
Chapter 77: Bodily Reformation (2)

Chapter 77: Bodily Reformation (2)

The black sweat, filled with impurities, emitted a stench worse than that of a corpse. The smell was so horrid it seemed completely otherworldly.

What the hell?!

Zhou Xuchuan cursed as the nauseating smell hit him. He had to force himself to endure the stench and stay still.

Despairing over not even having the option of falling into a state of selflessness, no matter how badly he wanted to, the Bodily Reformation continued as he cursed the entire way.

All the residue accumulated within his meridians was being expelled. As the residue that had built up as he aged disappeared, his meridians began to expand.

Half of the Millennium Snow Ginseng\'s spiritual qi is already gone.

He had used half of the Millennium Snow Ginseng just to destroy his bones and remove the accumulated residue.

It was clear that Bodily Reformation couldn\'t be achieved with just the Seven Horned Serpent\'s neidan alone. This proved how much qi Bodily Reformation really needed.

Now, the third step, the final step!

It was the final step of Bodily Reformation, the step where any disease or wound was completely healed.



A scream echoed under his breath, the pain almost audibly melding into his cries.

His bones, which had been pulverized and moved out of position, were quickly reformed and shifted back into place. At the same time, his body regenerated and restored any flaws.

Moreover, it didn\'t just restore his body to its original state.

No, his body became even stronger.

As the loud sound of bones reconnecting echoed from within his flesh, his skeleton became more perfect. This was commonly known as the Heavenly Physique.

His skin peeled off in a thin layer, like a snake shedding its skin. Underneath, white, soft skin appeared.

Even his hair, which had fallen out moments ago, grew back. Dark as night and fair as silk, his hair swayed with the wind.

Next, his fingernails and toenails grew back, replacing those that had fallen out.

Vitality surged through his body. His blood quickly rushed through his veins, moving as quickly as he could circulate his qi. It felt like everything was circulating at an unprecedented speed.

His brain was pounding, his pulse beating so fast that it felt like his heart was going to explode. His entire body burned before growing cold.

These abnormal phenomena repeated continuously. He couldn\'t tell how long it took. Since there was no light, it was impossible for him to know whether it was day or night.

Then, time continued to pass.


A thunderous roar erupted. The pile of stones at the entrance of the cave was sent flying.

The small animals nearby were startled and ran away.

After some time, the cloud of dust cleared from the entrance of the cave as a person slowly walked out.

The person\'s sharp jawline had no baby fat. His angular facial features, pure white skin, and perfectly balanced muscles and bone structure made him look like a sculpture rather than a person.


Zhou Xuchuan curiously inspected his body after finishing his Bodily Reformation, rotating his shoulders.

There was no stiffness, and his body felt as light as a feather, making him doubt whether it was really his body.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to feel the flow of his qi. Not only was his circulation smoother than before, he could also drive his qi faster and with more force.

"Let\'s see..."

He drew a mirror from his pack and looked at his reflection in the sunlight.

The Bodily Reformation had brought changes to his appearance.

All impurities and residue, including dirt or excess oil, were removed from his body as his skin regenerated and excess fat was removed. His skeleton and muscles were perfectly aligned, giving him an incredibly beautiful appearance.

Even the scars he had gotten from training since youth had all disappeared.

Although it didn\'t really bother him, he was a bit disappointed, as each scar had its own memories.

Unfortunately, Bodily Reformation itself wasn\'t enough to make him a man of peerless beauty.

"So, am I supposed to just accept this is the most attractive I can be... how hurtful reality is. Still, at least I\'ve gotten this attractive..."

At the very least, Zhou Xuchuan was slightly above average in looks now. Moreover, he wasn\'t that greedy about appearances anyway.

"I expected it already, but to think my internal qi really didn\'t increase, even by a little."

He thought that he would have at least a bit of medicinal qi left in his system. But instead, all of it had disappeared, devoured to the point that he was lucky the Bodily Reformation hadn\'t devoured his innate qi too.

"Now, let\'s go back to the Central Plains."


Throughout ancient times up until now, there were six martial arts said to be impossible to learn, known as the Six Great Demonic Arts or the Six Great Prohibited Arts. It was difficult to say which of the six arts was the strongest due to how brutal the cultivation for each of them was. However, the Great Demonic Art that had recently made a name for itself was the Sunken Spiral Castle Art of the Ominous Demon.

— The Murim Tome of Banned Arts

Qinghai, Kunlun Mountain

Traveling northwest across the Central Plains, one would eventually reach the Holy Mountain. Facing the North Star, its peak was high enough to pierce the sky. It was a famed mountain with beauty and spirituality rivaling that of the five peaks of the Central Plains.

The mountain peak, often shrouded in thick clouds, was usually only visible if one craned their neck hard enough. The slopes were so rugged that climbing was impossible without martial skills. Below it, the Yellow River, the lifeblood of the people of the Central Plains, began its journey from a valley deeper than a bottomless pit and continued toward Shandong in the Central Plains.

In a pavilion perched on a strange peak that was narrow and pointed at the bottom and wide and flat at the top.

"Did they say it was the tomb of the Ominous Demon?" an old man with a beard as white as snow and long, flowing eyebrows asked, his expression stiffening.

A middle-aged elder of the Kunlun Sect nodded as he turned to the old man, the sect master of the Kunlun Sect, Immortal Shang Ming.

"Ha... why did that ominous name resurface..."

Two hundred years ago, the Ominous Demon invaded the Central Plains, plotting to destroy the murim.

His power and martial force were strong enough to surpass that of the Central Plains, and he overwhelmed the entire murim to the point where the Righteous and Evil Factions formed a temporary alliance.

After several years of war, they succeeded in inflicting a fatal wound on the Ominous Demon, who then went missing, his fate unknown.

The only good news after that final battle was that he had never appeared again.

After the Ominous Demon disappeared, rumors spread throughout the gangho that he had gone into hiding or was gathering his strength for revenge. However, in the end, none of them came true.

In the end, decades after his last appearance, it was assumed that the Ominous Demon had hidden himself from the outside world to avoid pursuit. He tried to recover but had eventually died from his wounds.

"Even imagining that cursed and vicious monster reappearing within the gangho is terrifying. We have to stop him, no matter what."

The Kunlun Sect had stepped forward to confirm the rumor, causing the rumors to spread even further. Now that one of the representative sects of the Nine Sects and One Gang had stepped forward, the people\'s interest also increased.

Even without the Kunlun Sect\'s involvement, the rumors would have attracted attention.

The Ominous Demon had been a legendary figure within the murim and had not only fought and won against the best warriors of his time but had even survived and escaped.

Some were curious about his power, while others wanted to obtain it for themselves.

Gaining that power meant that one could dominate an era, even if it meant becoming someone wanted by the entire murim.

"So, the grave of the Ominous Demon?"

From the Demonic Path, the Demonic Cult showed particular interest in the rumor.

Not even the Demonic Cult, infamous for doing whatever it took to obtain power, dared to touch the Six Great Prohibited Acts.

As soon as anyone cultivated any of the Six Great Prohibited Arts, the Righteous Faction, Evil Faction, and all unaffiliated Martial Forces would join forces to attack, using the prohibition as an excuse.

Still, what the Demonic Cult was interested in wasn\'t the Sunken Spiral Castle Art that the Ominous Demon had learned, but the several demonic arts he had collected in addition to the Sunken Spiral Castle Art throughout his lifetime.

Of course, because it was such a heretical and fanatical organization, many within the cult wanted the Sunken Spiral Castle Art for themselves. However, they kept their intentions hidden to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"While it may not actually be the tomb of the Ominous Demon, it\'s definitely worth investigating."

The Demonic Cult assembled an elite unit and sent them to the Central Plains, where the tomb of the Ominous Demon was rumored to be.

The Kunlun Sect of the Righteous Faction and the Demonic Cult of the Demonic Path had set out to investigate, and from the Evil Faction, the Evil Valley got involved.

"It hasn\'t been that long since the Three-Eyed Godly Thief\'s tomb has been discovered, and now, it\'s the Ominous Demon? Really?"

The Evil Valley Master was skeptical. It wasn\'t just the Evil Valley, all the forces in the murim shared these doubts.

In less than ten years, the remains and tombs of people who had dominated an era were being discovered one after another. Something was strange, and they couldn\'t help but be suspicious.

"Still, we have no choice but to investigate."

The bait set by the Dark Heaven Association was no ordinary one. Even knowing it could be a trap, they had no choice but to investigate.

If they ignored it and it turned out to be real, they would regret it.

Investigating the Ominous Demon\'s tomb and sealing the Sunken Spiral Castle Art was merely a pretext. Their true aim was the items, divine materials, and other treasures that the Ominous Demon had collected during his lifetime.

"We can\'t just let the Kunlun Sect claim all of the rewards."

Not only was the Evil Valley moving, but the Demonic Cult was getting involved as well. Smaller and medium-sized forces, as well as unaffiliated cultivators, were also joining in.

In fact, there were rumors that hidden forces, powerful cultivators who didn\'t involve themselves with the struggles of the ordinary world, were even getting involved. This was a much bigger event than the discovery of the Three-Eyed Godly Thief\'s tomb.

It wasn\'t something the Kunlun Sect could handle alone.

The Righteous Faction had to strengthen their forces going in to control the narrative and protect them from danger.

However, that didn\'t mean they could just dispatch their forces hastily.

If this truly was a trap, they risked significant losses. Moreover, if something happened elsewhere while their forces were concentrated in one place, the consequences would be severe.

They had to consider many variables as they decided who would stay and defend their forces and who would be sent to the tomb of the Ominous Demon. Another important factor was that, if it truly was the tomb of the Ominous Demon, those who went would gain significant achievements.

"We will go."

"Didn\'t the Nine Sects and One Gang gain considerable wealth and reputation during the battle for the tomb of the Three-Eyed Godly Thief?"

"For you to come forward again would be a selfish monopoly and tyranny against us other forces. Do you plan to let only your great sects remain?"

"Our Five Mountain Sword Sects Alliance will take charge of this matter."[1]

Thus, among the Five Mountain Sword Sects Alliance, the Mount Tai Sect, the Mount Song Sect, and the Mount Heng Sect decided to set out for the tomb of the Ominous Demon.

"So, the Nine Sects and One Gang and the Five Mountain Sword Sects Alliance all get a chance. Shouldn\'t we, the Five Great Ancient Families, also get a chance?"

Once the meeting ended, the Nangong Family of the Five Great Ancient Families also set out for the tomb of the Ominous Demon.

The Kunlun Sect of the Nine Sects and One Gang!

Mount Tai, Mount Song, and Mount Heng of the Five Mountain Sword Sects Alliance!

The Nangong Family of the Five Great Ancient Families!

The Demon Cult of the Demonic Path!

Even the Evil Valley of the Evil Faction!

The protagonists of the Seven Swords War had all gathered together.

What had happened once in the future was about to happen again at the hands of the Dark Heaven Alliance.


"No future is exactly the same."

Standing on the branch of a plum tree at the foot of a mountain, Zhou Xuchuan looked down at a valley.

At the end of his gaze was the tomb of the Ominous Demon, which no one except the Dark Heaven Alliance had been able to visit.

Ominous Demon.

Two hundred years ago, the Ominous Demon had disappeared near the Yellow River, and because of the Dark Heaven Alliance, his final resting place had been revealed.

Ever since he became a martial artist two hundred years ago, the Ominous Demon had wandered around the Central Plains, hiding everywhere.

As a result, he had needed to find an inconspicuous hiding place, somewhere he could use as a final escape.

That was the tomb that everyone had heard about now.

Here, he had been unable to heal his final fatal wound and had eventually died in a tomb of his own making, a tomb that had been discovered by the Dark Heaven Alliance several decades ago.

In other words, the main treasure in the tomb already belonged to the Dark Heaven Alliance.

What remained now was a treasure left behind on purpose, used as bait.

"Now, it\'s only the beginning from here."

1. Peak as in both the highest sword sects and mountain peak. The Five Mountain Sword Sects Alliance represents the sects of the Five Sacred Mountains—Mount Hua, Mount Tai, Mount Song, and the Northern and Southern Mount Hengs. Traditionally, the Northern Mount Heng Sect is titled Mount Heng Sect, while the Southern Mount Heng Sect is titled Hengshan Sect. This is a reference to the Smiling, Proud Wanderer by Jin Yong, one of the original wuxia novels. ☜

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