The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

Chapter 65: A Changed Life

Chapter 65: A Changed Life

"Bargo Sira has disappeared. So, it\'s only fitting that you, as the vice guild master, assume control,” Karyl explained. He pointed to a scroll laid out on the desk. “The issue lies with the slave contract..."

"Originally, the contract was meant to gather information about that guy. I had thought it wouldn\'t matter since the guild would be disbanded anyway. But now, I believe it\'s better to keep the Ulkas intact."

Thomson quickly grasped Karyl\'s intentions. He wasn’t dull-witted. He may have been currently under-ranked due to the effects of mana poisoning, but he was still a sorcerer who had once reached the 5th class.

"Umm... solving this is quite simple, isn’t it? The oath you took bound you not to a person but only to the Ulkas Guild. What if you, Karyl, were to become the guild master? That would eliminate any and all problems."

Karyl chuckled, appreciating Thomson’s astuteness. Because after all, he wasn\'t wrong. If Thomson had accepted the charter without any hesitation, Karyl might actually have become the guild master.

"No, that won’t be possible, It would be problematic if my association with this place were to be revealed. However, since this place is set to become another base for me, it must be entrusted to someone reliable," Karyl shared his original plan having been impressed by Thomson\'s selfless demeanor.

"I think it won\'t be a problem to leave the slave contract behind if it’s you."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Thomson was almost moved to tears. "I am at a loss for words... You even saved my life... I am forever in your debt. I will serve you for the rest of my life." He bowed deeply, his voice choking with emotion.

[Why’s he making a fuss over curing just one case of mana poisoning? Besides, there are many ways to circumvent a slave contract." Allen, arms crossed, couldn\'t stand it anymore and interjected from behind Karyl. "Moreover, that contract has already lost its power."

Karyl chuckled softly. Just as Allen said, after extracting a confession from Bargo Sira and killing him, the contract was already canceled.

However, Karyl had shown the contract to Thomson for a different reason. He was about to leave Azor but knew he couldn\'t afford to miss the significant events that would unfold in the years to come. Therefore, he sought to appoint Thomson as his agent. Merely curing the magic poisoning wasn\'t enough.

He might follow me now because the cure for mana poisoning isn\'t perfect, but there\'s no guarantee he will continue to do so.

What Karyl needed was “Trust” and for that, he needed to win Thomson\'s heart. By leaving the Ulkas Guild behind and appointing Thomson as the guild master, thereby taking on the vulnerability of the contract on himself, Karyl had moved Thomson’s heart as expected.

Allen claimed Thomson could reach the 6th Class, which was more than enough for teaching disciples. Of course, Karyl knew of better sorcerers than him. Among the ten knights who had accompanied him in his previous life to fulfill the Oracle were Serica Lauren, the combat sorcerer, and Israphil, who was hailed as the reincarnation of Kaye Aesir.

If they were to serve as the Guild Leader, they would produce a far stronger force than Thomson could ever even hope to lead. Yet, a diamond in one’s imagination was far less useful than a piece of copper in hand.

Well, I know where they are, but I have a lot of things to do before meeting them. And by the time I was done, months will have passed. By then, the seeds of war would have already started sprouting across the continent.

In this life, Karyl had vowed to ascend to the throne, becoming the ruler of the continent. So, before the revelation of the Oracle, in the wars for dominance among the humans, he would have to ultimately face his friend Olivurn.

Starting with Tatur, Karyl was expanding his influence, but he could never surpass the sheer numbers of the Empire\'s troops.

Military force is necessary, but numbers alone will not be enough to defeat the Empire. There was a way to overcome the odds. While the number of troops is important in war, magic can introduce countless variables.

By using Thomson, I\'ll lay the foundation for Azor\'s sorcerers. And later when I bring Serica and Israphil into our ranks as comrades, we will form a formidable magic force that surpasses the Empire’s. Karyl\'s eyes gleamed with determination.

He handed two small scrolls to Thomson. "One contains the remedy for magic poisoning, along with instructions for follow-up care. From now on, your task is to secretly find those afflicted with mana poisoning and heal them, recruiting them as guild members."


"And the other scroll contains outlines of our plans for the future of Azor going forward. Use it as a blueprint to expand the influence of the guild."

Azor, the magic city, along with Tatur, stood as one of the few independent cities on the continent, not under the rule of a king, including empire and principality. However, that also made them vulnerable to the various checks and balances of the nations, caught between their different schemes.

The empire seeks to swallow Azor, while the principality and the Three Kingdoms use it as an excuse to demand sorcerers under the guise of protection.

Despite being backed by powerful sorcerers from the Dawn and Immortal Councils, the number of Azor’s sorcerers was no match for the combined forces of the kingdoms.

Azor was inevitably caught in the crossfire of the continent\'s wars.

For now, the Empire is preoccupied with internal power struggles among the princes and is not actively mobilizing its military externally. However, many sorcerers will lose their lives as Olivurn consolidates power after his accession. Those who died in his previous life, those who were not part of Olivurn\'s forces. By saving them, Karyl planned to build his own power.

"I will carry out your command."

"Remember that the contents of these scrolls are not absolute prophecies. The final decision is yours to make."

"Yes, Master." Thomson slowly nodded.

"I have one final request," Karyl smiled in satisfaction at Thomson’s response.

"What is it? Please give me your orders."

"You\'re aware that the Empire has issued an imperial decree to exterminate heretics, right?"

"Of course. It has been widely discussed across the continent for a while now. The Blue Knights, led by Sword Master Kuwell, have been stationed in the north, haven’t they?"

"Yes, that\'s correct."

Karyl spoke with firm resolve, thinking of the sorcerers of Azor and others who had perished in his previous life.

"Prepare a group of capable individuals and send them north."

"North? To the lands of the immigrants? I have heard that they kill anyone from the continent on sight, for no reason at all. And there are rumors that they even consume human flesh to gain magic.”

"That\'s a baseless rumor. It is true that they are hostile towards the Empire, but they don\'t eat people. Besides, do you think I would send our people to a group that kills indiscriminately?" Karyl’s expression twisted at Thomson\'s words.

"But still...."

"Does the guild have a map of the north? Due to the Heresy Extermination Decree, Kuwell\'s forces would likely be stationed in the northeast by now, likely in the highlands where the tusk tribe resides."

Thomson was taken aback by Karyl\'s words. How does he know the situation without even seeing it? And to know the cure for mana poisoning as well... It’s impossible to gauge his depth of knowledge.

"What I seek is on the opposite end, with the Wolf-Fox tribe in the northwest. Thus, the likelihood of attracting the Empire’s attention is minimal."

"I see...."

"Even if you reach the tribe, don’t act rashly. Unlike other tribes, they have been actively avoiding conflicts with the Empire."

Thomson stared in awe at the youngster before him, who possessed such extensive knowledge about the northern lands he himself had never visited in his lifetime.

"What is our course of action then?"

"Deliver a message to the chief of the Wolf-Fox tribe. That\'s all you need to do."

"And the message is...?"

"To evade the blizzard, seek shelter beneath the thunder. The time to act is now," Karyl spoke in a hushed tone.

Thomson tilted his head, puzzled by the meaning behind the message. "...?"

"Just convey that message," Karyl said, his mysterious smile, only adding to Thomson\'s confusion.

I can’t save everyone in the north, I don’t have that kind of power yet. Still, I can\'t just let them be senselessly slaughtered under the Heresy Extermination Decree. Karyl’s gaze hardened behind his smile.

But Wolf-Fox, you will understand my words. Karyl thought of a man with sharp, witty eyes, his red hair reminiscent of a fox. If it goes to plan, at least twice as many immigrants as in my previous life will survive. And every single one of them would become his strength.

"Everything is ready," Mikhail announced as he entered, carrying a large pack.

Karyl gave a slight nod. Before stepping out the door, he made one last request to Thomson. "If anything happens, seek out the administrators in Tatur. Mention my name, and they will help."

Tatur? He knows the administrators of the free city too? Just how far does his connections reach?

Thomson looked at Karyl, lost for words. Yet deep down, a long forgotten excitement stirred, ignited by Karyl\'s unfettered demeanor.

"I will comply."


"Where are we headed now?" Aidan asked, standing next to Karyl as he tended to the horses.

He had a vague idea of what awaited them at the end of the forest path leading east. Based on Karyl\'s actions thus far, Aidan speculated on the places that might pique Karyl’s interest.

The person who single-handedly conquered the Gray Training Ground, a feat not even the sorcerers of Azor could achieve.

The Labyrinth of Press, the Rakra Mines, the submerged city of Panama... There remain places that could bring immense wealth to any adventurer brave enough to conquer them. It’s likely one of those places. There were still many unexplored dungeons across the continent and Aidan believed Karyl would not just overlook them, at least that would be the case if he were a normal adventurer.

Damn, that\'s not it. I just can\'t get a read on him.

"How long has it been since we left Tatur?" inquired Karyl, breaking Aidan’s train of thought.

Aidan tilted his head slightly, pondering. "Hmm, I think it\'s been a little over half a year? We visited the Guidance Mercenary Gang before coming here."

"Right, it\'s been half a year already. What do you think of everything I\'ve done so far?"

It was an unexpected question.

"Honestly, it\'s been astonishing. The fact that you, as an individual, were able to forge a contract with the Guidance Mercenary Gang is impressive enough, not to mention the gang\'s location is something even the Empire doesn\'t know. And then, winning the magic competition and conquering the Gray Training Ground..."

As Aidan listed these accomplishments, he couldn’t help but feel a renewed sense of awe. Each achievement was truly remarkable.

"Is that all?"


"What about your thoughts on me? Have they changed at all?"

Aidan hesitated, his face reddening. "Well..."

"It\'s fine. That’s not the main issue at the moment. I\'m counting on you going forward. I have high expectations for you."

Though Aidan knew it was flattery, he couldn\'t deny the excitement that surged within him whenever Karyl spoke to him like that. Get a grip, Aidan. You’ve already pledged your loyalty elsewhere.

Though the Second Prince Olivurn possessed the qualities of a great ruler, Karyl was different. He had a certain ruthlessness about him, but there were also moments when he could touch one\'s heart deeply.

"What do you think are the three most important elements in founding a nation?"

Aidan pondered for a moment before responding. "Um, the capital to sustain it, land for the people to live on, and a strong army to protect it?"

"You\'re quite well-informed,” Karyl remarked with a sly grin. “Seems like you have an interest in that area,"

"Umm, well... It\'s a well-known concept outlined in the empire’s theories."

Did Aidan consider the possibility that Karyl had already deduced his connection to the Empire? He no longer made an effort to hide it.

"Ultimately, a ruler and their authority need land to exist, power to protect it, and money to sustain it," Karyl stated firmly.

Karyl\'s first plan, the establishment of an “invisible empire” through information, was already in motion through Suan. However, that alone would not be enough. To bring victory in the continental war, tangible power was necessary.

"You must be familiar with the geography of the continent.” Karyl continued, “Then you should understand where we are heading next."

With those words, Karyl spurred his horse into a trot, and Mikhail followed suit without uttering a word.

Founding a nation...? That\'s when it hit him. Why didn\'t I think of that before?

He berated himself for his foolishness, having only anticipated dungeons as their next objective.

Given everything that had happened so far, with the financial power of Tatur and the military force of the Guidance Mercenary Gang, the only thing left was... land to establish a base.

And at the eastern edge of the continent lay land ignored by both the Empire and the principality.

But that land... The Empire must’ve abandoned it for a reason. But is this happening for real? Really? To undertake such madness in these times!?

Aidan found himself gripping the reins tighter, feeling an inexplicable sense of excitement flowing though him. Karyl\'s words had stirred something within him.

"Ha... Haha."

It was ludicrous, yet strangely, he couldn’t help but feel yearning found himself wanting to see more, to learn more. At that moment, he realized he had neglected to seize the perfect opportunity to inform the Empire while Karyl was away.


Thomson let out a deep sigh, feeling the absence of Karyl like the calm after a storm. He sat in the guild master\'s office, gazing out the window for a moment. It was as if he had emerged from a long, treacherous journey into a realm of Life and Death. Once a man, who had resigned himself to a life devoid of hope, only awaiting his inevitable death, now found himself in the prestigious seat of the guild master.

"Alright, let\'s see what\'s written here."


He gently untied the tightly bound parchment string, savoring the satisfying sound it made. The title caught his eye: “New Star, Ulkas Guild.” In a few short years, not just in Azor, but across the vast continent, the birth of the most influential and colossal guild would be traced back to the very document Thomson was about to unfold. Little did he know, that the path he was treading would lead to such renown.

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