
Chapter 92: Muscle Relaxation Talisman 2.0 Edition

The matter with Lanye had come to a temporary close.

Jiang Cheng re-prioritized his preparation for the Lotus University freshman examination as the first item on his to-do list.

Consistent with Jiang Cheng’s preference for a steady approach, he usually liked to assume various possibilities that could arise in the examination and design corresponding countermeasures.

Simply put, Jiang Cheng was about to face five rounds of questions at Lotus University, and he planned to design fifteen talismans to have ready for any eventuality.

For each round of questions, there would be one main talisman, one backup, and one trump card.

Before the examination, he would select the most suitable talisman to bring with him to the examination based on the questions.

However, it was already the end of July, and the Lotus University examination was at the end of September.

Subtracting the time necessarily spent on traveling and other essentials, the timeframe to design the talismans was extremely tight.

If Jiang Cheng truly planned to design fifteen new talismans, it meant that over the next two months, he would need to produce a new talisman every three to four days!

This was practically impossible.

Jiang Cheng was well aware of this, for designing a new talisman every three to four days was even more preposterous than asking for a raise from a stingy boss. Nevertheless, he still intended to aim for the goal of fifteen new talismans.

Even if he ended up not designing fifteen but only ten, it was better than doing nothing right now.

In the Wuyue Residence, Jiang Cheng sat at a desk and drank down the glass of clear water passed to him by Liu Qing.

The Lotus University freshman examination consisted of five rounds of questions, corresponding respectively to the five basic inspection logics of “virtue,” “intelligence,” “physicality,” “beauty,” and “labor.”

Jiang Cheng first chose the “virtue” category, which ranked first, to work on his theme-based talisman creation.

Summarizing the records from Yue Linger and “Dialogue with College Students,” Jiang Cheng discovered that the content of the “virtue” category questions generally involved “combat.”

That’s right, “combat.”

Ordinary people might categorize “combat” under the “physicality” category.

After all, combat is related to physical fitness and quality.

Using fighting, dueling, or martial contests to assess a student’s physical quality is very reasonable and appropriate.

But if the examination setters were that simplistic, Jiang Cheng would say their scope was too limited.

Using combat to demonstrate physical quality, who wouldn’t know that?

But what kind of place is Lotus Cloud University?

It’s a key institution of the Immortal Sect!

If the standard of a key Immortal Sect institution is just to straightforwardly tell you: have a fight, I’ll see whose body is in better shape,

Then Jiang Cheng would rather not attend such a university. With standards so low, attending would be a waste of time.

Therefore, the underlying logic of a “combat” category question definitely cannot be “physical.”

It should be “virtue” instead!

What kind of virtue?

The virtue of Martial Virtue!

Young people are high-spirited and full of blood and vigor, making them prone to impulsiveness.

What they lack most is none other than “Martial Virtue”!

In summary,

Using his “fundamental logic analysis method,” Jiang Cheng easily deduced the design requirement for the talisman— it must manifest Martial Virtue!

With the design requirements in place,

The next problem followed closely behind.

What is “Martial Virtue”? How can “Martial Virtue” be manifested?

The answer is also quite straightforward.

Traditional martial arts value the principle of “stop upon contact.”

“Contact” represents “martial ability,”

“Stopping” represents “virtue.”

In the process of martial contest, you extend your right fist to an opponent’s nose without striking and then smile.

That is an expression of “Martial Virtue.”

In Jiang Cheng’s understanding, Martial Virtue is not so-called “deference,” but rather possessing great strength while still holding fairness and justice in one’s heart, not aiming to defeat the opponent.

It is about demonstrating an undeniable martial force to the opponent, helping them calm down, and creating conditions for a friendly negotiation— that is Jiang Cheng’s understanding of “Martial Virtue.”

Through the analysis of “Martial Virtue,” Jiang Cheng logically materialized the design requirement of the talisman to “manifest Martial Virtue.”

First, the talisman itself needs to display a combat power that the opponent can’t refuse.

Second, the talisman’s function must be precise and controllable, achieving a “just-right” touch. It can’t make the opponent too embarrassed.

Third, the effects of the talisman can help the opponent calm down, creating conditions for negotiation.

Jiang Cheng looked at these design requirements, and the more he looked at them, the more they reminded him of a talisman he had once drawn.

Isn’t this just the Muscle Relaxation Talisman?

The healing effect of the Muscle Relaxation Talisman is very strong, and this type of healing is something that the opponent can’t refuse.

The side effect of the Muscle Relaxation Talisman is that it only works if not activated, because as long as one does not move, it won’t be triggered.

The Muscle Relaxation Talisman can help the opponent stay calm; after all, if they can’t move, all they have left is calmness.

Jiang Cheng’s Muscle Relaxation Talisman perfectly fits all the requirements to “embody Martial Virtue,” the only pity being that, according to the agreement with the Sword Cultivation Academy, he couldn’t draw this talisman for at least two more years.

The ready-made answer can’t be used, which is a bit of a problem.

“It looks like I’ll have to think of another way to achieve a similar effect to the Muscle Relaxation Talisman.”

Jiang Cheng pondered, stroking his chin.

Without any leads for the moment, Jiang Cheng’s thoughts pulled away from deep contemplation.

He noticed that Liu Qing was silently staring at him, so out of curiosity, he asked, “What’s up? Do I have something on my face?”

Liu Qing shook her head.

The reason she was looking at Jiang Cheng was that she had smelled that dangerous scent again.

Her human friend, frail and dangerous, was always very good at thinking.

A troublesome guy.

But Jiang Cheng was very kind to her, so being a bit troublesome was no big deal.

She had a long life and didn’t mind the trouble.

Jiang Cheng silently watched Liu Qing; the inspiration for his last encouragement talisman had come from observing her.

So this time, could he again gain something from her?

As Jiang Cheng watched her, he suddenly remembered something. Liu Qing spent all day on the balcony, and he had been mixing with her for a month, during which he had never seen her go to the bathroom even once.

Do snakes not need to excrete?

Or is it because she’s at the Mahayana Realm that she truly became a “fairy who doesn’t need to use the lavatory”?

Although Jiang Cheng couldn’t understand why Liu Qing didn’t use the bathroom, he suddenly had a new inspiration for drawing talismans!

Jiang Cheng named his newly thought-up talisman, “Muscle Relaxation Talisman 2.0”!

The focus of the new talisman wasn’t on modifying or enhancing the traditional Muscle Relaxation Talisman.

Instead, it was a whole new approach!

That is—reverse relaxation!

The effect of the Muscle Relaxation Talisman lies in controlling all the muscles in the body, including hands, legs, waist, neck, and so on.

Originally, to avoid taking lives, Jiang Cheng deliberately skipped the effect of the Muscle Relaxation Talisman on the cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, and other organ muscles.

But now, Jiang Cheng thought these organ muscles could be put to use.

For example, controlling the smooth muscles of the human respiratory and digestive systems.

If the Muscle Relaxation Talisman stops the muscles to achieve relaxation,

then the Muscle Relaxation Talisman 2.0 makes muscles work faster, completing the task ahead of time, achieving the same goal of muscle relaxation!

Jiang Cheng would like to call it: the Reverse Direction Relaxation!

Anyone who has lived in a dormitory should know, the most rebellious roommate becomes the most agreeable at the moment they are in the toilet without paper.

Even more agreeable than that is when they have diarrhea, and you are firmly occupying the bathroom!

With the “Reverse Direction Relaxation Talisman” that helps the opponent digest food faster,

Jiang Cheng can display his Martial Virtue with ease, confidence, and elegance: giving the opponent a chance to concede early and head to the restroom.

PS: “Book Friend 20221021113651134,” please join the group via the link in the book description on the Qidian APP and contact the group owner to claim your 50 yuan sponsorship fee for Crazy Thursday.

Selection Reason: The principle of the Reverse Direction Relaxation Talisman coincides with the “Unblock Talisman” imagined by the book friend, which “accelerates intestinal peristalsis.”

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