
Chapter 372 - 349: Lu You is so busy! (First update)

Even if he went all out, his strongest attack could only match a practitioner in the Tribulation Crossing Period blow for blow. With his Spirit Soul wounded, he couldn’t kill a practitioner in the Tribulation Crossing Period now.

As for putting his life on the line… Maybe he could get the job done, but why risk his life when he could just run? Besides, you couldn’t call this running away, could you? Wasn’t this what scholars did?

This was called strategic retreat. Machiavellian tactics!

“Sorry, I’m actually Yang Zhen!”

Yang Zhen laughed heartily as he raced away, his spurt of speed sending the Shameless Cat and Lecherous Chicken tumbling around on his back, making them feel like they were about to vomit.

Another practitioner who was racing even faster than Yang Zhen snorted when he heard Yang Zhen’s words. “Hmph, if you were Yang Zhen, I’d have smacked you dead long ago. Young man, you should focus on your own cultivation instead of idolizing your peers. Believe in yourself. Don’t aspire to be the next Yang Zhen, instead, strive to be the first you!”

Yang Zhen responded with surprise and asked respectfully, “Sir, what do you


The man returned the greeting in surprise as well, “You figured it out! I’m the founder of the Immortal Cultivation Training Convention!”

“I thought so, pleased to meet you!” Yang Zhen was utterly astonished.

Damn, no wonder this old man seemed like a successful person and spoke with the authority of a teacher. He was a pioneering figure in the realm of cultivation, the one who led the way for training classes.

Hearing the words of respect, the founder laughed heartily; he was obviously very pleased. He said: “If you ever encounter any problems in your cultivation that your mentors in your sect cannot solve, you can come to us. We’ll solve the problem first and take the payment later!”

Yang Zhen smiled and replied politely: “I will definitely keep that in mind. How

is business at the cultivation training conference?”

The old man hesitated, revealing a somewhat embarrassed expression. He sighed and said: “To be honest, the reason I’m here is to look for a few practitioners who have made some mistakes in their cultivation… but my efforts haven’t been very successful!”

-Why?” Yang Zhen asked curiously, even the Shameless Cat and Lecherous Chicken on his shoulder were curiously gazing at the old man.

The old man said angrily: “These people have clearly made errors in their cultivation, but they do not trust my judgment. It’s truly… It’s truly…” -Truly blind!” Yang Zhen angrily retorted, gleefully encouraging the old man. “Don’t be discouraged. As the pioneer of training classes, how can you pave the way for the dream to flourish without a few setbacks? As the saying goes, ‘great responsibility will be bestowed only upon those…\'”

Yang Zhen proceeded to give the old man a pep talk. The old man was stunned and deeply moved. “Young man, your talent is exactly what I need. Can you give me a hand? I’ll give you five… no, ten thousand crystal stones every month!” Whoa, Yang Zhen’s eyes widened. This old man was rich! With his powerful cultivation, he was definitely a valuable customer. But now, Yang Zhen had decided to turn over a new leaf. After a moment’s hesitation, he said: “How about twenty thousand per month?”

“You!” The old man huffed, “That’s too much! I only earn fifty thousand per month, how can give you half of it?”

Yang Zhen didn’t bother about the old man’s terrible math skills. It’s not a big deal, math was not his strong suit either.

“How about this, Sao Saint has an idea for you. Believe it or not, it can increase your business tenfold,” He offered.

The old man calculated with his fingers. Tenfold meant five hundred thousand. He was startled by the figure, then rolled his eyes and said, “I’ll be damned if I believe you!”

Yang Zhen glared at the old man and said: “Damn it, old man! When this genius comes up with an idea, you damn well better believe it! If Sao Saint can increase your revenue by tenfold, will you give me half?

“Kid, don’t try to scam me. I was scamming people when you weren’t even born yet!”

“Old man, just answer quickly. Do you dare to bet?

“Kid, it’s on!”

If he couldn’t increase it by tenfold, ninefold should work, too.

That crafty old man was no good. The look in his eyes told Yang Zhen all he needed to know about his intentions. As he’d suspected, not a single entrepreneur was to be trusted-each one a con artist through and through. Not that that was surprising because otherwise, they’d be like a shaved sheep entering a pack of wolves.

Who could resist such a tempting treat, though?

Yang Zhen, grinning, said to the old man, “Lean in, old man!”

And so it went.

When Yang Zhen suggested his plan to the old man, the latter’s eyes lit up, almost rivaling a light bulb in brightness. Pointing at Yang Zhen, he exclaime , ■’I can’t believe it, young man. You’re such a clever and crafty little devil.”

“Just say whether the plan works or not!

“Absolutely, it’s more than just feasible. It can yield not only ten times, but potentially even a hundred times returns if executed properly. By the way, I’m the Wandering Lu You. What’s your name, young one? Where should I find you. This venture has massive potential.”

Yang Zhen was taken aback. Damn, the old man’s name wasn’t a small one, the Wandering Lu You. Interesting. He waved his hand and chuckled, “I’m just a nobody in this vast world, but it seems we’re fated to meet. As the saying goes, people destined to meet will do so, even from miles apart. Once our destinies converge, I will naturally appear by your side…”

At this point, Yang Zhen burst into laughter, and with a speed as quick as a flash, he left a carefree silhouette behind, waving his hands, “As for my name, I don’t change it wherever I go. It’s Yang Bailao!”

“Yang Bailao!” Wandering Lu You laughed while stroking his beard, “This friend Yang Bailao is a talent. However, his velocity is way too fast, he’s absolutely a genius!”

The Wandering Lu You was amazed by Yang Zhen. The sly cat and cunning chicken stared at Yang Zhen, poised to speak but holding back. Finally, they couldn’t hold back anymore and said to Yang Zhen, “Kid, are you scamming people again?”

“Damn, how is that scamming people?” Yang Zhen slapped back, “Do you know a good idea can save a teetering-on-the-edge company?”

-What’s a company?” The sly cat looked confused but then excitedly asked, ■■Nevermind, I’m not curious about that. What’s the good idea you gave him. Why do you look so smug?”

Yang Zhen coughed lightly, “Damn it, could it be that my acting skills have dulled?”

This won’t do!

Yang Zhen looked at the sly cat and cunning chicken. Seeing four curious eyes staring at him, he maliciously said, “I just explained to Wandering Lu You the concept of the celebrity effect.”

“Celebrity effect?” The sly cat was puzzled, “What is the celebrity effect? -To put it simply,” Yang Zhen snickered, “it means advertising, or in other words, spreading the news wide and far. What do you think would have people think if the peerless and extraordinary Yang Zhen came from the Immortal Cultivation Session?”

“Damn!” The sly cat jumped up three feet high, shocked, “With thousands of people wanting to pick a bone with you, you’re actually scheming an old man.” Yang Zhen shrugged, “That’s not necessarily scheming. He has to convince people to believe him.”

“That’s true,” the sneaky cat nodded.

Yang Zhen grinned, “So, I told him about my Spirit Soul injury and a harmless little secret. Had him spread the word that I’m now convalescing at the Immortal Cultivation Session. Now, do you believe people will fall for it?” “Damn!” The sly cat was speechless, “That old man will be scammed to death by you.”

“It’s better to scam him than to scam Ink Pool Peak. Otherwise, Ink Pool Peak would definitely be besieged. Also, you can’t venture into business without paying tuition,” Yang Zhen argued.

“Damn, you’re brutal, what now?”

“Of course, I’m going to recover my Spirit Soul, you idiot!” Yang Zhen burst out, “Otherwise, what am I? Spirit Soul-less?”

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