
Chapter 55 - 55 New Insights_1

Several hosts who were familiar with Wang began to live stream the game scenes and shared the game download link, inviting new players to join the battle.

A simple map was drawn up, and once in the game, players could determine their location based on the surrounding terrain, and then get in touch with other locals, after which they could choose different tasks to perform.

Of course, it’s alright not to join any organization, but then you111 miss out on something really cool.

Because, we are getting ready to fight UFOs.

With stones!

Seeing the players seriously preparing to attack the UFOs, Fang Cheng’s emotions fluctuated a bit.

What the heck are you guys doing?

What on earth happened during the time I was contemplating?

Confused, he asked his question, and Fang Cheng saw someone lay out the causes and effects before heading to the players’ strategy site to learn about the “UFO incident.”

After reading it, Fang Cheng finally understood what the silver shuttle was, and then he crossed the black hole to the Spirit Grass Planet.

Compared with before his seclusion, this place had completely changed.

The number of players on the planet had grown to thirty thousand, and under the command of various leaders, they began to build roads, erect platforms, and construct artillery positions in preparation for a fierce battle with the UFOs.

Because Fang Cheng initially intended only for players to farm, he hadn’t set up a complicated Refinement system, simply introducing some tool manufacturing systems.

However, the Spirit Grass here contained strong plasticity, which the players fully exploited to start making various simple weapons.

After a quick assessment, Fang Cheng realized the level of weaponry here had basically developed to the early stages of firearms. The emergence of black powder meant their weapons could reach hundreds of meters into the sky, perfect for hitting the flying shuttles.

The players even found a way to grow parts for matchlock guns using Spirit Grass, although it was a pity that these guns were single-use and would be scrapped after a few uses due to high temperatures.

But with the help of the Time Stone, they could cultivate matchlock guns in large quantities and prepare to fight against the shuttles.

Concealing his presence, Fang Cheng watched these bustling players, feeling their emotions, and found they were even more excited than before.

A plain farming game had been turned into a war game by them, and they were even happier about it.

Looking at the busy players below helplessly, Fang Cheng thought the concept of video games was indeed mysterious.

A minor random element could completely transform the way a game was played, and different themes could blend to produce an effect where the whole was greater than the sum of its parts.

After watching them for a while, Fang Cheng finally made a decision.

Blend in with them and understand their thoughts.

First, he tagged the departing shuttle, then Fang Cheng prepared to control a game character to join the players and play with them.

This process was similar to “joining the mundane” in cultivation, integrating oneself as a character to attempt to understand why they found this process fun.

So, Fang Cheng simply created a character, turned on Wang Say Games’ live stream, and entered the game, approaching a nearby player’s stronghold.

As soon as he arrived, a player ran over and threw a set of clothes grown from Spirit Grass in front of Fang Cheng.

Afterwards, he threw down several signs, each clumsily inscribed with the names of various hosts.

Understanding the intention, Fang Cheng stood in front of the sign that read “Wang Say Games,” indicating he was in Wang’s live room.

Signaling Fang Cheng to put on the clothes, someone immediately said in the live room, “Is the newplayer who just arrived here? ‘Plant Grass’ hasn’t got a chat system, so we communicate here. Since the game has no naming system, we use the style of clothing to distinguish each other. From now on, you’re Red Rabbit Beach Shorts, and I’m your guide, please call me Black Silk Bikini.”

Fang Cheng glanced at his game character wearing red rabbit beach shorts and was relieved that at least he looked like a normal person.

Having made contact with Fang Cheng, Black Silk Bikini began a private chat with him.

“We are currently fighting to defend our wealth, a rigorous process because our technological gap is just too vast. However, we can resurrect infinitely, which is our greatest weapon.”

Fang Cheng inwardly noted that it wasn’t infinite resurrection, but rather using his own mana to reestablish a clone.

Black Silk Bikini: [First, what are you good at?]

Fang Cheng: [I’m quite good at planting Spirit Grass.]

Black Silk Bikini: [Okay, go to this website first, take note of the plantation methods for the corresponding Water Pistons parts, and then come back to me.]

After opening the website, Fang Cheng became interested upon reading the introduction about the Water Pistons.

It had to be said, this group of players did have some capabilities.

The various planting methods hidden within the Spirit Grass, they had actually managed to analyze sixty percent of them.

After looking at the other planting methods, Fang Cheng reflected for a moment, then returned to the live stream and told Black Silk Bikini: [I’ve got it, I took note.]

Black Silk Bikini: […It’s only been ten minutes! Players don’t lie to players, you can’t be fooling me.]

[Not at all.]

[Then how much do you know about the four planting methods of the Water Pistons?]

[Actually, there are six. 1’11 tell you about the ones I’ve recorded.]

After reading the message sent by Fang Cheng, Black Silk Bikini was sincerely impressed.

Black Silk Bikini entrusted a piece of land to Fang Cheng and introduced a few players to him, then continued to take new players with her.

With the Time Stone provided by someone, and a continuous supply of water in the channels, Fang Cheng only needed to plant the Water Pistons following certain methods, and the repetitive work made him particularly happy.

Without using spells or Divine Skills, but purely planting Spirit Grass, this monotonous activity gave Fang Cheng great pleasure.

Compared to the joy Fang Cheng found in it, the other players seemed somewhat listless.

Numbly following the requirements to plant the Spirit Grass, they sometimes stared off into the distance.

Following their gaze, Fang Cheng saw a massive warehouse there.

The warehouse was buried underground, with layers of bunkers on the surface. The players’ homemade cannons and catapults were placed here, awaiting the approach of the shuttles.

A large volume of supplies was transported into the warehouse, where they were piled high in a strategic method to make this place a supply concentration point, meant to lure the shuttles and catch them off guard.

After staring at the site for a while, a player said in their private group chat: [I really want to go there and prepare for battle.]

Another player echoed: [Me too.]

[Exactly, it feels like preparing for battle would be interesting.]

Seeing the players’ comments, Fang Cheng asked with curiosity: [Isn’t farming fun?]

[It’s fun, but…]

[You can always farm, but encounters with UFOs are rare. Compared to that, these kinds of unexpected events are more interesting.]

[Plus, fighting UFOs seems like an advanced form of farming, essentially farming is still serving the purpose of preparing for UFO battles.]

[That’s right!]

[Exactly my point!]

Looking at the feedback from the players, Fang Cheng was pensive.

An insight emerged in his mind, making him feel as though he had understood something.

To the players, it seemed, warfare held more allure than peace.

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