
Chapter 486 109.2 - Chamber of Deception

Chapter 486 109.2 - Chamber of Deception

The moment Astron mumbled this, he understood what Reina was trying to come at.

He knew his eyes were special, capable of perceiving the flow of mana in the environment with an extraordinary level of detail. But was that all they could do? What if there was more to their potential than simply seeing the patterns of energy around them?

He let the idea take root in his mind. \'What if,\' he thought, \'I could use mana as the medium for my eyes? Instead of relying solely on light to perceive the world, what if I could read the world through the flow of mana itself?\'

His thoughts raced as he considered the implications. He had already learned to decipher psion lines, to trace the intricate patterns of energy and extract information from them.

The process was complex, but it had become second nature to him. If he applied the same principle to the environment around him, wouldn\'t he be able to decipher the changes in the mana that he himself manipulated?

It was like using X-ray lights, but instead of light, he would use mana as the medium.

By sending out his own mana, he could read how it interacted with the surroundings and how it was altered by obstacles, objects, or even people. The feedback from these interactions could then be processed by his [Perceptive Insight], allowing him to see beyond what light could reveal.

Astron\'s eyes widened with the discovery. He focused inward, summoning a thread of his mana and allowing it to flow outward, gently dispersing it into the surrounding environment. He closed his eyes—not to block out sight, but to fully concentrate on the flow of energy as it spread through the chamber.

The moment his mana made contact with the surfaces around him, he felt it. Subtle shifts in the flow, tiny resistances where the mana encountered something solid, slight deviations where the energy was redirected or absorbed. It was a complex web of interactions, each one leaving a trace that could be deciphered.

He opened his eyes, but this time, instead of relying on the light, he let the traces of mana guide his vision.

The chamber\'s physical features became secondary as his focus shifted to the flow of energy.

The walls, the air, even the hidden obstacles—all were outlined not by light but by the paths his mana took as it moved through the space.

The sensation was unlike anything he had experienced before. He could see the energy currents wrapping around objects, the faint echoes of interactions with the physical world.

And then, as his focus sharpened, he saw her—Reina—standing behind a large pillar, her presence revealed by the way the mana curved around her form.

\'There you are,\' Astron thought, seeing the outline of her body. The color or other things were not visible, but at the same time, her figure was outlined behind the wall.

\'As if seeing things through the wall and darkness.\'

It was subtle. Everything….The training he was doing now started to make sense.

Reina stepped forward, her figure now fully visible through the haze of mana that filled the room. "You\'ve done it, Astron," she said, her voice carrying a note of genuine admiration. "You\'ve taken the first step in seeing the world beyond the limitations of ordinary sight."

Astron felt a surge of pride, but he quickly tempered it with focus. This was only the beginning. "By using mana as the medium for perception, I can see what light cannot," he said, the realization settling into place. "It\'s like deciphering psion lines, but applied to the entire environment."

Reina nodded, her eyes gleaming with approval. "Exactly. The world is filled with hidden truths, with layers of information that ordinary sight can never access. But by using your [Eyes] in this way, you can see through those layers, uncovering what lies beneath. That is something only those with the [Eyes] like you can do."

Astron hesitated for a moment, then finally decided to voice the question that had been lingering in his mind. "Miss Reina, what exactly is this eye you keep talking about? What is its true nature?"

Reina\'s expression softened, but she shook her head. "It\'s too early for you to learn that, Astron," she said, her tone gentle but firm. "In time, you\'ll understand. But for now, focus on mastering the abilities you\'ve already begun to unlock."

Before Astron could press further, Reina suddenly vanished from his sight. Her voice echoed through the chamber, distant yet clear. "You\'ve taken the first step, but you\'re still not there yet. There\'s much more for you to discover."

Astron immediately activated his [Perceptive Insight], focusing on the mana around him. He knew Reina was limiting herself, concealing her presence in a way that required a different approach to detect. He began to decipher the subtle shifts in the mana flow, adjusting his perception to pick up on the new patterns.

After a few moments of concentration, he caught a glimpse of her—just a faint outline at first, but enough to confirm her location. Reina had altered the way she interacted with the mana, creating a new challenge for him to overcome.

She smiled as he found her, a hint of approval in her gaze. "Good," she said. "You\'re starting to understand. From now on, you\'ll be practicing here every day until you find the exit on your own. This chamber holds many secrets, and it\'s up to you to uncover them."

With that, Reina\'s form began to fade, leaving Astron alone in the vast, dimly lit chamber.

The intricate patterns of mana around him seemed to pulse with a life of their own as if the room itself were alive with hidden knowledge.

Astron took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead.

He knew this was not just about finding the exit—it was about mastering his abilities, pushing himself to new heights, and uncovering the truths that lay hidden within the world of mana.

As Reina\'s presence fully disappeared, Astron closed his eyes. He was ready to face whatever challenges this chamber held, knowing that each step he took would bring him closer to mastering the mysterious power of his [Eyes].


<Outside the Chamber>

The corridor outside of the chamber was dimly lit, the cold stone walls reflecting only the faintest glimmers of light from the few torches that lined the way. Reina stood quietly, her expression thoughtful as she considered the progress of her pupil. The chamber\'s heavy door loomed behind her, sealed shut, protecting the intense training taking place within.

A soft, metallic clink echoed down the corridor as Anchor Steelclad approached, his presence as commanding as ever. His towering frame, clad in his signature steel armor, seemed to absorb the dim light, giving him an imposing and almost indomitable aura. He halted a few steps from Reina, his steely gaze fixed on the door behind her.

"Reina," Steelclad began, his voice a low rumble, "is he really ready to challenge the [Chamber of Deception]?"

Reina turned to face him, her expression calm but with a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. "He is, Anchor. More than ready, in fact. Even I wasn\'t expecting him to learn everything this fast. But that kid… he\'s grasped the basics of his [Eyes] quicker than anyone I\'ve seen."

"Really? In just ten days?"

"Yes," Reina confirmed, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "He can handle stage-3 psion lines with ease now, and the only thing holding him back is his current level of Magic Power. His progress has been remarkable."

Steelclad released a heavy sigh, his stern gaze softening slightly though concern still clouded his eyes. "The [Chamber of Deception] is no ordinary trial. It\'s designed to test not only one\'s skills but also their ability to see through the illusions and misdirections that can break even the most seasoned warriors."

Reina nodded, fully aware of the chamber\'s dangers. "I know. Though it\'s only stage one, I\'m confident he\'ll finish it today."

"Today?" Steelclad raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"That\'s right," Reina replied with certainty. "He\'s been catching up quickly on his body training as well. I expect him to complete the first stage of the chamber by 9 P.M."

Steelclad glanced at the time displayed on a small device strapped to his wrist. "You\'re saying he\'ll conquer the first stage in just five hours?"

Reina\'s expression remained firm. "That\'s what I believe... At least."

Steelclad studied her for a moment, then nodded slowly. "I see. If that\'s what you believe, then I have no reason to stop you. But you know I\'m still not fully convinced, right?"

Reina gave a slight nod, understanding his skepticism. "That\'s understandable, sir. But I suggest you start preparing the rewards for him... Before he finishes his training here, he\'ll reach at least the first stage\'s threshold."

Steelclad\'s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Rewards, huh?"

Reina nodded, her tone now more serious. "There\'s something I haven\'t mentioned to Astron yet. Whenever someone passes a stage in the [Chamber of Deception], they\'re rewarded. And each stage has its own unique rewards tailored to the individual\'s progress."

Steelclad\'s expression shifted, showing a mix of interest and caution. "You\'ve kept that from him?"

Reina crossed her arms, her gaze steady. "It wasn\'t the right time to tell him. He needs to focus on the task at hand, not on what might come afterward. But once he completes the first stage, he\'ll learn about the rewards. It will be a significant motivation for him to continue."

Steelclad let out a low hum of consideration. "I see. Then, it\'s crucial that he succeeds. The rewards could be the key to pushing him beyond his current limits."

"Exactly," Reina agreed. "And knowing Astron, once he realizes what\'s at stake, he\'ll only push himself harder." n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Steelclad looked back at the door to the chamber, a flicker of determination in his eyes. "Very well. I\'ll make the necessary preparations. But Reina, make sure he\'s ready. The rewards are valuable, but they\'re only as good as the person who earns them. Especially after all the resources spent on him….."

Reina nodded, her confidence unwavering. "He\'s ready, Anchor. And soon, everyone will see just how far he can go."

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