
Chapter 319 - Home (cont)

To see that she was waiting at the train station, even though he already knew she would be there, calmed the agitation in his heart. He didn\'t like being separated from her for long, but he knew it was necessary.

The feeling that he experienced was akin to how a mother felt when their kids were away ... but different. Worse, in a sense, for he felt a part of him was missing. As a mother, it had been more like \'missing\' and \'pining\' whereas as a twin, it felt like you were incomplete.

However, despite that feeling, he could handle it. He knew they couldn\'t be together 24/7 and eventually, she would have her own family and such. They needed to learn to live separately.

Usually, he could handle it but since Kay had been in danger ... well, his uneasiness, and consternation over the whole thing couldn\'t be contained. It boiled over and he just had to see her with his own eyes.

See that she was safe. Even though he knew she was, it wasn\'t enough.

So, naturally, the moment he did see her, he couldn\'t wait anymore. Everyone was in the way. Everyone was slow. He had to literally push Xing Han and he carried Little Kyle so that they would be faster.

Luckily, Little Kyle was keeping still and letting him do whatever he wanted.

? Kay ?

Kay had been waiting at the train station for the past half an hour. Though she knew the time that the train would arrive, she didn\'t want to be late. Or even be on time. She wanted to be early.

This entire year had been one of the hardest things she had ever gone through.

Being separated from Kyle.

It felt strange, like a part of her was missing. She did her best not to show how much it affected her and she was very careful not to let her feelings leak out. Even though they talked everyday mentally, even though she could view him anywhere with her hacking skills ... it could not replace actually having the person next to you.

She missed her brother terribly.

So she was extra nervous as well as full of excited anticipation to know that he was coming home. Home.

She was so focused on the train that was arriving that she tuned out everything and everyone around her. The only thing that was important, was the very precious cargo that a certain train was bringing.

As she stood there, wringing her hands in nervous anticipation, she cut a truly ethereal picture. The older generation saw her stance like a wife waiting for her soldier husband to come home. She looked positively divine, in her dress that was pristine white, accentuating her figure and flowing with the wind.

Her shoulder-length wavy hair clipped in place with a hairpin at the side and her youthful, innocent - and beautiful - face, looking at a certain approaching train with love in her eyes.

? Kyle ?

Even before the train stopped fully, Kyle had already wrenched open the door and jumped down, landing neatly on the platform without a problem. Little Kyle\'s eyes bulged wide open and thought it was just so cool.

Just then, another thing happened that made his mind go blank.

The Angel was there.

The Angel was coming closer.

And then Big Bro Kyle was running towards her. No, he couldn\'t be, could he?

He was.

Much to Little Kyle\'s consternation, just as they reached her, Big Brother Kyle put him down. He actually put. him. down!! Then he went and hugged that Angel of his ... without him!!

Everyone was watching this touching scene with a hitch in their hearts. A truly enchanting girl being hugged by a devastatingly handsome young man. It wasn\'t just that they were aesthetically pleasing, but that the way they held each other tightly showed such intense emotion and pure love between them.

It was picture perfect.

It made those with significant others reach to hold each other\'s hands, or have them make that call just to say \'I love you\' and \'I miss you\'. Those who were single felt jealous and sighed, hoping that they would be able to share that sort of love.

Suddenly, a loud booming voice echoed at the train platform, "Damnit Kyle! How could you run off and leave me behind?"

That shout broke the spell that everyone seemed to be under and they went on their own business.

? ? ? ?

Kyle laughed, and broke the hug with Kay. Turning to face Xing Han, he smiled sheepishly, "You\'re just too slow, Xing Han."

Then Kyle noticed the pouting Little Kyle. So did Kay.

She gushed upon seeing him, squatting down to meet him at eye level, "Oh Gosh, Kyle, is this him? This is, isn\'t it? He\'s soooo cute!! And adorable!!"

Little Kyle smiled, the pout becoming the cutest smile ever, which made Kay squeal in delight, "Oh Smol Kyle is cute! Hello, I\'m Kay, Kyle\'s twin sister."

Little Kyle blinked.

Twin sister? Not girlfriend?

He looked at Big Brother Kyle, puzzlement in his eyes.

"Yes, she is my twin sister. We haven\'t been able to spend much time together this year," Kyle explained, "And we missed each other terribly. Isn\'t it the same for you with your mum?"

Comprehension dawned on Little Kyle. He understood completely. The look Big Brother Kyle gave Big Sister Kay was full of love, but it wasn\'t the same as the sort of look between a husband and wife. Then again, he suddenly realised that he never saw that sort of look between his mother and Dad either.

Little Kyle found that strange now, but didn\'t think much about it.

"Come on, let\'s get you to your mother," Kay said, offering her hand. Little Kyle was more than happy to take it.

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