
Vol. 8 - Chapter 428 - Weekend? What Else Are They For If Not Powering Up!

Ultimately, we ended up blowing Sierra\'s fuse up. Well, I couldn\'t deny our fault here, unfortunately.

Actually, the schedule was to celebrate together with all the members who had worked in the study session, but we completely threw it all to the side with the surge of liberation that followed after the exam, and...and there was no more. She was right in her place to be angry at us.

I was apologetic too, if only I wouldn\'t have let my tension lead me by my nose. I wonder if I could somehow appease her by, like, giving her drops of F-boss? Haa, of course not.

"Make sure you reflect on your actions."

"I\'m deeply ashamed of my actions."

"Not enough."

Eh, really? But this—kneeling and bowing deeply with three fingers pressed to the ground—was already the highest form of apology.

"Sheesh, truly. Do you even remember that you\'re the guildmaster of ‹Eden›? You can\'t just let your selfishness get the better of you."

"Yes, ma\'am! You\'re absolutely right!"

I presume she was implying, \'make sure to throw a closing party with everyone else.\' Yeah, I, of all people, didn\'t expect to actually fall here.

However, it was already too late to do anything for today, and as such, we decided to hold our usual appreciation party on Saturday, the next day.

Come saturday. Dungeons were especially jammed with crowds of students as a result of the dungeon being sealed for so long. It was like someone had started a cosplay event. Each corner was filled with students equipped with vibrant, colorful equipment.

Well, ‹Dungeon Activity› especially had a mountain of equipment to choose from after all.

Anyway, we also didn\'t lose sight of the energy of the crowd and equipped ourselves with all sorts of equipment. By the way, the place we were here was ‹Eden› and ‹Arc-Arcadia›. Yup, everyone looked quite dashing in our respective getups.

Hmm, what were we doing, arming ourselves to teeth, you ask? But, of course, we were going to dive into the dungeon as well. Today, we shuffled members from both ‹Eden› and ‹Arc-Arcadia› and split into four parties.

Today\'s agenda was to secure the meat of ‹Golden Topple› for tonight\'s party. Though it wasn\'t the last thing on our to-do list, there were also F-Boss and other rare monsters to hunt.

For our first task, we successfully managed to complete it within the morning, securing two meat lumps of ‹Golden Topple›. Of which, one was delivered to the cooking specialized guild ‹In search of balance between Food and Buff›, while the other one was passed to Hannah, who was staying back at the guild. Apparently, she and dwarf Alulu seem to have hit well. The two were cooked while engrossed in their production related discussion. Hmm, it sounds like she was having fun as well.

In the afternoon, we once again shuffled members. We\'re going to help ‹Arc-Arcadia› clear the beginner dungeon.

The all-day long dungeon time was a blast. We kept at it until evening and gathered together at the ‹Eden› D-rank guild room, where we held our tiny party.

Everyone really gave their all in the tests. The result would be put on the display board of each school\'s building on the first day of next week, the day after tomorrow. But given the sheer number of students, the result—limited to display boards—will only reflect the top 300 students. Oh, right, there would also be a list of failed students later. This time of year usually becomes the zombie museum, though.

Those who couldn\'t cut out for the top 300 list would have to wait until next week\'s test result, but it wouldn’t be a problem to check if they had managed to pass or taken a nosedive.

Though our members should all be fine considering how much effort we all had poured in. And so, to clear away any dark cloud from our guild, we were feasting ourselves on delicious cooking.

"‹Sachineko-sama› ‹Koneko-sama›! Here\'s the magnificent meat of ‹Golden Topple› that Hannah has cooked and grilled plenty with gold chest\'s ‹Meat Blaster›! I definitely wanted you to try it! I hope you keep gracing us with the presence of ‹Gold Chest›!"

Of course, offering to ‹Sachineko-sama› was just as important. I served some meat to ‹Sachineko-sama› and while on it, requested their blessing. Ah, that\'s right. I still haven’t informed the members of ‹Arc-Arcadia› about the custom. No-no, I couldn’t let it happen.

"Listen well, members of ‹Arc-Arcadia›. Make sure you pass your words of appreciation to ‹Sachineko-sama›, and especially ‹Koneko-sama›. Got it? It\'s all of your duty to put an offering to ‹Sachineko-sama› and ‹Koneko-sama› if you want to continue with ‹Eden›."

"We don\'t have any such rule. Please don\'t utter such lies."

\'Wha—,\' my words of encouragement were immediately shot down by Sierra. Here, I was thinking it\'s about time to make offerings to ‹Sachineko-sama› and ‹Koneko-sama› a compulsory ritual, you know.

We, ‹Eden›, receive our ‹Good Luck› skill from ‹Sachineko-sama›, while ‹Arc-Arcadia› is blessed by ‹Koneko-sama›. I believe rewarding is our duty and obligation.

In the end—and also because our two deities were just that adorable—members of ‹Arc-Arcadia›, too, put in their offering. Hmm, you have got it down, guys. Now just wait, and you will soon be blessed with a windfall.

The party was just as fun as it was last time, and it concluded on a merry note.

The weekend continues, and next comes Sunday. Today, too, we were going to dive into a dungeon to heal up our stagnant spirits.

Like yesterday, we split into four teams, with the level max group—barring Sierra and me—acting as wheels for the growth of ‹Arc-Arcadia›. Sierra and I instead were helping out other members of ‹Eden› like Rina, Mert, or Misato, who had yet to hit the level cap. Our goal was to increase the number of dungeons cleared and assist in leveling up.

We took the help of ‹Training Hall› to get everyone to LV60, and started brushing away Int-low dungeons left and right. And right now, they had just cleared away their third Int-low dungeon. Alright. It was just a matter of time before they also hit the level cap.

Speaking of ‹Arc-Arcadia›, Noel and Lacritta had just unlocked their third order skill tree. Considering where they had started, they were practically riding on jets.

The rest of the ‹Arc-Arcadia› members had prioritized clearing the dungeons over level, gradually unlocked their skill trees, and put the training they had done over the exam preparatory period to actual use. Yup, they were gradually getting the hang of things as well. All\'s well; they\'re improving well.

It was just starting. I believe things will get more hectic when we\'re going to promote ‹Arc-Arcadia› members to ‹Eden› one of these days.

The future of ‹Eden›—My heart was racing just at the thought of it.

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