
Chapter 19 - 19: Mental Satisfaction

At that moment, Su Wenyue was shrouded in an indescribable sadness, seeing which Han Yu was both puzzled and heartbroken. That strange feeling surged within him again, but with Su Wenyue like this, he had no mind to explore those feelings. He only wanted to comfort his daughter-in-law properly and help her escape from her sorrowful state.

Whats wrong? Standing at the door like a fool, were at your home and you still wont go in. Han Yu hugged Su Wenyue gently and spoke softly.

Su Wenyue shook her head lightly, and as she stared at Master Su and the An Family slowly entering her field of vision, tears fell uncontrollably like rolling pearls.

Dad! Mom! Su Wenyue, confronted with those familiar and affectionate faces, could no longer hold back. Following her hearts desire, she sprinted forward and flung herself into the arms of Master Su and the An Family, crying grievously. Eventually, she burst into loud wails, as if she intended to cry out all the hardships and sorrows of her previous life, along with her longing, catching Master Su and Madam Su completely off guard.

Seeing her daughter in such a state, Madam Su couldnt help but succumb to her own sadness. She embraced her daughter, crying together in what was supposed to be a joyful homecoming. Now, mother and daughter were both in tears, and the concubines daughters, unable to mock this scene, hurried to help Master Su comfort the two.

Listening to his daughters heart-wrenching cries, as though she had endured endless suffering and grievance, Master Sus conviction that marrying her into the Han Family was the right decision started to waver. He speculated whether the Han Family had indeed caused such an enormous mistreatment to his daughter. Otherwise, why would she cry like this? And how could the Han Family dare? If that were the case, he would rather have his daughter divorce and bring her home, than allow her to endure such treatment in the Han Family. As for the Han Family, if they truly had wronged his daughter, he would not let them off easily.

Han Yu found himself bafflingly glared at by Master Su. He was even more puzzled than Master Su and the An Family. What was going on with his daughter-in-law? She had been perfectly fine all the way, even urging him to hurry so they could reach the Su Family sooner. But upon arrival, she had suddenly become like this. If her parents blamed him, it would be a great injustice.

In all honesty, he hadnt been exceptionally good to Su Wenyue these past few days, but he hadnt been bad either. Especially his parents, who, for various reasons, had been very accommodating to their young daughter-in-law.

Besides the first day of their marriage when her sister-in-law and Third Sister-in-law caused her some minor trouble, no one had wronged her since, and she had even claimed her due afterwards. To the unaware, it might appear as su as if Su Wenyue had suffered great injustices at his home, crying as she was now.

My dear child, whats the matter? Dont cry now. Tell your Mother about any grievance youve faced. No matter what your Dad does, I will get justice for you. Whoever dares to bully my precious daughter, I will return it to them twofold. The An Family, with a heart full of sympathy, cooed at her daughter, having glared at Han Yu, then gave Master Su a look, as if to say neither man was worth anything.

Master Su couldnt help but wryly smile. Why would they think he didnt care for his daughter? Yes, daughter, what has upset you to the point that you feel so wronged? Just tell us, and your father will make it right.

It took a while for Su Wenyues emotions to settle, and she wiped her tears feeling somewhat embarrassed. She was too old for this, crying in front of so many people. It wasnt intentional, but controlling an emotional outburst was nearly impossible.

Dad, Mom, I havent been mistreated, I just missed you both and couldnt control my emotions, Su Wenyue said, dabbing her tears away, her eyes swollen and with hiccups.

Really? My dear child, dont lie to your Mother. If its not because the Han Family has bullied you, then why on earth would you cry like this? They havent threatened you to keep quiet, have they? Dont be scared; you have your Dad and Mom here. Speak freely. Although our Su Family may not be nobility, we can still protect our own daughter! The An Family spoke with firm belief, implying that even without Master Sus intervention, her own family wasnt powerless, and dealing with a simple peasant family like the Han Family would be easy.

The affectionate words from her parents warmed Su Wenyues heart, and she felt finally like a child with a father and a mother once more. However, the Han Family truly werent at fault: Mom, I know, Im not lying to you. Nobody in the Han Family has bullied me. Father-in-law and Mother-in-law have both been very kind, and so has Han Yu. Its just me being willful. I wanted to cry a little so you would feel sorry for me.

I tell you, daughter, you scared me to death. When have I, your father, not cared for you? Theres no need for tears like this, almost making me believe the Han Family was not good to you. If that were the case, I would never be at peace in this life. Master Su, though initially adamant about his decision to marry Su Wenyue into the Han Family, still hoped for his daughters happiness.

Su Wenyue knew her father was very principled, unlikely to change easily, yet her tears had prompted a compromise. It seemed her parents loved her more than she had thought. She went over to cling to Master Sus arm.

Dad, dont worry, I know you did it with my best interest at heart, marrying me into the Han Family. I was immature back then. Now I understand your painstaking decision. Dont worry about me, Han Yu is very good to me. Just for todays homecoming, yesterday he went up to the mountains and caught a lot of game to celebrate with you, Dad. Our farmers household doesnt have much else to respect you with, but please dont dismiss it.

How could I? The things my daughter and son-in-law offer are the very best! Master Su replied, his eyes crinkling with happiness, and he then instructed the servants, Well, what are you waiting for? Bring in the bounty my dear daughter and son-in-law have brought. This noon, I want to eat the game my son-in-law personally caught. He really knows me best; Ive been craving this treat!

The Su Family was affluent, and local hunters often brought game to sell, so Master Su was certainly not lacking such a delicacy. His comments were merely to showcase his son-in-law, and Han Yu understood this, feeling appreciated.

The An Family, who cherished her daughter immensely, was now reassured that her daughter was not mistreated. She softened considerably towards her son-in-law, personally going to the kitchen to instruct on how to cook the gamea special tribute from her daughter and son-in-law.

Su Wenyue truly longed to eat. The meals for the past two days were prepared by Mrs. Li. While the cooking wasnt too bad, the dishes lacked oil and salt, tasting bland and insufficient for her palate. Accustomed to better, she struggled to eat, but then hunger set in after mealtime. As the Han Family lived together undivided, she couldnt justifiably ask for special treatment, and with no place to buy food in the village, her hunger would only be endured. Now at home, she could no longer contain herself and clamored to the An Family for food..

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