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Chapter 355: The skirt is beautiful (Added when last week’s recommendation votes exceeded 50,000)

Just now, Bella Foster’s gaze towards her was somewhat strange.

Although she had only met Bella Foster twice, the impression each time was very bad. In Bella’s eyes, there was always a strong disdain and disgust, but just now, she was smiling, her eyes lingering, faintly revealing the excitement of waiting for a good show.

This made Purple Summers cautious.

“Maybe I’m just overthinking it,” Purple thought.

Firstly, she didn’t think she had offended Bella Foster; secondly, today’s event was someone else’s engagement party, and making a scene would be equivalent to causing trouble. Bella should have some sense of propriety.

Theoretically this was true, but as people’s hearts were hard to fathom, Purple thought of Jade Carlson – had she ever offended Jade? Didn’t Jade still hate her to the bone?

With her guard up in her heart, Purple Summers walked calmly into the banquet hall.

The hall was extravagantly decorated, with romantic, cheerful music wafting around, and gentlemen and ladies mingling, lively and bustling.

It was warm inside, and Purple took off her coat and handed it to an attendant as soon as she entered.

Underneath, she was wearing a light blue long evening gown, with a lace rose pattern covering the entire skirt. As she walked, the hem rippled like waves, creating a poetic sense of romance.

This dress was stunning, and it deftly avoided the white and pink outfits of the engaged couple. As soon as she appeared in the banquet hall, she immediately attracted several admiring glances.

Jane McCain saw Purple from afar, walking over and waving to her, “Purple!”

As she approached, Jane looked Purple up and down, her eyes shining, “Purple, you’re so beautiful today!”

“Save that compliment for the bride-to-be,” Purple laughed.

“Come on, let’s sit over there, several of our classmates are here.” Jane held her hand, walking warmly together.

Yolanda Summers watched Purple walk away, feeling unbalanced in her heart: “It’s because she scammed money from my father that she could study at Grey! Now that she’s made a few friends, she doesn’t regard the Summers Family in her eyes!”

Yolanda thought about how if Laura Summers could attend the banquet, she could also sit with the rich children from Grey. But Laura went insane and couldn’t be seen. Why did Laura go insane? It was because Purple caused her to drop out of school, and the stress made her go crazy!

Yolanda’s hatred for Purple grew even more.

Purple and Jane sat at a table, surrounded by their peers, mostly students from Grey. The young people easily got along.

After chatting for a while, for some reason, Jane strongly insisted that Purple go meet her mother.

She excitedly took Purple’s hand and introduced her, “Mom, this is Purple Summers, isn’t she beautiful?”

Purple found it amusing, what was with Jane today? She kept praising her beauty.

Mrs. McCain smiled and glanced at Purple, flicked Jane’s forehead, and said, “You little mischief-maker.”

Purple was a bit puzzled.

At this point, Jane burst out laughing, “Purple, the dress you’re wearing was designed by my mom!”

Surprised, Purple couldn’t help but smile, “Really? This is my favorite dress. I never expected it to be your design!”

Purple’s praise was sincere and heartfelt, which made Mrs. McCain very happy. She laughed and said, “You look very beautiful in the dress, even more beautiful than Janie.”

“Mom!” Jane cried out in embarrassment.

As the designer’s daughter, she often helped her mother try on various outfits in order to improve them further.

After a round of laughter, someone came over to toast the famous designer, and Jane led Purple away.

Mrs. McCain watched the two girls walk away, deep in thought.

She had designed the dress, and there were only two made: one white called “Snow Bud” and one blue called “Water Flower.” The white one was purchased by a countess in the United Kingdom, while the blue one was bought by the Howards in Wheatley.

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