
Chapter 735 - The God’s Concession

Chapter 735 The God’s Concession

If any outsiders were here, they would only see a black mist.

However, the four people here could all see the Nether God’s face clearly.

The Nether God looked quite cute when she blinked her eyes, although her face was cold.

Roland wasn’t touched.

“Is it really non-negotiable?” The Nether God stared at Roland and spoke casually.

Roland shook his head.

The Nether God gazed at Roland expressionlessly.

The atmosphere got heavier and heavier.

Andonara had already laid her hand on Roland’s back and started writing with her finger.

Give me the sword.

There were always several weapons in Roland’s system Backpack, which wasn’t a secret to her.

Right when Roland was about to draw the sword from the system Backpack, the Nether God suddenly spoke.

“So I won’t let her come to the main plane again.”

After that, a black pillar of smoke that was almost concrete grew out of her “body” and tied the True Ancestor to her.

“As you demanded, she’ll never leave the Netherworld,” said Ms. Sophie casually. “So, you can stop trying to kill her.” After she said that, all three women were shocked.

A goddess had conceded in front of a human?

The True Ancestor of vampires, in particular, was so shocked that her face paled.

“Sister Sophie, you can’t do this to me. You can’t put guys over friends... Wu...”

Another pillar of black smoke quickly covered her mouth and stopped her from talking.

“Are you satisfied now?” Sophie looked at Roland.

“I will be, if she stays in the Netherworld forever.”

The Netherworld was a place where the deceased belonged.

If the True Ancestor was confined to the Netherworld forever, she would be no different from a dead person.

Truth be told, Roland could live with that.

“Remember your promise. She’ll stay in the Netherworld. When you come to the Netherworld, you must not attack her again.”

The True Ancestor struggled hard but couldn’t break free.

She could only utter meaningless syllables.

Roland nodded and didn’t say anything.

In fact, he was of a mind to say that he didn’t want to go to the Netherworld at all because it was a sh*thole to him. But on second thought, he would rather not sound aggressive and petty now that the Nether God had already conceded. So, he didn’t say that Then, a black portal opened, and the Nether God dragged the True Ancestor away.

After they returned to the Netherworld, Ms. Sophie removed the black smoke that covered the True Ancestor’s mouth and waist.

The True Ancestor finally could talk again. She touched her swollen lips and asked pitifully, “Sister Sophie, why did you give in to the wretched human? You are a goddess. Are you scared of him?”

“I’m too greatly suppressed in the main plane. I might not be able to beat the three of them.”

The True Ancestor was quite shocked. “How is that possible?”

“Nia is an angel and quite good at fighting. The woman with big boobs is named Andonara. She’s a descendant of Phoenix the Devil King and can suppress dark power. Although I belong to the Lawful alignment, the magic power I use is dark. As for Roland... His spells can already slaughter gods. Also, as a Golden Son, he cannot be killed. He knows how to enter the Netherworld too.”

“You’re scared of him because he knows god-slaughtering spells?” shouted the True Ancestor in confusion. “Many evil gods know god-slaughtering spells too, but you’re not scared of them, are you?”

The Nether God shook her head. “His god-slaughtering spells have a huge destructive radius.”

“How huge can it be?”

“The most powerful one has a destructive radius of fifty kilometers.”

“It’s just fifty meters...” The True Ancestor’s head trembled. “What did you say the radius is? Fifty kilometers?” “Yes, that’s our speculation.”

“That’s impossible.” The True Ancestor found it unbelievable. “So does that mean that he can easily destroy a city right now?”

“Yes. Even paradise cannot resist that kind of attack many times.”

The True Ancestor was truly shocked. After a long silence, she said, “Fine, I’ll just stay in the Netherworld and wait until he dies of old age.”

“He might never die of old age.”


“He’s almost a Legend. He may become one at any moment.”

The True Ancestor was instantly lost for words.

A Master-level Mage could already live almost two hundred years. The Legendary Mages could live more than three hundred years, because their souls went through qualitative changes and their vitality faded much more slowly.

Of course, their longevity depended on how much vitality they had when they became Legendary, or to put it more frankly, how old they were.

For someone who became Legendary as young as Roland, it wouldn’t be a problem for him to live several hundred years.

It wasn’t surprising for an old man in his seventies to live another hundred years when he became Legendary.

“Does it mean that I may have to spend the rest of my life in the Netherworld?” The True Ancestor couldn’t have looked more upset. “I don’t want that. This place is boring.”

“Then play more card games with me.”

“No, I won’t!” The True Ancestor covered her head with both hands, squatted, and complained, “It’s boring to play card games with you. You always cheat.”

“I don’t cheat.”

“You always draw the best cards. Isn’t that cheating?”

“I have fourteen points of Luck.” Most people only had five points of Luck. Ten points was the upper limit for humankind. What could fourteen points bring? Only those who had it knew.

Also, Luck was a predestined and unchangeable stats.

Hearing that, the True Ancestor who still held her head became even more bummed.

No wonder she never won a single card game against the Nether God.

On the other hand, Roland bid farewell to Nia and Andonara and then came to the Wind Hermit Guild’s base.

Very soon, someone let him in.

In the meeting room, Barbion was still studying the map. Roland walked to him and asked, “Are you studying how to beat the boss?”.

“No, I’m studying business routes,” replied Barbion with a smile. “More and more cities have magic arrays now. Some of the old business routes are no longer cost-effective. I’m planning to replace or optimize them.”

“Awesome. I don’t know how to do business at all.”

“The richest player claims that he doesn’t know how to make money. Don’t you think that’s too hypocritical?” Barbion said jokingly. “Have you finished your thing?”

“Yes, I have.”

“Then why don’t you stay in our base for the night? We have spare rooms.”

Roland shook his head with a smile. “Thank you for your kindness. I have a house in this place too.”

“Right, I forgot that the lord of Wetland City belongs to F6,” said Barbion. “How can you possibly be landless here?”

“I’ll just take a rest in my house and meet you tomorrow morning.”

Barbion nodded. “Okay... Wait a moment.”

Roland was about to leave. Hearing that, he turned around and looked at the guy in confusion.

“Have you ever heard about the Anti-F6 Alliance?”

“Well, I don’t know about that.” Roland was interested. “But I’ve indeed been harassed by some players in secret. I don’t know who they are or work for.”

“I don’t know many of the details,” Barbion thought for a moment and said. “But I was told that they’re led by a very rich guy. They’re very mysterious and highly secretive. I only learned the news by accident.”

Roland slightly heaved a sigh. “Thank you very much, Barbion.”

Although it wasn’t much, he was still given some useful information.

One could never learn enough information. This piece of information might come in handy someday.

Roland returned to his manor and took a rest for the night.

It was supposed to be peaceful, but Beatrice came to him in the middle of the night, weeping and complaining of how lonely she was.

Few men could hold themselves back when a warm body was in their arms.

It took Roland quite a while to soothe Beatrice.

On many occasions, women slept with men not because they enjoyed it but because they were happy to be with men and feel that they were needed.

That was the case for Beatrice. She wasn’t really interested in sex. She simply missed Roland after not seeing him for a long time.

Sending herself to Roland’s bed was just a method to approach him.

Besides, as a woman, she didn’t have any other methods.

Beatrice rose from the bed. Although nothing happened that night, she looked a lot healthier and happier than before.

She truly wanted nothing but Roland’s company.

After breakfast, Roland came to the Wind Hermit Guild.

Barbion and three other people were already waiting at the door.

This time, it was a five-men squad, a classic configuration.

Although Roland was here to help, the rest of the team didn’t slack off but carried weapons that could damage giant creatures.

Epic quests were quite random. Different conditions might mean completing different processes.

Take a “rescue the princess” quest, for example.

When different people picked up the quest in the same place, they would be given different rewards and reactions depending on their goodness, capability, and the number of passersby around them.

They might be asked to take the villain down with wisdom, or to kill him with strength.

They might even be asked to cut the princess down.


Of course, the last scenario was highly unlikely, but not impossible.

So, no quests had fixed solutions.

This was especially true for epic quests.

The rest of the team came to Roland and greeted him upon seeing him.

Then, the team “jumped” five times with magic teleportation arrays and came to a small city near the border of Fareins.

Roland thought that the quest was inside the city.

But then, Barbion took them out. They walked in the forest for a long time and defeated a lot of hungry wolves, before they finally reached a hilltop.

On the hilltop was a mottled gray altar covered in moss.

Standing in front of the altar, Barbion shared the epic quest with Roland.

Roland soon received a message.

Player UID 445812 has shared an epic quest with you.

Kill Scorching Locke.

Scorching Locke, one of the commanders in the Realm of Devils, will soon arrive in this world through a certain secret technique. It’s time to reveal your strength and stop him.

Roland picked the quest.

Barbion said in embarrassment, “Sorry that I didn’t share the quest with you sooner. Please understand the sadness of the small guilds like ours.”

Roland, of course, understood why he did that.

In the early phase of the game, many players found rewarding quests that they couldn’t complete on their own, so they asked other players’ help.

Some of them weren’t sophisticated and shared the quest with anyone who promised to kill the monsters with them.

But then, some of the new recruits quit the team and accomplished the quests with people from their guild.

The quest releaser could only watch other people intercept their quest.

It felt as awful as having their girlfriend stolen by someone.

“That’s all right, I totally understand.” Roland waved his hands.

Barbion was relieved too. It was great that Roland didn’t hate him.

Then, he took out a piece of black wood from the system Backpack and laid it on the altar.

The black wood disappeared like thawing snow. Then, the whole altar glowed dazzlingly. Barbion tried to appease Roland. “It’s all right, this is just a quest teleportation. You’ll soon be accustomed to it.”

Roland had teleported himself countless times; he was certainly accustomed to it.

However, the guy only said that out of good will, so Roland didn’t say anything.

After the light faded, Roland found himself in the Realm of Devils.

It was quite easy for him to discern the unique terrains of the Realm of Devils.

The sky was always purple, and the earth was always red.

The moment they showed up, someone roared at a distance.

“You human maggots are here again! Don’t run if you’ve got balls!”

The voice rumbled from afar.

Hundreds of meters ahead, a big fat devil that was at least five meters tall was running to them with a huge wooden stick in his hand.

The earth trembled faintly as he rushed over.

Roland looked at Barbion curiously. “Again? How many times have you fought him?” “Seven!” Barbion seemed rather embarrassed. Then he shouted, “Disperse! The guy’s magma balls are coming!”

Hardly had he said that when three gigantic magma balls were thrown to him in parabolas.

Each of the balls was at least five meters in diameter.

Roland had seen that spell in books on magic common sense.

It was called Penta Fireball Tactic and it was quite powerful.

But in fact, it could only launch three fireballs. There was no telling why it was called Penta Fireball.

After Barbion cried out, the four of them all dispersed.

They also charged forward. Barbion even shouted, “Let’s buy some time for the Mage to cast spells. It’ll be great if we can get Roland five seconds for him to launch a nuclear explosion.”

However, everybody knew that it was impossible.

In other games, the classes like Warriors could taunt the enemy.

It was almost impossible for a boss to attack a Mage behind a Shield Warrior.

However, there were no convenient skills to do that in this game.

Also, the AI was as smart as real human beings.

The moment Roland began to concentrate his magic power and prepare for a grand fireball, the boss would discover it and smash him with the gigantic wooden stick to disrupt him.

But in any case, it was the top priority of the team to create an environment where the Mage could deal damage.

The four of them ran toward the fat giant and tried to avoid the three red magma balls that were descending from the sky.

However, before the three balls crashed, Roland had stepped forward.

A field of ice quickly unfolded.

The ice on the ground spread out even faster than his running teammates and reached the feet of the fat giant devil.

Then, Roland pointed his finger forward.

A freezing wind hit the three magma balls, cooled them down into back rocks, and even blew them back.

They sank half a meter into the ground right next to the giant devil.

The devil stopped charging and looked at Roland hesitantly.

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