
Chapter 589: Unknown Future (2)

Chapter 589: Unknown Future (2)

I wasn’t in the black world that I had always seen with Yuno Kasugano. What I was seeing was what would happen in the near future.

There were human forces surrounded by dove-like angels, and it fell without resistance when a spear was thrown. I could see a destroyed city, heard continuous screaming, watching a river made of blood as corpses piled up towards the dark red sky.

‘Help… help me.’


‘Oh, God… Have you really abandoned us?’

I had also witnessed those who in the midst of combat.

The angelic forces poured over the walls. The united humanity that was blocking them looked desperate.

The battlefield was filled with indescribable misery.

I had also seen a warrior who had lost one arm continuing to swing his sword while screaming and a soldier, with his two legs cut, enduring the pain and pulling the bowstring. I had been through a lot of wars, but there hadn’t been one that made me frown so much.

‘Mother… mother.’

‘Don’t give up. This is for the continent. Remember that we have families, lights of the continent!’

‘We can’t pass over the continent to monsters wearing angel masks!’

The walls made of magical stones collapsed easily, and those who looked like soldiers of gods overwhelmed the united front. The people of the continent, struck by fear, screamed in pain as I saw the faces of those who knelt and prayed for salvation.

A mother, who intercepted an angel to protect her child, was pierced by its spear. The father charged in out of anger, causing his neck to be sliced in half.

Hell seemed to have been transferred into our world.

The scene made me bite my lips in many ways.

I wasn’t angry at the heartbreaking scene of civilians.

The problem was that District 5, where there were many recent incidents, had collapsed walls, which meant it couldn’t be properly repaired in time.

‘I guess we can see things like this now.’

I quickly realized that Yuno Kasugano’s abilities had also grown explosively.

If my memory was correct, I didn’t see such a scene last time. No, it was the same period, but the results were different. While I remembered it was definitely a little bit tenser, the new future had the forward base collapse and losing ground badly.

Despite the various thoughts in my head, the future that I saw before my eyes continued to progress.

The Blue Guild members and Kim Hyunsung were fighting desperately. Angels surrounded Dialugia, and I was throwing Bomb of Light potions. Jung Hayan and the eight seats of the State were reducing the enemy’s troops by utilizing long-standing explosive magic.

Cha Hee-ra was tearing off the wings of angels while covered in blood.

The situation on the battlefield, which quickly turned into chaos, was very different from what I had pictured. I wanted to show Mikhail the future, but many of the scenes would be helpful to me as well.

‘This… is a bad ending.’

I hadn’t seen it to the end, but the war itself seemed to be irreversible.

Even if it were going smoothly, it would only be a matter of time before humanity was killed one by one by the angels. The members of the Blue Guild, including Park Deokgu, weren’t safe, either.

I tried to concentrate a little more as it might have more information, but Yuno Kasugano’s ability ended when a beautiful angel threw a spear toward someone nearby.



It felt like it was saying that it was all we could see.

‘It ends every time around here.’

It was a shame.

I wondered if there were some more useful information… but, if Kasugano had seen something new, she would have come without me calling her. It wouldn’t be wrong to assume there hadn’t been much progress.

Naturally, I tapped my thighs with my fingers for a moment and became alert.

It was then that an unpleasant sound came from nearby.




The guy who was in front of me had begun to puke.

“Pant… pant… pant… blaargh…blaaaarrgh! Blaaaarrghh…”

“Did you see it?”

‘It doesn’t look like he can speak.’

I meant it literally. His face had already been distorted for quite some time.

I didn’t know if he was crying because of the inner pain or the shock of what he just saw, but it was a spectacle to see him covered with tears and a runny nose.

Even though it had been a while, the way he was constantly vomiting looked really disgusting.

“Blargh… blaaargh… pant… pant… pant… ”

“I have been expecting it, but it seems that you’re more shocked than I thought. I’m curious about your impressions about your glimpse into the future. How was it?”

“Blargh… pant… pant…”

“How was it?”

“Pant… pant…”

“I’m asking how it was.”



“W… What did I just… ugh… I just… ugh… saw…”

“I’m not going to ask you to trust me, Mikhail. Believing it or not is up to you… I don’t want to have to explain everything. You are the fourth person to see this. You can be a little happier. There is no need to cry.”

“What… did I just see…?”

“It isn’t possible to confirm exactly when it’s going to happen, but you can think of it as the future that will happen soon. Personally, I think that we have a little more time left… It might start in one year, two years, or five years. But the clothes and appearance trends hadn’t changed much, so I think we have a maximum of 10 years. The minimum is one year.”

“I can’t… believe it.”

“That’s why I’m telling you that believing it or not is up to you. I’ve shown you everything I can, Mikhail. It was announced that a threat was coming to the continent, and I continued to alert the entire continent about that matter. To the idiots who were drunk on conspiracy theories, it would appear as a plan full of malicious intent to dominate the continent, but how could I have been able to take care of each of those bastards? I’ve done everything I can. Benignore’s advent seems to have been erased from their memory. You didn’t seem to believe it, so I showed you more objective evidence, but it seems like you still don’t believe it.”


“Mikhail, did you think that I really had no goals when I thought of using so much gold to raise the wall and build a forward base? Did you think I invested that amount of money in the Continental Joint Training Center to train an army to go one step further into dictatorship? Nobody’s that crazy in this world.”

“That’s… uughh.”

“I’ve already told you all of that. You can’t even listen to me properly… And there are many people like you. How can I act like a child’s cartoon hero who leaves all the choices to the people? Do you understand what it means to watch everyone dying if I don’t do anything? Do you understand what it means not to want to gamble on any other thing besides this?”

“Even so… no matter how… even so…”

“I know it’s ethically wrong. But what can I do? Sometimes you have to compromise with the world. Have you ever heard of a trolley experiment? I am the one who pulls the lever to save five people by sacrificing one. In our case, we don’t have to sacrifice that one person. We’re not in such a petty little situation. That is the result of the freedom you cried out so much about.”


“It’s better to stay alive even if you live in struggle. It’s better to be a little bit unethical than let everyone die together, isn’t it?”

“Another way… there must have been another way. You… are smart…”

“I’m not. Had I been really smart, I would have found the way you shouted for so much. For reference, put the bullsh*t back in your throat about trusting the people of the continent once more. I’ve already tried it, and I saw something that was more hellish than what you just saw.”



“Why… Why did you show me that?”

“Why do you think I did, Mikhail?”

“I-I’m not sure.”

“Don’t just say that. Think carefully. Why do you think I showed you something like that?”



“You already know the answer.”

“You need my help.”


“I think it’s probably because you need my help. I don’t know exactly what you want, but… you need… my help to stop them… right? That is why… you showed me those scenes. To persuade me, because there is something you need to leave to this poor person… that’s why…”

“That’s the answer I’ve been waiting for.”

“Can I ask…what you’re going to entrust me with? I’m still… I’m still confused, and I don’t understand it properly. I don’t know why you came and tried to convince me, what on earth I can do in such a situation, what is really right… I don’t know what choices I should make. In my heart, I still deny you, but my reason is telling me to follow you. It is telling me to do my best to defend the continent. If… If what I’ve seen is really going to happen in the near future…”

“But that’s not the right answer.”


“It was the answer I’ve been waiting for, but it wasn’t correct either.”

“What… are… you talking about…”

“Pff… Fuhaha.”

“Why are you laughing?”

“Puhhaheheheha. Is there any other reason to laugh other than there’s something funny? Do you think that I showed you all this to ask for help? Did you really think so? Unfortunately, that’s the wrong answer, Mikhail. What would be the reason?”

“Now… what…”

“It’s really nothing. I just wanted to prove you were wrong.”

“What… What?”

“I wanted to let you know that you were wrong, fu… fuhahahaha. That’s why I showed you. Did you think there was a big reason? I was just venting out my anger… Pfff, I mean, I wanted to show a little bit of reality to a dreamy idealist who cried out about his convictions. Puhahaha. That way, I would feel less wronged. Do you know how unpleasant your gaze was?”

“Wow… I knew… but, you… you’re a real bastard… trash.”

‘Jihye, it’s not that.’

“Why would I use you one more time? If it were the world of your dreams, it would go to the flow of ‘I fought once, so I’m a friend.’ Could something like that happen here? I never believe anyone who already betrayed me. A bastard who backstabs once is bound to do it one more time. Puhahaha, what? Entrust you? Do you want to join up with me now to save the continent? You want to come and fight with the light now? You can’t do that, demon helper bastard. “

“A… Asshole…”

“Screw you and spit out the information, because that’s the only way you can contribute to the continent.”

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