
Chapter 388

At least if they and the world were going out, they wanted to be able to witness how everything would end .

As the Mercenary Club members watch the missiles whistling through the air, each of them started to hold one another’s hands . They held hands as they watched the missiles heading towards their designated areas . They were afraid, even the bravest of the group was quite afraid right now, not because they could die, but because the future of not only them but the whole of humanity might end . Still, they felt a bit braver as they held the hands of each other as support .

They watched as the four other missiles seem to be going to the north, east, south, and west respectively . The last missile, on the other hand, kept on going upward heading beyond the clouds .

Once it got to a certain altitude the missile exploded . The explosion was so strong that Alex and the others on the ground were almost blown away . The distance from them and the missile was quite far and they still felt the explosion from where they stood . If not for Oliver, Alex, and Niel stabbing their swords onto the ground and holding onto to the others so tightly, they would’ve been blown away by the wind pressure . Some trees were actually unable to withstand the wind pressure and were broken .

The animals that were nearby that couldn’t hide properly were all blown away by the strong wind . There was even a little tsunami that happened nearby . This proved just how powerful that single explosion was .

Still, even with all of that happening, the members of the Mercenary Club had their eyes glued to the explosion . Alex and the others were expecting something more, but overall It was weird that the explosion itself looked rather normal . Other than the strength of the explosion, it was no different than any other normal missile . These got the group feeling a bit confused as they couldn’t understand how that was a biological weapon .

How was that suppose to threaten humanity? The missile wasn’t aimed at anything and simply exploded up in the sky where no one could get hurt . In fact, the only ones that got hurt by that explosion were the animals that couldn’t hide and some trees . How was that something that could become a threat to humanity? Did Hektor somehow make a mistake, or was this another one of his tricks, or was this Richter’s plot somehow?

While Alex and the others were utterly confused at the moment, they didn’t let their guards down . Both Richter and Hektor proved that they always had a trick up their sleeves, so this whole thing might simply be a distraction by one of them . Alex who left Richter’s body inside the base wanted to check it out if something happened to it . Oliver wanted to also check on Hektor’s body which they left inside the base as well .

Yet before the two could move away from their spot, they noticed something was happening, up in the sky . Alex and the others noticed that the clouds were forming up in a rather peculiar way . The speed in which they were moving was weird to look at since clouds don’t usually move in that way .

The sky then gradually got darker and darker, the scattered clouds started to congregate suddenly becoming one big cloud that covered up the sky that Alex and the others could see . Alex who was fully concentrated on watching every moment of this scene smelled something different . He wasn’t sure what the smell was, but it smelled different at the same time familiar . The air then got a bit more humid, and after a few more seconds the clouds started to change color . It suddenly turned red, the moment Alex and the others saw this they quickly retreated into the now empty and partially destroyed Shadow Mercenaries base .

As they waited for a bit, it started to rain . At first, Alex and the others thought that the rain was acidic, poisonous, or something else entirely . Alex then stretched out his hand to check it out, but when the water hit his skin, it didn’t do anything it felt like any normal droplet of water . It was then the large red cloud started to change color, from red to blue, from blue to green, it changed color every minute .

Then after a few more minutes of changing colors, the rain suddenly got heavier . Alex and the others were still a bit wary of the rain not knowing if it was really safe or not, so they retreated inside the base and continued to watch from within .

These sequence of events wasn’t what they were expecting . They were expecting something more devastating, like the missile making the air unbreathable, or at least make the rain into something acidic that could melt their skin and bones .

"What do you think this means?" Kei asked the others .

"Maybe, that crazy guy made a mistake? . . . Or it’s possible that one of the scientists tricked him and made the missile somehow fail to hit the designated target . " Emily gave her opinion on the matter as she scratched her head .

"I hope that’s the case," Oliver said with a very worried tone .

"So that means, we’re saved?" Evangeline sighed in relief, and after that, her face turned a bit red . ’Oh, no! So we aren’t going to die, that means Alex knows how I feel! Will he ignore me now that he knows?! No, Alex isn’t like that! Also, what am I getting all flustered for, I want Alex to know how I feel! That’s right, surviving is a good thing! This way I can continue trying to get a piece of Alex’s heart . ’

While Evangeline was encouraging herself, Rachel spoke to the group . "I don’t think this is over . Something still doesn’t feel right . Do you guys really think someone like Hektor would make that kind of mistake? Granted, today was the first time I met the man, and it wasn’t really a long encounter, but the way he talked and presented himself, it made me feel that he was someone that was thorough in his planning . " Hearing what Evangeline said, Alex added his on intake on the situation .

"Yeah, the man did say the only other person who knew of his plans was my crazy grandfather . Richter even made a failsafe just in case, that would mean that this plan wasn’t supposed to be this simple . There must be something we’re missing . "

The Mercenary Club members started to think, what could’ve happened to the missiles, or was there another plan taking place and this was nothing more than a decoy . While they were thinking of what all of this means, Alex suddenly felt his head aching . His vision was getting a bit blurry and his ability to think straight was weakening . He then looked at the others and they seem to be exhibiting the same symptoms, Kei was already down on the ground, his breathing look to be weakening as well .

’Damn . . it . . . ’ Alex tried his hardest to move his body, as he shot himself in the leg, trying to jolt his mind awake . Yet even with that stimulation nothing happened, his mind was slowly going from conscious to unconscious . He then saw Rachel and Evangeline heading towards him, as the two extended their hands towards him . Alex grabbed their hands, Rachel with his right hand and Evangeline with his left . The moment he caught the hands of the girls they smiled at him and lost consciousness .

Alex who could feel the beating of their hearts through their wrists felt that it was beating slower and slower . Alex could no longer keep himself awake, as he saw the others were all down . He then looked at Rachel for one last time, before everything turned dark .

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