
Chapter 467: Do I Know You?

"Hold on a second! I thought the highest level of a METAL fighter was six. Did you just say eighteen?" Wang Tong asked.

Lun Duo looked at Wang Tong like he was looking at an idiot. "Furface, you really did damage your brain, didn\'t you? That was a long time ago."

Unlike Tan Bu, Duo Lun had an angel\'s patience, so he filled Wang Tong up about the developments in the last five years.

After the war, Mastery gradually became an essential factor in the overall strength of a warrior. Therefore, the conventional method of categorizing soldiers based on their METAL combat skill was no longer relevant. Sadly, the new method was created by Patroclus. The evil genius had devised a new system to grade the human fighters that he had forced to work for him. The higher the tier, the better the treatment they would receive.

As for the original categorizing method, Patroclus concluded it with one word: stupid.

Despite the categorizing method\'s origin, it was surprisingly effective. Therefore, human soldiers adopted the method quickly. But till this day, they still refused to acknowledge its shameful origin.

The cultivators were granted one of the three titles based on their levels. From level one to level five—the cannon fodders in Patroclus\'s eyes—were called apprentices. Warriors of level six to ten were called journeyman, and warriors of level eleven to fifteen were called masters. Those who had gained level sixteen and above were all called grand-masters, and their old-time equivalent was mid-level six METAL fighters.

The change was necessary, since the average strength of human fighters had increased significantly, thanks to the constant warfare and struggle for survival. The advancement in humans\' combat ability was a mixed blessing, since it was acquired at the cost of millions of innocent lives.

The cap of the new level system was twenty, equivalent of a would-be Einherjar in the old times. In addition, as more level six fighters started to mix mastery in their cultivation, they found out the unexpected effect of mastery in facilitating them to advance to the level of Einherjar.

Level twenty of the new system was the breaking point: once a fighter advanced into level twenty one, their power would be equal to that of an Einherjar. From there, the magnitude of power would no longer be so easily qualified by levels or tiers.

As the war progressed, the usage of mastery became crucial, and the military\'s focus started to slide from METAL combat toward the use of mastery.

The only level twenty-one mastery cultivator in the human world was Michaux. He had single-handedly defined an entire genre of cultivation. Due to his power, even the Dark Lord Moye hesitated to make a move against him without careful planning.

Wang Tong nodded from time to time as his comrade introduced the new world to him.

Wang Tong suddenly asked, "What about the fighters who are beyond level thirty?"

Lun Duo studied Wang Tong\'s face and shook his head, "Get real, buddy. You are just a technician, don\'t dream about things up in the sky. I have never heard of level thirty before. Even Patroclus was said to have achieved only level twenty-six. At level twenty-six, he is considered the strongest fighter in the world. Sad, but it\'s true."

On the training ground, the METAL and Mastery warriors were divided into two groups, each taking up one side of the facility. Some METAL fighters were practicing fire formations, cover and advance, while the mastery cultivators were shifting and manipulating the natural forces around them.

As a young man walked into the training ground, everyone stopped their routing and saluted with great respect. The young man was Guan Dongyang.

It had been five years since last time Wang Tong met Guan Dongyang. Wang Tong found it hard to connect the mature and imposing leader with the fledgling he met at the tournament. Whether the disconnection was due to Wang Tong\'s receding memory or real changes in the mastery warrior, Wang Tong could not tell. But, one thing Wang Tong knew for sure was that people always changed.

By then, Guan Dongyang had become the idol of many martian soldiers. As a level eighteen mastery fighter, he was among the top ten warriors on Mars. If it were not for him, the Battle Wolf\'s banner would never be recognized across the red globe.

"Boss, how was the meeting?"

"Something is going on inside Maersa. We have decided to delay the attack. Keep on training and wait for my further instructions." Guan Dongyang announced.

Ross scratched his head and lamented, "Balls! What\'s the holdup? We should move out in the night and attack the bugs by surprise."

"Ross, we need to be careful. Zergs are not idiots, and they are much better equipped than us to fight in the darkness. Even if I lead you guys to the city wall, without the other factions\' help, we would only be slaughtered."

Ye Zi nodded in agreement. The resistance forces were too scattered to pose any real threat to the Zergs without joining forces. The lacking centralized authority meant each faction had to fight their own war instead of fighting side by side. Ironically, the different bands of militias were more united when Zergs occupied the territory, and as soon as the Zerg influence was pushed out, the coalition would quickly fall apart.

Despite the chaotic situation on Mars, rumors had it that it was still much better than on the Moon and the Earth.

Although Ross was a stubborn person, as soon as he finished listening to Ye Zi\'s reasoning, he agreed with Guan Dongyang\'s decision very quickly.

"Look there, furface. That is our boss Guan Dongyang! He is the second strongest mastery cultivator, after Michaux."

"Ye Zi, I have heard we have gained a new member, eh?" Guan Dongyang asked. As the pack leader, not only was it his responsibility to greet the new addition, but he also needed to make sure that the new member was not a spy. Five years of bloodshed had taught him many costly but valuable lessons.

"Hey, Furface! Boss is asking for you!"

Seeing that Guan Dongyang was approaching him and Wang Tong, Duo Lun hurried to stand up and saluted.

" Duo Lun, is this our new brother?"

Guan Dongyang approached Wang Tong and extended a welcoming hand to him. Suddenly, Wang Tong was taken over by a rush of memories as he hesitated.

Lun Duo nudged Wang Tong\'s arm and urged, "Furface, what are you doing?"

Wang Tong wrenched his mind out from reverie and shook Guan Dongyang\'s hand.

"Boss, this furface is a genius. He fixed all of our broken suits!" Duo Lun said with a cheery voice. He was kind enough to put in a good word for Wang Tong, so that the latter could give Boss a good first impression.

Guan Dongyang studied the face in front of him. The smooth features suggested that the new member was still young, but the flickering lights in his eyes told Guan Dongyang that he had seen and gone through much more than most people at his age. Guan Dongyang furrowed his brows: the face underneath that thick and unruly beard was eerily familiar.

"Boss, the Thunder Fire and Rock Buster have sent their representatives." A messenger rushed to Guan Dongyang and hurried an announcement.

Guan Dongyang paused for a second and then continued, "Welcome aboard, brother ...furface."

During that brief exchange of words, Guan Dongyang had already probed this \'furface\'s\' soul energy, and was relieved to find out that everything was normal. As a level eighteen mastery warrior, Guan Dongyang could detect not only the inner strength of any individual, but also their intentions.

Duo Lun smiled broadly after hearing Guan Dongyang\'s verbal approval of Wang Tong\'s enlistment.

Ross walked to Wang Tong and patted heavily on his shoulder. "Furface, we need to spar again. Balls! Can\'t believe you made me lost face in front of Ye Zi! Haha! Watch out! I will make you pay back!" After throwing a few banters, Ross followed Guan Dongyang out of the training ground. They had visitors; something was not quite right about the sudden visit of the other factions.

"Furface, what do you specialize at, METAL or Mastery?" Lun Duo asked.

"Neither. Both of them are just so-so." Wang Tong said and rubbed his nose.

"That\'s not good! You need to specialize at one. What do you think about mastery? I have been learning the basics lately. You know, what they said about it was true! It\'s really helpful in cultivation, I can feel it!" Duo Lun said with a smug look on his face. Although he was a METAL fighter, Guan Dongyang had ordered all METAL fighters to learn at least the very basic techniques of mastery, which had proven to be very helpful.

"Come, follow me! I will show you what I have learned" Duo Lun grabbed Wang Tong\'s arm and dragged him to an empty ground.

What Duo Lun had learned was two sets of moves; the first set altered the gravity around the Zergs to hinder their movement, and the second was a direct soul energy attack for the Hybrid Zergs.

Although it was innovative, Wang Tong figured that these tricks would not be enough to guarantee the safety of the METAL fighters.

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