
Chapter 843 Botlam’s Grace

Chapter 843 Botlam\'s Grace

Lex counted each second that Powell was gone, though his mind kept telling him not to do that. Unless Powell was able to get something from that planet that still contained its aura, Lex would have to spend a long time reaching it no matter what.

Instead of wasting time and energy, Lex began to refine his plan once more. There were a few areas where he would have no option but to improvise, he began considering various actions he could take.

Even with his mind distracted, Lex was all too aware that he tapped his foot on the ground 9 times before Powell returned. Due to his agitation, the speed of his tapping was fast, translating to two taps per second. Powell took 4.5 seconds to go and return. Although Lex had asked him to hurry, that kind of efficiency was remarkable.

"I have activated the perks from your membership, so you will be getting the best of our service. A number of Powells are on the way, bringing every space related item we have. I have also procured a list of all the easily usable weapons we have. Selections include guns, bombs, curses, talismans and such. Unfortunately, we cannot access Fuegan battlefields at all, and conducting any kind of trade that has anything to do with them is severely frowned upon."

Without waiting for any kind of response from Lex, Powel opened up a projection of a list of items in front of Lex. At the very top were the various space related items they had available at that very moment, only after which were the weapons.

Lex scanned through the list, reading the description of each item carefully. Not only did they have to be useful, but they needed to be easy to use and difficult to disrupt.

There were over 400 space related items that the emporium had in stock at that very moment, but only 3 that suited Lex\'s needs. The most ideal was a high powered and extremely rare talisman.

Its original purpose was to strengthen space within a certain region for a short period of time. Although it sounded useless, it was actually a tactical item. By strengthening space for a short time, it would prevent ordinary teleportation in and out of that region. Even someone with a space affinity would struggle to do anything in that region.

But Lex was not concerned about that. As long as space was strong and stable enough, the keys would work, he was confident in that.

The second item was a large wine bowl. As long as a special liquid called Gravity Void tincture was poured into it, the bowl could display a number of space related abilities. The emporium, fortunately, also had the tincture in stock.

The last was a formation plate. This one took a little time to use, as it needed to be set up, but was the most stable.

Another thing that caught Lex\'s eye, despite not being an item, was a manual on space affinity. Since the issue this time was space, and Lex could not say for certain what he would encounter, he bought all three of the items as well as the manual.

Then he looked towards the weapons. These he bought indiscriminately. As long as he still had credit left over from the jewel he sold, he bought weapons. He started with the strongest and the easiest to use, and then just kept buying them.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, none of the easy-to-use weapons could harm immortals, but Lex paid that no mind. Once he had selected enough, he submitted his order and waited for Powell to deliver them.

The merchant wore a look that was equal parts excitement as it was concern. He could clearly tell Lex was not in the best of moods, and based on the items he was purchasing that he was heading for trouble.

He struggled whether he should say something or not, but then came to a conclusion. Being helpful would be more useful than expressing his concern at the moment.

"You might also want to take a look at this," Powell said, and showed Lex the details for another item. At first, Lex simply glanced over, but when he saw the item, his eyes gleamed.

The item was in the shape of angel wings and was made of clay. According to its description, within it the item contained an extremely potent Holy aura from an Archangel, which had almost magical healing properties towards non-demons. Of course, if used against demons, it had an equally poisonous effect. The most intriguing thing… was that the item\'s name was Botlam\'s Grace.

Lex did not ponder over the origin of the item, or why he was seeing the name Botlam once again. Since it was useful, Lex bought the item.

It took nearly a minute for another Powell to burst through the door, holding a small spatial ring containing all the items Lex bought. He transferred everything into his own bangle, then immediately left.

Once he returned to the Inn, Lex did not immediately head for the teleportation formation that would take him to the battlefield. No, instead he headed towards the museum where Lex procured every missile he had collected from the dragon\'s hoard.

Pel had previously described the use of each of the missiles to him, so this time he would not be caught unprepared when he used them. In total, Lex stored 43 such missiles. Each one had the potential to kill an Earth immortal, with some of the stronger ones even capable of injuring a Heavenly immortal. If they didn\'t reach at least such a level, they would not have been worth being added to the dragons collection. Though, ultimately, to the dragon, they were only trinkets to be collected. After all, as an authentic Heavenly immortal, each one of the dragon\'s attacks was more powerful than those rockets.

With the weapons taken,he looked up towards the massive ship. It would be so much easier if he could take that out of the Inn. But, since he couldn\'t for now, he would make do.

With his Host Attire still equipped, Lex looked for the only other member of the Inn who would be accompanying him.

"Cirk, stop whatever you\'re doing. There\'s a mission that requires your skills."

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