
Chapter 104: Arrest

Chapter 104: Arrest

When Ling Tian had entered King William’s office, Fang Yu took her sweet time to eat. Five heaping plates later, and the door of the King’s Office opened. Ling Tian strode out cockily as he gave Fang Yu as sly look.

As for King William, he followed behind Ling Tian, looking quite unsure. He seemed to be hesitating on something as he looked undecisive.

Fang Yu immediately felt that something was wrong. Ling Tian’s behavior and the King’s suspicious actions triggered the alarm signal inside her mind.

But before Fang Yu could ascertain what the danger is, King William pointed at Fang Yu. He seemed to have forgotten their pleasantries earlier as he coldly said,

“Bring Fang Yu to her room and put her in a house arrest.”

Everyone was shocked from hearing the King say such a thing. Fang Yu was not only a visiting disciple, she was also the successor of Xiao Ya! One could say that Fang Yu was one of the faces of the Immortal God Sect.

If Fang Yu was wronged, the Immortal God Sect will be wronged too. That was why Fang Yu could confidently strut around. King William’s act right now can be considered to be against the Immortal God Sect itself!

Long Juo, who had been standing all the time in the banquet, sent a gloating look towards Fang Yu. Fang Yu rolled her eyes and just ignored her. As for the other disciples, they did nothing, only watching the whole spectacle.

Tang Li was fuming when she heard King William do such thing against her Sis.

“Dirty shmelly old man! You are badder than Baldy!” Because of the presence of many people, Tang Li could not afford to show herself. She just grabbed Fang Yu’s hair as she pulled on it miserably.

“King William, are you sure you are in your right mind to authorize an order like this? It may be only a house arrest, but its Fang Yu we are talking about!” Tang Ya spoke up for Fang Yu while the others watched silently.

“I of course know the consequences. But Ling Tian had told me something that I cannot ignore. Even if I offend the Immortal God Sect, I cannot allow Fang Yu to get near my wife!”

The Fourth Stage guard they met earlier approached Fang Yu. He sighed as he looked at her imploringly. Fang Yu slumped her shoulders in defeat. She waved her hand dismissively towards the dissatisfied Tang Ya.

“It’s okay Tang Ya, let them arrest me. I doubt that this will last for long. Just be on standby.” Fang Yu said as she started following the guard. Emyprea had no hesitation and followed Fang Yu.

The guard did not stop Empyrea from joining since he had heard that Empyrea was Fang Yu’s guard.

Having her in the room with Fang Yu may relieve some anger and tension that Fang Yu might feel in her house arrest.

Tang Ya looked glum as she saw Fang Yu being escorted away. She once again felt alone, with no one to rely on. The last time she felt like this was before she met Fang Lin and Venomshade. She clenched her fists as she stared at Ling Tian venomously.

Ling Tian just shrugged his shoulder, not bothered with Tang Ya’s look. In fact, he seemed to even enjoy it.

“You bastard, what did you say to the King!” Tang Ya rushed forward until she was only a handspan away from Ling Tian. She gripped the handle of her broadsword as she said,

“You may be strong, but I will not hesitate to fight you!”

“Do you really need to ask me? Of course, you already know what I told to the King! You know what I am talking about......”

Tang Ya paled as she realized what Ling Tian was implying.

Ling Tian knew all about Fang Yu’s bloodline!

“But how can he know that? There are very few leaks about her bloodline! I doubt Ling Tian can just easily deduce about Fang Yu’s bloodline with so few evidences.” Tang Ya thought furiously to herself. “But how he did it does not matter anymore. He knows Fang Yu’s secret and that is very dangerous for her.”

With Ling Tian knowing Fang Yu’s bloodline, he clearly held a leverage against Fang Yu. Ling Tian can just release this information to the public anytime. With this, Ling Tian can easily blackmail Fang Yu! In order to protect her secret, Fang Yu will have no choice but to follow Ling Tian’s whims.

Tang Ya shivered, clearly knowing that most of these whims will be of Ling Tian’s carnal desires! Fang Yu was an extremely attractive woman, and her seductive appeal was off the charts. Even Fang Yu’s master had clearly fallen for her!

Even though Ling Tian looked plain and composed while talking to Fang Yu, Tang Ya could feel that Ling Tian’s gaze has some traces of concealed lust. She also noticed Ling Tian’s eyes checking out Fang Yu’s bountiful chest and plump rear when no one was looking.

Tang Ya had to find a way to stop this from happening!

From the timeline of the incoming events, Tang Ya knew that Ling Tian will start to make his move on Fang Yu once the Sect Missions have ended. Before the Sect Missions end, Tang Yu had to find a way to silence Ling Tian’s threat.

And if the situation requires it, Ling Tian could be silenced forever.

Tang Yu slightly sighed as she let go of her broadsword’s handle. She walked away from Ling Tian and headed towards King William’s office.

She was the person to come after Ling Tian. Once inside the office, Tang Ya took a deep breath as she calmed herself down.

Being angry at the King would not help matters. She had to be calm and rational......

“Greetings Miss Tang Ya, and I assume you must be still angry with what happened to your friend. Do not worry, my attendants shall provide the best service for her.”

Upon seeing the King like this, Tang Ya could only give him a cramped smile. The King sighed, knowing that Tang Ya was still pissed at him.

“So Tang Ya..................”


Solstice Kingdom, six hours after midnight.

If it were the normal place, this time around, the sun should have started to illuminate the surroundings. But in the Solstice Kingdom, it was still dark. The only difference was that the stars all disappeared.

The sky was blue, as it was technically day already. But the shadow cast by Mount Skydome had plunged the Kingdom in 6 more hours of darkness.

Such mysterious sight was relished by Wang Hao as he strode towards the slums of the Solstice Kingdom. With the help of some medicines he concocted, he was able to regain his Fatty Wang’s persona.

Following behind him was an enchanting woman. Her elegance and mature body was enough to make any men treat her as their master. This potential dom was Eleanor.

Wang Hao’s plan included Eleanor revealing herself to the public. Even though Eleanor loathed this, she had to do it after what Wang Hao showed to her.

“You better not screw both of us up!” Eleanor muttered under her breath as they entered the slums. She shivered as she felt all the looks given to them by the residents of the slum. Some were curious, while most were obviously focused on Eleanor’s face and body.

Eleanor could only huff in annoyance upon seeing this. Wang Hao ignored what she said as they beelined for one of the settlement there.

He swaddled his fat body as he walked towards a decrepit house in the slums. Eleanor followed behind him until they had reached the front door.

Wang Hao then knocked on the door.

“Knock knock”

He knocked once, twice, thrice, but nothing happened.

“Maybe there is a password.” But before Wang Hao could start his machine-gun assault of common passwords, he heard a gruffy voice behind him.

“Hey, watcha doing here young fella?”

Wang Hao looked back at the source of the voice. He tried to give a snarky remark, but what he saw stopped him from speaking up.

The man behind them was dirty looking, He had an unkempt face and an unwashed body. His body smelled bad, that it managed to make Eleanor retreat while trying to stop her gag reflex.

But that’s not what made Wang Hao surprised. He rubbed his eyes, trying to make sure they are alright. He looked again at the man, and what he saw did not change.

“I am sorry but your face....”

“Oh, my face? Hahaha, everybody always say that when they meet me!” The man boisterously laughed clearly pleased with the attention.

Upon hearing this, Wang Hao just held his curiosity. Miscellaneous stuff like this must come later. He came to meet the rebels, and he had to see them already.

“Can I ask where the rebels against the Solstice Kingdom are? I have a proposition for them that they will surely love.”


“What the hell Wang Hao! You just asked a stranger out of the blue with that? What if he was an enemy?” Eleanor was stupefied by what Wang Hao did. “I told you to not screw us up!”

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