
Chapter 489 111.1 - Two weeks

Chapter 489 111.1 - Two weeks

The following two weeks were a relentless journey of growth, pain, and discovery for Astron as he continued his training with Reina in the [Chamber of Deception]. Each day was a new battle, and each stage of the chamber was more demanding than the last. But with every challenge, Astron pushed himself harder, driven by a deep-seated desire to master his [Eyes] and unlock the full extent of his abilities.

First Stage: Mastering the Basics

In the days following his initial success in the first stage, Astron honed his ability to filter and decipher mana flows. The first stage had taught him to see through the chamber\'s illusions, but now he needed to perfect that skill. Reina guided him through increasingly complex scenarios where the chamber would alter the flow of mana in subtle, almost imperceptible ways. The goal was to sharpen his perception, to detect even the faintest shifts in energy.

Astron\'s progress was steady. He learned to conserve his mental energy, filtering out unnecessary information with greater efficiency. The headaches that had plagued him at the start began to fade, replaced by a calm focus that allowed him to navigate the illusions with increasing speed. By the end of the first week, he could complete the first stage in a fraction of the time it had initially taken him.

Second Stage: Refining Control

The second stage introduced new elements to test his control over his abilities. The chamber\'s illusions became more dynamic, with shifting walls and moving obstacles that forced Astron to adapt on the fly. Here, it wasn\'t just about seeing through the deception; it was about maintaining control while under constant pressure.

Reina introduced exercises that pushed Astron\'s mana manipulation to new levels. He learned to alter the flow of mana in real time, creating his own paths through the chamber\'s chaos. This stage was both mentally and physically exhausting, but Astron began to notice a significant improvement in his stamina and resilience. His body grew stronger, more attuned to the demands of his training, while his mind became sharper, more focused.

By the time he completed the second stage, Astron had developed an instinctive understanding of how to manipulate mana flows to his advantage. He could now navigate the chamber\'s challenges with a fluidity that came from deep within—a blend of intuition and skill that Reina knew would be crucial in the trials ahead.

Third Stage: Expanding Perception

The third stage was where the real challenges began. The illusions in the chamber became more intricate, layered with multiple levels of deception that required Astron to expand his perception beyond what he had previously thought possible. This stage was about seeing not just the surface of things but the deeper connections between them.

Reina pushed Astron to use his [Eyes] in ways he hadn\'t before. He was tasked with perceiving the underlying structure of the chamber\'s energy, tracing the connections between different mana flows to uncover the hidden paths. This required him to process vast amounts of information at once, filtering out the noise while focusing on the critical elements.

It was during this stage that Astron\'s understanding of his [Eyes] deepened significantly. He began to see the chamber not just as a series of obstacles but as a living entity with its own patterns and rhythms. He learned to anticipate the chamber\'s tricks, predicting where the next illusion would appear and adjusting his approach accordingly.

This stage took longer than the previous ones, but by the end of the second week, Astron had mastered it. He could now perceive the chamber\'s deceptions on multiple levels, seeing through the layers of illusion to the core of the truth.

Fourth Stage: Enhancing Speed and Precision

The fourth stage introduced a new element: time. The chamber\'s illusions became more aggressive, shifting rapidly and forcing Astron to react with lightning speed. This stage was about precision under pressure, about making split-second decisions while maintaining absolute control.

Reina\'s training focused on enhancing Astron\'s reaction time and his ability to filter information instantly. She set up scenarios where he had only moments to decipher a complex web of illusions and find the correct path before the chamber shifted again. It was grueling work, mentally taxing and physically draining, but Astron\'s determination never wavered.

With each passing day, his speed and precision improved. He learned to trust his instincts, to let his training guide him without overthinking. By the time he completed the fourth stage, Astron could navigate the chamber\'s challenges in a fraction of the time it had taken him at the start of his training.

Fifth Stage: Integrating All Skills

The fifth stage was the culmination of everything Astron had learned. The chamber combined all the elements from the previous stages—complex illusions, shifting obstacles, time pressure—and added a new layer of difficulty. The mana flows within the chamber became more chaotic and more unpredictable, challenging Astron to integrate all his skills into a seamless whole.

This stage was the most mentally and physically exhausting of all. The chamber seemed to throw everything it had at him, testing his limits and pushing him to the brink. But Astron had grown stronger, more resilient. He had learned to adapt, to remain calm under pressure, and to trust in his abilities.

Reina watched closely as Astron navigated the fifth stage. She could see the progress he had made—the way he moved through the chamber with a confidence born of hard-earned mastery. He no longer hesitated when faced with new challenges; instead, he attacked them head-on, using every skill at his disposal to overcome the obstacles in his path. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

It took longer than the previous stages, but by the end of the second week, Astron had conquered the fifth stage. He emerged from the chamber, exhausted but triumphant, having integrated all the skills he had learned into a cohesive whole.


On the other hand, aside from his training in the [Chamber of Deception] Astron continued training with Dakota as well.

Over the next two weeks, Astron underwent increasingly intense training with Dakota. Each day presented new challenges, but with each challenge, Astron felt himself growing stronger, more capable, and more attuned to the intricacies of the martial arts he was mastering.

The first week was dedicated entirely to mastering the [Storm Stance]. With his breakthrough in using multiple [Judgment Points], Astron quickly adapted to the complexities of the stance. The new method of circulating mana made his movements more fluid, his strikes more powerful, and his defensive techniques more reliable.

Dakota pushed him hard, making sure he perfected every aspect of the [Storm Stance]. They focused on integrating both the offensive strikes—[Thunderclap], [Typhoon Burst], [Quake Fist], [Tempest Wave], and [Stormbreaker]—with the defensive techniques—[Tempest Sphere] and [Aegis Guard].

By the end of the first week, Astron had not only mastered the individual strikes and defenses but had also begun to integrate them seamlessly into his combat style. His control over the [Judgment Points] allowed him to switch between offense and defense with unprecedented speed.

With the basics of the [Storm Stance] firmly in hand, the end of the first week was dedicated to sparring.

Dakota knew that mastery in training was one thing, but applying it in a real fight was another. They spent hours every day sparring, each session more intense than the last.

Her goal for Astron was to increase his battle awareness using the [Storm Stance]. Dakota pushed him to his limits, forcing him to adapt to her unpredictable attacks.

She mixed up her fighting style, switching between different stances and techniques, testing Astron\'s ability to respond under pressure.

And at the last training of the first week, Astron had achieved a level of mastery in the [Storm Stance] that left Dakota impressed.

"You\'ve done it, Astron," she said her voice firm. "You\'ve mastered the [Storm Stance]. Your control, your awareness, everything is where it needs to be."

Astron, though breathing heavily from the exertion, nodded.

"But we\'re not done yet," she added, her tone taking on a more serious edge. "Now that you\'ve mastered the [Storm Stance], it\'s time to move on to the final and most complex stance in the [Tempest Fang] style—[Cyclone Stance]."

He had heard of the [Cyclone Stance], the pinnacle of the [Tempest Fang] style, where the offensive power of the [Storm Stance] and the fluid precision of the [Gale Stance] were combined into a single technique.

"The [Cyclone Stance] is the culmination of everything you\'ve learned," Dakota explained. "It\'s a stance that requires perfect harmony between your body, your mana, and your mind. You\'ll need to blend the explosive power of the [Storm Stance] with the fluid transitions of the [Gale Stance]. It\'s about overwhelming your opponent with a constant, relentless assault while maintaining complete control."

Dakota\'s expression became intense as she continued. "This stance is not easy to master. It will push you to your absolute limits, but if you can do it, you\'ll be twice as strong."

Dakota stepped back, giving him space. "We\'ll start tomorrow. Rest up tonight, because once we begin, there\'s no turning back. The [Cyclone Stance] will demand everything you have and more."

Just like that, the second week of training began with an intensity that surpassed anything Astron had experienced before. Dakota wasted no time, diving straight into the intricacies of the [Cyclone Stance]. The training sessions were grueling, but the challenge only fueled Astron\'s determination to master the final and most complex stance in the [Tempest Fang] style.

The [Cyclone Stance] was a blend of everything Astron had learned—the explosive power of the [Storm Stance] and the fluid, precise movements of the [Gale Stance]. It required perfect harmony between offense and defense, an unyielding flow of energy that never stopped, never faltered.

Dakota began by breaking down the stance into its core components. The [Cyclone Stance] was all about maintaining momentum, using the power of the [Storm Stance] to fuel the fluid transitions of the [Gale Stance]. Each movement flowed seamlessly into the next, creating a continuous barrage of attacks that overwhelmed opponents while leaving no openings.

At first, the training was overwhelming. Even with his newfound mastery of [Judgment Points], Astron struggled to maintain the balance between power and fluidity. The constant shifts in energy required an unprecedented level of control and focus, and any lapse in concentration could disrupt the entire flow of the stance.

But Dakota was relentless. She pushed Astron to his limits, forcing him to adapt, refine his techniques, and perfect his control over mana. The training sessions were brutal, with Dakota sparing no effort in testing Astron\'s capabilities.

By the end of the second week, Astron\'s progress was undeniable. The [Cyclone Stance] was no longer an elusive goal but a reality he was beginning to master. His strikes were faster, more precise, and carried a destructive power that left even Dakota impressed.

The training sessions became a dance of power and grace, with Astron moving seamlessly from one strike to the next, his mana flowing effortlessly through his body.

Dakota watched his progress with a mixture of pride and amazement. Each time they sparred, Astron grew more confident and more capable; by the end of the week, Astron could even hold his own against Dakota in their sparring sessions for quite a long time.


<Twenty-first day of training, 5 A.M>

The turning point came in one of their final sparring sessions of the week. The air was thick with tension as they squared off, both aware that this was a test—a final assessment of everything Astron had learned.

After all, at that moment, both of them had been informed of one simple fact.

Today was Astron\'s last training.

Dakota launched into the fight with her usual ferocity, her movements a blur of speed and power. But this time, Astron was ready.

And, after what felt like hours, Dakota called a halt to the fight. Both fighters were breathing heavily, their bodies covered in sweat, but there was a look of satisfaction in Dakota\'s eyes as she studied Astron.

"You\'ve done it," she said, her voice filled with pride. "You\'ve mastered the [Cyclone Stance]. I never thought I\'d say this, but you\'re on par with me now—at least when it comes to the [Tempest Fang]."

He finally graduated from his [Martial Arts] training.

"But don\'t think this is the end."

At least for the time being.

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