her wings and soared into the sky abruptly. Even though these mysterious fireballs were more powerful than fireballs cast from spells, they couldn’t hurt a dependent of the Dark Dragon like her at all. But it was also due to this reason that she recognized their identity.

“It seems like this is the nest of the Chaos Beings. Alright then, in that case, I shall destroy this place!”

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