
Chapter 363

Translator: Tseirp

I was just fighting the Demonic King Dragon with Talwi just a few days ago so why was she here now?

And why did she attack me?

“Why am I here? Because there is a battle to be had here . ”

Talwi released a thrust . The thrust was a lot sharper than when I fought Kyanshi in the past and I avoided it to the side but the trajectory of the sword suddenly changed and hit my flank .

“Guah …”

“ … It didn’t cut you . You seem to be wearing strange clothes . ”

That was dangerous . If I wasn’t wearing the clothes Rarael made, I would have been cut .

What power .

Even if Talwi’s Beast Warrior level was high, that speed … don’t tell me .

“You’re using Beast Blood?”

Beast Blood – A Beast Warrior skill that would dramatically raise their power and speed for 10 minutes .

Skills that were released outward were probably dispersed by the light below my feet but I guess that did not apply to the blood that circulated in her body .

I would be at a disadvantage there . I had to leave as soon as possible .

“Home Return! … I knew it wouldn’t activate . ”

I took out the Lucky Hammer from my item bag and swung it at the door .

It was a hammer that could add a 100 kg of weight to the hammer for an instant using MP .

There are no doors that can’t be destroyed with this –

Guwaaaan! The noise reverberated throughout the room but the door was unharmed .

“Such a sturdy door . ”

I commented as I stored the hammer in my item bag .

I won’t be able to use the hammer against Talwi who had greater speed than me .

“You should be able to tell now . You will not be able to leave here . ”

“Yeah, it doesn’t look like I can exit . ”

I said as I wiped my sweat .

“Talwi-san . What about you? You are locked in here too . Won’t you starve to death after you defeat me?”

“There’s no need for your concern . I will be able to leave once everything is over . ”

I see – As expected, Talwi had a way to leave .

I took out two talismans from my item bag .

I tore one of the talisman .

“(That is … a Silencing Talisman … what are you planning?)”

Even with a tenth of the original volume, the room was silent . Talwi’s voice could reach me .

A talisman is not a skill . It looked like I could use it without any issues .

“(Well, I was thinking of getting you to open the door for me . )”

I said as I took out a loudspeaker talisman .

Ten times the sound in a room with a tenth of the volume .

By using that, I could speak with normal volume .

“This is Talwi! I have defeated Ichinojo! Open the door now!”

I spoke with Talwi’s voice .

Using the Copy Cat skill, Voice Mimic .

I was able to change my voice . Since voice is emitted from the throat, it was a useable skill similar to Beast Blood .

… Eh?

My voice mimic should have been perfect but I didn’t sense the door opening .

“(Hahaha, that’s an interesting skill . So other people would hear you speak in my voice . )”

“Open the door now! Can you hear me!”

“(It’s useless, the guys outside had already left when we entered this place . )”

So my trump card didn’t work .

In that case –

“Would you tell me the way to exit if I defeat you?”

“(Ah, sure . I might even tell you why I’m doing all this . )”

“All right – then I’ll jump straight into my evil methods . ”

I took out Miri’s favorite from my item bag, the Kusaya juice used to make Kusaya, and sprinkled it on the floor . (TLN: Kusaya = Japanese fermented fish known for its pungent smell)

A strong offensive odor filled the room .

“(What is that smell!)”

Talwi’s expression distorted in pain .

“How’s that . It should be painful given the White Wolf Race’s good sense of smell . ”

To be honest, it was hard for me too .

“(That’s cowardly – but that makes it enjoyable . )”

Talwi took out another sword .


“(A fight is a life or death situation . Cowardice and evil methods are the essences of battle . )”

Talwi’s two swords attacked me like two-headed snakes .

Talwi’s swords blurred . I protected my face so everything else was defenseless . I could feel the damage over my clothes .

What was that –

I took some distance .

She shouldn’t be able to use skills .


I tried releasing a sword wave but … it didn’t activate as expected .

In that case – I sheathed my White Wolf Fang and attempted the sword draw skill .

I drew my White Wolf Fang but it was a regular draw and it did not activate the skill .

Talwi had closed the distanced and resumed her attacks while I was performing trial and error .

I didn’t mistake the blurring of her sword .

I was forced into a defensive situation .

Do I have a skill that can be used for offense?

“It looks like the Silencing Talisman effect has worn off . I will have to end this soon . The Beast Blood effect will only last a little longer . ”

“That would be good . Let’s call it a draw and take –”

“I can’t agree with that . ”

Talwi’s sword assailed me and the wounds on my body continued to increase .

That was bad, I would really lose if that continued any longer .

Not being able to use magic was a miscalculation . I would definitely not lose if I could use magic .

I have been relying too much on magic and skills until now .

I have to focus more on fighting without relying on magic and skills .

(Hn? Ah, so that’s it . )

I looked at Talwi’s sword movements closely .

The snake-like sword movements were confusing but they were all illusions .

“Just like how a shaken pencil will look bent . ”

I was flustered because I thought she was using skills in a space that negated skills but I was mistaken .

“The reason was much simpler . Talwi, your attack doesn’t rely on offensive skills . So that is a sword technique achieve with only technique?”

Talwi didn’t answer even when I asked .

“I’ll take your silence as agreement . ”

“I won’t lose to a magician like you just because you found the answer . ”

“Then I’ll have to use my last resort too . ”

I said and grinned .

“Nope, I guess it’s not a last resort . More like a front door?” (TLN: Last resort/trump card is ‘Back hand’ in Japanese and the ‘front door’ here is ‘Door in front of my hand’ . )

I said and took out the Lucky Hammer from my item bag once again and slammed it against the door .

It made an immense sound but the door didn’t budge as expected .

Sheesh, what kind of material was it made of?

But –


Talwi looked at the door – or rather the presence on the other side of the door .

It looked like she noticed .

The door made a sound and slowly opened .

I didn’t have to look back .

Even if I didn’t look back, I know who came .

“Sorry for the wait, Master . ”

“It’s okay, you are right on time, Haru . ”

I knew from the start that there was a chance this would be a trap .

There was no way I would trust that inspector .

I sent a message and told Haru .

In case of something unexpected, I told her to tail me from a distance .

There were other beastmen so I asked her to keep quite a distance away .

And when in front of the shrine, I sent a message telling her to open the door from the outside if she hears the sound of a second hammer strike if I was locked up .

“I actually wanted to escape with my own ability though . ”

When I said that, Talwi moved with even greater speed than she had before .

She either used a skill similar to Beast Blood or she had been going easy on me, or both . I didn’t know .

But –

“It’s too late . ”

I stopped Talwi’s attack with my sword .

“Wha …”

“Sorry but I wasn’t serious either . I had to stall for time to prevent you from escaping until Haru arrived so I played it such that it was a close battle . ”

I did make a big mistake by lowering my guard and taking that first strike but I knew that I would not take any significant damage if I protected my face .

“Even if you were acting, you can’t act a swing like that –”

As she was speaking, I moved with my actual speed and slashed at her stomach . With the back of the sword .

But the damage should still be quite significant .


Yeah, I didn’t have to act when swinging my sword .

I just had to not change my jobs from the magic-specialised jobs I had assigned .

“Your Beast Blood effect has probably ended . Resign yourself and be captured . You are a companion who we fought the Demonic King Dragon with . I’ll listen to your circumstances and might even help you if I can . ”

“ … Fuh, so naïve . I hate that naivety but I like that strength . Sheesh, so terrifying . What rear guard . ”

Talwi finally stood up with great effort but smiled as she wiped the corner of her mouth .

She had cut her lip so it drew a line of blood across her cheek .

“So that pungent liquid was so that I would not notice Haurvatat’s arrival outside huh? I couldn’t use my nose for a short time . ”

“No, that Kusaya juice was just to harass you . ”

In the first place, I didn’t even imagine that she would be able to sense Haru’s smell outside .

“Master, it’s really smelly . ”

Gah .

Haru, don’t say it like that . It sounded as though you are saying I stink .

“Sorry, Haru . You can wait outside . I’ll use Clean when I exit and the smell will be gone . ”

“Sigh, even if the battle is over, you don’t have a shred of tension . ”

She said as she picked up the sword she dropped .

Haru and I were wary but she sheathed her sword .

“It’s a promise . I will tell you my reasons . ”

That’s right .

I had to go through quite a detour for that .

“My goal is the destruction of the world and the salvation of the world . ”

“The destruction and salvation of the world?”

Was it related to the End of the World?

Or was it completely unrelated?

There was not enough information .

“Mallegory will soon be led to its destruction . ”

“I don’t understand . Explain it more in detail . ”

She took out a piece of talisman after I said that .

After realizing the identity of that talisman, I drew my sword but in a location that sealed my skills, I could not make it in time .


I shouted in vain as she tore the talisman .

She suddenly disappeared .

“Master, that was?”

“A Transfer Talisman … I think . ”

But a Transfer Talisman can only be made in a dungeon and can only be used inside a dungeon .

“Is this part of a dungeon?”

There was no other location that seemed like an entrance but we didn’t see Talwi appear anywhere .

“Haru, lets quickly return to Mallegory . I have a bad premonition .

Just as I said that .

『Haru-san, Haru-san, can you hear me?』

I could hear Carol’s voice coming from Haru’s chest .

Haru took out the Communication Talisman sandwiched between her breasts .

Why did she put it there? Ah, yeah, that would be a place that would not get in the way but still be audible .

“What happened, Carol!”

『Ichino-sama, so you are all right . It’s terrible! I have received news that 12,000 soldiers from the Tsuaobal army have started invading Mallegory . 』


Carol wouldn’t lie .

Was this the event that would lead to the destruction of Mallegory?

Just what is your goal, Talwi?

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