
Chapter 131: Enchantment Hall

Although he had reached the peak of body refining fifth level and was only a half step away from pulse condensation, he still felt as if he was missing just that little bit. Pondering over it, Lu Xuan felt as if he perhaps was missing some insight.

For normal martial artists, increasing a level a year was already not bad. If they could increase two levels, they would absolutely be known as a genius!

And since Lu Xuan had gotten the sword crystal, in the short span of less than three months, he had directly gone from body refining second level and improved to body refining fifth level. Currently he was now attacking body refining sixth level. This speed was frightening.

However, although his speed of improvement was fast, it wasn’t without cause. With the Tai Yi Yuan Return Tactic’s almighty level**, along with unceasing usage of dan medicines, his speed would naturally surpass normal people. Also, the Tai Yi Yuan Return Tactic’s circulation path went through the entire body, along with the sword crystal’s help of removing dan poisons, making the improvements not only fast but also very stable. Currently having failed the charge into body refining sixth level, naturally it wasn’t because of an unstable foundation.

The only possibility was that his insights weren’t enough.

Just like if you let a normal person suddenly become a high official, although he would have that level of identity, his heart would still be a normal person’s heart. How could he perform those tasks?

(TN: Plebs gonna pleb)

Ending his training and standing up, Lu Xuan opened the door. For the next step, he didn’t need to bitterly cultivate. He needed to walk around. If he got an insight, with his currently solid foundation, breaking through would only be a matter of water flowing and forming a channel. His fight with Lin Tian was still over two months away. There was enough time.

(TN: A natural matter of course)

Thinking over it, Lu Xuan determined that he would go to his old way of thinking. Up to now he hadn’t taken a look at the Enchantment Hall. Drawing enchantment scrolls could not only improve his enchantment abilities, it could also improve his spirit force. Perhaps he could make a breakthrough in spirit force. In this period of time, his quick improvements were not unrelated to the time he had spent practicing enchanting in Lin City which had improved his spirit force.

Giving Lin Xin Yi a heads up, he told her not to run around recklessly during this time. Lu Xuan went by himself to the Enchantment Hall.

Enchantment Hall, Refining Hall, and Spirit Dan Hall. These three locations were the places to study within the inner sect. They did not have subordinate relations between one another, but did have interdependence on one another. The three great halls, with the inner sect’s strength, were able to acquire enough materials, and the inner sect obtained enough **resources from the three great halls.

(TN: Yeah, I dunno what the stars mean in this case.)

His travels were peaceful, without spending too much time, Lu Xuan arrived at the Enchantment Hall. The Enchantment Hall was an extremely large building. Inside it were storage rooms for storing enchantment materials, quiet rooms for enchanters to draw enchantment scrolls, and a large hall for enchanters to talk about their experiences, etc.

Entering the Enchantment Hall, Lu Xuan directly sought out the reception area. Other than him, there were a few other **people dressed as martial artists there. A few Enchantment Hall deacons were at the reception desk registering something.

The three great halls, other than providing resources to the Wind Sword Sect, at the same time also attracted people from the various factions. If a martial artist had interest in refining dans, refining equipment, or enchanting, they could come up here and study. Of course, starting from an apprentice, there was no way for you to start with all the materials you would need to practice.

Once the **few in front of him finished it was Lu Xuan’s turn.

A deacon asked without even lifting his head: “Name, age, faction of origin?”

“Lu Xuan, sixteen, sword faction.”

Originally thinking that when he reported his name, this deacon would give a surprised reaction, however out of Lu Xuan’s expectations, the deacon seemed to not have heard of the recently famous sword faction’s Lu Xuan. He only buried his head in the records. Only after he finished recording did he look up at Lu Xuan and continue speaking.

“I’ve heard of you. You seem to be pretty famous in the inner sect, however, this is the Enchantment Hall. Coming here, no matter who, you must all follow the Enchantment Hall’s rules. Every enchantment material is hard to come by and you won’t be allowed to waste them. Everyone must obediently rise from enchanting apprentice. Only whenever you pass the enchanter’s assessment will you be eligible to draw your own enchantment scrolls. Do you understand?”

Lu Xuan couldn’t help but silently nod. This Enchantment Hall is indeed like the rumors said. Acting high and mighty wouldn’t work. The other two halls were probably also like this. Without speaking of himself, most likely even if it was Xu Wen Yang who had come, he also wouldn’t have been given too much face.

However, he didn’t have time to be an enchanting apprentice. He then said: “I’ve learned some enchantment skills before. Is it possible to directly take the enchanter’s assessment?”

Hearing this, the deacon immediately carefully looked over Lu Xuan. He had heard that Lu Xuan’s strength was pretty good. Could he actually have also learned enchantment skills?

“Your luck is pretty good. In half an hour, it just happens to be the once a month enchanter’s assessment. If you had missed this time, you would have had to wait a month. However, it should first be said, when participating in the assessment, all of the enchantment materials used will need to be bought with your own contribution points. We do not provide them.”

Lu Xuan nodded. He naturally understood. The Enchantment Hall’s materials were all bought by them using contribution points from the Missions Tower. Of course they couldn’t let people waste them for free unless they knew for certain that you had the strength needed to draw an enchantment scroll.

“No problem, however, this is my first time coming to the Enchantment Hall. May I also ask senior brother deacon to explain the Enchantment Hall’s rules and how to pass the assessment.” Lu Xuan cupped his hand and said.

Seeing Lu Xuan was sufficiently courteous, the deacon’s facial expression improved by quite a bit. His attitude towards Lu Xuan improved a bit and he no longer held a stiff face.

He had seen quite a few arrogant inner sect disciples with a bit of fame running in front of their Enchantment Hall pretending to be their grandfather, as if they were someone in a high position. This Lu Xuan wasn’t bad. He knew that he shouldn’t bring his inner sect’s background here to the Enchantment Hall.

“Come with me. I’ll first take you to the assessment’s great hall. I’ll explain to you as we walk.” The deacon went ahead to take the lead. Lu Xuan naturally followed closely behind.

“The Enchantment Hall doesn’t have a subordinate relationship with the inner sect. That’s why here, the inner sect identity isn’t the most useful. Even if an inner sect elder came, if he doesn’t conduct himself properly, our hall master will also ignore him. Here, the most useful thing is the enchanter’s level. The higher the level, the more respected he is, and will be able to use even more materials.

“When normal disciples come, they all start as enchanting apprentices. They can only practice familiarizing themselves with the enchantment material’s potency. Of course, those like you that have already learned enchantment skills can directly participate in the assessment. If you can pass, then you can became a member of the Enchantment Hall. Each month, you will be able to use a set amount of enchantment materials. Similarly, each month you also need to hand in a set amount of enchantment scrolls. If you do not reach the standards for three months in a row, then your enchanter qualification will be reduced by a level. Of course, if you are only a primary enchanter, then you’ll be directly lose your enchanter qualifications.

“Oh yeah, the Enchanter Hall’s enchanters are split**, divided into the primary level, intermediate level, and high level which is judged based on the difficulty of the enchantment scroll drawn. This time’s enchanter assessment only needs you to successfully draw one. No matter how simple the enchantment scroll, you will be able to become a primary level enchanter.

“After becoming an enchanter, not only will you be able to enjoy the resources of the Enchantment Hall, you’ll also be able have some hall seniors give pointers. That is the greatest honor…”

This deacon ceaselessly continued talking with Lu Xuan about the Enchantment Hall’s information. The two of them, one in front, one in back, had already arrived in the great hall. Lu Xuan lifted his head to look over. Tightly packed in the great hall were about a hundred desks. There were already people standing In front of many of the desks. It seemed like this was the assessment location.

The deacon brought Lu Xuan to an empty desk and then asked: “What scroll will you draw. I will help you bring the materials over. However, you will have to afford the material cost yourself.”

Thinking about it slightly, Lu Xuan said: “Then I’ll ask senior brother to help me grab a set of materials for drawing a Wild Explosion scroll.”

“Wild Explosion scroll?” The deacon had a surprised expression flash across his face, “Could it be you can draw a Wild Explosion scroll? That’s an intermediate level enchanter’s ability!”

Lu Xuan was also a bit surprised. He hadn’t thought that being able to successfully draw a Wild Explosion scroll would be considered as intermediate level enchanter difficulty. Then most likely, the abilities of a high level enchanter wouldn’t be too much higher. Then what level had those above the high level enchanters reached?

He originally wanted to ask this deacon, however, he gave up after he thought about it. Most likely this deacon also wouldn’t know. He could wait until there was an opportunity to meet with the Enchantment Hall’s hall master and then ask him to be taught. This time Lu Xuan’s biggest goal of coming to the Enchantment Hall, other than earning enough Enchantment Material practice, was to improve his understanding of enchanter theory.

The current him, other than the ancient enchantment technique he had gotten from the sword crystal, he had only seen the entry-level enchanter book given to him by Lin Xin Yi. In terms of theory, he could be described as very weak.

He chuckled a bit and didn’t explain too much, saying: “I’ve practiced this one a bit more and have a bit more confidence in it.”

The deacon nodded. Naturally he wouldn’t interfere with Lu Xuan’s decision. He did some calculations internally and said: “A set of materials for a Wild Explosion scroll will cost a total of 250 contribution points. Transfer it onto this card, and I’ll help you bring it over.”

Saying this, the deacon handed over a blue identity plate, which was his own.

Receiving it, Lu Xuan didn’t think twice before transferring 300 contribution points to it.

The deacon’s divine sense went in, and when he discovered that Lu Xuan had given him an extra 50 contribution points, he was a bit surprised.

“Thank you senior brother deacon for explaining things to me along the way. It’s just a little token to show my respect to you.” Lu Xuan smiled.

“Haha, okay. In the future if you don’t understand something, you can come find me.” The deacon had a full smile. This kid was indeed pretty good.

The deacon’s productivity was also very fast. Not long after, he brought a set of materials back. Holding ten high grade blank scrolls, an enchanting-specific brush, as well as a bottle of prepared ink.

Although Lu Xuan’s ancient enchantment technique didn’t need to use prepared ink and could directly use the potency from the full concentrated original materials, having been warned by Xia Chen Xi, under the current circumstances, he naturally wouldn’t expose it.

Placing the materials set on Lu Xuan’s desk, the deacon whispered: “Junior brother Lu, among these ten high grade enchantment scrolls, there is one peak grade enchantment scroll. If in a while, things don’t smoothly, then you can use that one and have a higher success rate.”

Lu Xuan was a bit stunned. This deacon was also a strange person. Lu Xuan had sent him a peach and he had given back a pear. Although him using a high grade enchantment scroll was already enough, but he was also supporting him.

Without waiting for Lu Xuan to say anything, he patted Lu Xuan’s shoulder and said: “The assessment is about to start. In a while, there will naturally be someone to announce the rules. I’m going to leave first. I wish junior brother Lu success.”

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