
Chapter 35

Translator: 549690339

Laine casually created a different kind of Goddess of Beauty and didn’t take it to heart.

In later generations, Keto actually didn’t have much presence, only her monstrous offspring appeared in the epics of humans to highlight the great achievements of the demigod ‘heroes’.

As a monster herself, compared to the King of All Monsters, Typhon, she wasn’t even a match for one of Typhon’s many children.

However, now, as the goddess Keto, perhaps she may leave some new traces in the history of Chaos.

Seven hundred years had passed since the birth of Metis and the rebirth of Keto.

The world doesn’t revolve around one person. Despite Laine living a secluded life for seven hundred years, it didn’t affect the increasing prosperity of the world of Chaos at all.

A hundred years after returning to the Spirit Realm, a bright Moon once again hung in the sky of Chaos, which had been dim for nine hundred years. That was Selene, the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, the Moon goddess.

This powerful goddess, which should have been in her original trajectory, seemed particularly weak since she had lost all concepts related to the “Moon”. Her limit was the realm of weak divine power, and she could be thankful that the Moon was the largest luminary in the night sky.

This matter greatly annoyed Hyperion, he had suppressed his own son because the Sun could not be divided, but his daughter Selene should have been his best assistant in ruling the stars. Instead, she turned out to be a great disappointment.

Because of this, Hyperion hesitated for a long time, but he ultimately went to the Underworld. After all, in his view, as long as he did not seek a prophecy from Laine and let himself be caught in the web of fate, the so-called God of Spirit was nothing to fear.

The Twin Gods of the Dark Night who had once retreated were probably entangled by the same mistake of the two generations of Divine Kings, because they were restrained by prophecy.

Therefore, Hyperion searched throughout the Underworld. He tried to find Laine to have him return the concept of the “Moon”. The God of the Sun was unwilling to trouble himself for a sister he was not close to, but it was different for a daughter who held the promise of becoming a powerful deity.

However, facing Hyperion’s actions, Laine simply couldn’t be bothered, and so after several years of searching, the God of Sun could only release his power in frustration around the Nether Moon, unable to touch the light body that seemed so close at hand.

Having returned without success, Hyperion then approached Cronus. He assumed that it was only because of the Divine King’s edict that Laine was able to take away Selene’s power and that if Cronus revoked that order, the concept of the Moon would return to its rightful owner.

But Cronus decisively refused. Not to mention that the previous matter regarding the ‘Moon’ was a vow he had made about the world. Even if it was not, he would not show a friendly face to this brother who had always been unpleasant.

Moreover, Cronus knew very clearly what others did not. Referring to his own origin of time and space, he knew that the concept of the “Moon” before it came together might indeed have been under Laine’s control due to the authority of the Divine King; but afterwards, it was likely a one-way journey.

So, to cover up the true nature of his own origin’s deficit, Cronus was even less likely to agree to such an impudent request.

Repeatedly rejected, Hyperion flew into a rage, but sensing the Divine King’s increasingly powerful aura, he felt somewhat helpless. In the end, he had no choice but to return to the Sky, venting his anger on those around him.

During that period, the Sun in the sky capriciously released its power, causing the temperature of the entire world to rise. Fortunately, at that time, the earth was mostly inhabited by deities, so it didn’t cause any disaster. However, because of this incident, the third generation of deities in Chaos also came to realize that in the Underworld, there was an ancient god who controlled the Nether Moon and Spirit, who rarely ventured out.

After a few more years, Astraeus and Eos were born successively. The former was the child of the God of Meteorology and the powerful Sea God Eurybia, the God of the Stars. The latter was Hyperion’s second daughter, the Goddess of Dawn.

Unlike the records in mythology, there was no violent drama this time. Or rather, Laine never really believed that part of the mythology had much authenticity. Rumors said that Eos, cursed by the Goddess of Love and Beauty, could only fall in love with mortals, but given her later behavior, she didn’t seem like any kind of prudish goddess.

So, just over a hundred years later, these two new gods came together spontaneously. They gave birth to the four Wind Gods as well as numerous Star Gods, most of whom were quasi-gods without godhood.

Among the Star Gods, there was only one exception, she was Astraea, the Star of Justice, the Goddess of Purity. Although not very powerful, as a bona fide True God, she was seen as a leader by all the Star Gods.

The Wind Gods, the Anemoi, were much more powerful; they tore off parts of godhood from their own grandfather, the God of Meteorology, representing the winds of the four directions.

They were Boreas, the God of the North Wind; Notus, the God of the South Wind; Eurus, the God of the East Wind; and Zephyrus, the God of the West Wind. With their birth, the air currents of Chaos became more variable.

At the same time, on the earth and in the ocean, the Meliae, Three Birch Tree Goddesses, and the Three Furies, the Goddesses of Vengeance, were successively born.

They were the transformation of the Divine Blood left by Uranus, the former called the Meliae, and the latter called the Erinyes.

Perhaps because the dangerous Keto of the sea had drunk the Divine Blood before the Furies were born, they regarded Keto as their eldest sister and stayed in the ocean with her.

The Three Birch Tree Goddesses came to Mount Othrys to meet the Divine King and were taken under the wing of Rhea, who had become the Queen of Gods.

Elsewhere, on the Mount of the Gods, Iapetus also had his own Divine Child. With the daughter of the Ocean Deity Sovereign, his own niece Clymene, he successively fathered three deities, all of whom were well-known in later generations.

The first God of Strength, later the bearer of the heavens, Atlas. The creator of Bronze Humanity, the forethought Fire Thief Prometheus, and the afterthought simpleton Epimetheus.

Unlike his weaker brethren, from the day of his birth, Atlas showed extraordinary Divine Power and possessed the potential to become a great force.

For this, the Ocean Deity Sovereign personally congratulated his nephew/grandson’s birth and blessed him to never be invaded by the ocean.

Of course, while his own brothers were striving hard, the prolific Oceanus was also busy.

Over seven hundred years, thousands of children were born into the Chaos World, and rivers and lakes started to spread across the earth.

Most were territorial gods, but there were still several True Gods among them. They were Eurynome, the water-meadow deity; Perse, the boiling water goddess; Pronoia, the Goddess of Foresight; Doris, the gentle goddess; and Philyra, the healing goddess.

As the number of children increased, the tension between Pontus and Oceanus intensified. Their offspring had fought a few battles at sea, but with no significant outcomes.

But anyone with clear sight could see that if not for concern over the Divine King on Mount Othrys, perhaps these two Sea Gods would have long since gone to war.

Besides, during the birth of the many deities, something happened that puzzled the gods.

It was roughly a thousand years after Cronus took the throne, when many Mountain Gods and River Gods noticed a verdant light flying out from underground, heading towards the abode of Mother Earth beside the East Sea.

After that, the ground of Chaos Terrain inexplicably trembled for three years. It was Mother Earth’s anger, but there were no further developments.

Later, Divine King Cronus came to visit Mother Earth to borrow the Life Vase, but returned empty-handed. It was not until the Goddess of Justice, the Queen of Gods Rhea, accompanied him that they obtained what they sought.

However, to the disappointment of the three Titan deities, as the origin of life of Chaos, the Life Vase indeed could create living beings, but none of them possessed consciousness.

With no other choice, Themis had to give up the idea of creating life for the time being and continue with her preparations.

So, hundreds of years passed by, and after fifteen hundred years of preparation, the preparations came to an end. It was on this day that the Goddess of Justice and Law finally stood atop Mount Othrys, beginning to enact laws for the present world.

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